How to use the @ionic/utils-fs.writeFile function in @ionic/utils-fs

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few @ionic/utils-fs examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

Secure your code as it's written. Use Snyk Code to scan source code in minutes - no build needed - and fix issues immediately.

github ionic-team / ionic-cli / packages / ionic / src / commands / ssh / use.ts View on Github external

      const confirm = await this.env.prompt({
        type: 'confirm',
        name: 'confirm',
        message: `May we make the above change(s) to '${prettyPath(sshConfigPath)}'?`,

      if (!confirm) {
        // TODO: link to docs about manual git setup
        throw new FatalException();

    await writeFile(sshConfigPath, text2, { encoding: 'utf8', mode: 0o600 });

    this.env.log.ok(`Your active Ionic SSH key has been set to ${strong(keyPath)}!`);
github ionic-team / cordova-res / src / config.ts View on Github external
export async function write(path: string, doc: et.ElementTree): Promise {
  // Cordova hard codes an indentation of 4 spaces, so we'll follow.
  const contents = doc.write({ indent: 4 });

  await writeFile(path, contents, 'utf8');
github ionic-team / ionic-cli / packages / cli-scripts / src / docs / index.ts View on Github external
for (const projectType of projectTypes) {
      // TODO: possible to do this without a physical directory?
      const ctx = { ...baseCtx, execPath: path.resolve(PROJECTS_DIRECTORY, projectType) };
      const executor = await loadExecutor(ctx, []);

      const location = await executor.namespace.locate([]);
      const formatter = new NamespaceSchemaHelpFormatter({ location, namespace: executor.namespace });
      const formatted = await formatter.serialize();
      const projectJson = { type: projectType, ...formatted };

      // TODO: `serialize()` from base formatter isn't typed properly
      projectJson.commands = await Promise.all( cmd => this.extractCommand(cmd as CommandHelpSchema)));
      projectJson.commands.sort((a, b) => strcmp(,;

      await writeFile(path.resolve(STAGING_DIRECTORY, `${projectType}.json`), JSON.stringify(projectJson, undefined, 2) + '\n', { encoding: 'utf8' });

github ionic-team / ionic-cli / packages / ionic / src / lib / integrations / cordova / config.ts View on Github external
async save(): Promise {
    if (!this.saving) {
      this.saving = true;
      await writeFile(this.configXmlPath, this.write(), { encoding: 'utf8' });
      this.saving = false;
github ionic-team / cordova-res / src / image.ts View on Github external
export async function generateImage(image: ImageSchema, src: Sharp, metadata: Metadata, errstream?: NodeJS.WritableStream): Promise {
  debug('Generating %o (%ox%o)', image.src, image.width, image.height);

  if (image.format === Format.NONE) {

  if (errstream) {
    if (metadata.format !== image.format) {
      errstream.write(`WARN: Must perform conversion from ${metadata.format} to png.\n`);

  const pipeline = applyFormatConversion(image.format, transformImage(image, src));

  await writeFile(image.src, await pipeline.toBuffer());
github ionic-team / native-run / src / utils / ini.ts View on Github external
export async function writeINI(p: string, o: T): Promise {
  const ini = await import ('ini');
  const contents = ini.encode(o);

  await writeFile(p, contents, { encoding: 'utf8' });
github ionic-team / ionic-cli / packages / ionic / src / commands / deploy / manifest.ts View on Github external
async run(): Promise {
    if (!this.project) {
      throw new FatalException(`Cannot run ${input('ionic deploy manifest')} outside a project directory.`);
    await this.requireNativeIntegration();

    const buildDir = await this.project.getDistDir();
    const manifest = await this.getFilesAndSizesAndHashesForGlobPattern(buildDir);

    const manifestPath = path.resolve(buildDir, 'pro-manifest.json');
    await writeFile(manifestPath, JSON.stringify(manifest, undefined, 2), { encoding: 'utf8' });
    this.env.log.ok(`Appflow Deploy manifest written to ${input(prettyPath(manifestPath))}!`);
github ionic-team / ionic-cli / packages / ionic / src / commands / ssl / generate.ts View on Github external
default_bits       = ${bits}
distinguished_name = req_distinguished_name

countryName                = ${countryName}
stateOrProvinceName        = ${stateOrProvinceName}
localityName               = ${localityName}
organizationName           = ${organizationName}
commonName                 = ${commonName}


    const p = tmpfilepath('ionic-ssl');
    await writeFile(p, cnf, { encoding: 'utf8' });
    return p;
github ionic-team / ionic-cli / packages / ionic / src / lib / integrations / enterprise / index.ts View on Github external
const newScope = `${scope}:registry=${url}\n`;
      const newUrl = `${urlNoProt}:_authToken=${pk}\n`;

      if (npmrc.match(scopeRegex)) {
        npmrc = npmrc.replace(scopeRegex, newScope);
      } else {
        npmrc += newScope;

      if (npmrc.match(urlRegex)) {
        npmrc = npmrc.replace(urlRegex, newUrl);
      } else {
        npmrc += newUrl;
    await writeFile(path.join(, `.npmrc`), npmrc, { encoding: 'utf8' });