Secure your code as it's written. Use Snyk Code to scan source code in minutes - no build needed - and fix issues immediately.
sourcemapsExist = await pathExists(sourcemapsDir);
if (sourcemapsExist) {
this.env.log.msg(`Using existing sourcemaps in ${strong(prettyPath(sourcemapsDir))}`);
} else { // TODO: this is hard-coded for ionic-angular, make it work for all project types
throw new FatalException(
`Cannot find directory: ${strong(prettyPath(sourcemapsDir))}.\n` +
`Make sure you have the latest ${strong('@ionic/app-scripts')}. Then, re-run this command.`
let count = 0;
const tasks = this.createTaskChain();
const syncTask ='Syncing sourcemaps');
const sourcemapFiles = (await readdirSafe(sourcemapsDir)).filter(f => f.endsWith(''));
debug(`Found ${sourcemapFiles.length} sourcemap files: ${ => strong(f)).join(', ')}`);
await Promise.all( f => {
await this.syncSourcemap(path.resolve(sourcemapsDir, f), snapshotId, appVersion, commitHash, appflowId, token);
count += 1;
syncTask.msg = `Syncing sourcemaps: ${strong(`${count} / ${sourcemapFiles.length}`)}`;
syncTask.msg = `Syncing sourcemaps: ${strong(`${sourcemapFiles.length} / ${sourcemapFiles.length}`)}`;
const details = columnar([
['App ID', strong(appflowId)],
['Version', strong(appVersion)],
['Package ID', strong(],
['Snapshot ID', snapshotId ? strong(snapshotId) : weak('not set')],
export async function getSourceImages(projectDir: string, buildPlatforms: string[], resourceTypes: string[]): Promise {
const resourceDir = path.resolve(projectDir, 'resources'); // TODO: hard-coded
const srcDirList = buildPlatforms
.map(platform => ({ platform, path: path.resolve(resourceDir, platform) }))
.concat({ platform: 'global', path: resourceDir });
const sourceImages: SourceImage[] = [];
for (const srcImgDir of srcDirList) {
const srcImageDirContents = await readdirSafe(srcImgDir.path);
for (const srcImage of srcImageDirContents) {
const ext = path.extname(srcImage);
const resType = path.basename(srcImage, ext);
if (SUPPORTED_SOURCE_EXTENSIONS.includes(ext) && resourceTypes.includes(resType)) {
platform: srcImgDir.platform,
path: path.join(srcImgDir.path, srcImage),
vector: false,
height: 0,
width: 0,
}`Downloading integration ${input(}`);
const tmpdir = path.resolve(os.tmpdir(), `ionic-integration-${}`);
// TODO: etag
if (await pathExists(tmpdir)) {
await remove(tmpdir);
await mkdirp(tmpdir);
const ws = tar.extract({ cwd: tmpdir });
const { req } = await createRequest('GET', this.archiveUrl, this.e.config.getHTTPConfig());
await download(req, ws, {});
const contents = await readdirSafe(tmpdir);
const blacklist: string[] = [];
debug(`Integration files downloaded to ${strong(tmpdir)} (files: ${ => strong(f)).join(', ')})`);
for (const f of contents) {
const projectf = path.resolve(, f);
try {
const stats = await stat(projectf);
const overwrite = await conflictHandler(projectf, stats);
if (!overwrite) {
} catch (e) {
if (e.code !== 'ENOENT') {
export async function getPlatforms(projectDir: string): Promise {
const platformsDir = path.resolve(projectDir, 'platforms');
const contents = await readdirSafe(platformsDir);
const platforms = await filter(contents, async file => {
const stat = await statSafe(path.join(platformsDir, file));
return !file.startsWith('.') && typeof stat !== 'undefined' && stat.isDirectory();
return platforms;