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create(options: FlurryAnalyticsOptions): FlurryAnalyticsObject {
let instance: any;
if (
) === true
) {
instance = new (window as any).FlurryAnalytics(options);
return new FlurryAnalyticsObject(instance);
static computeOffsetOrigin(to: ILatLng, distance: number, heading: number): LatLng {
if (checkAvailability(GoogleMaps.getPluginRef(), null, GoogleMaps.getPluginName()) === false) {
throw new Error('cordova-plugin-googlemaps is not ready. Please use platform.ready() before accessing this method.');
return GoogleMaps.getPlugin().geometry.spherical.computeOffsetOrigin(to, distance, heading);
static encodePath(path: ILatLng[] | BaseArrayClass): string {
if (checkAvailability(GoogleMaps.getPluginRef(), null, GoogleMaps.getPluginName()) === false) {
throw new Error('cordova-plugin-googlemaps is not ready. Please use platform.ready() before accessing this method.');
return GoogleMaps.getPlugin().geometry.encoding.encodePath(path);
static isLocationOnEdge(location: ILatLng, path: ILatLng[]): boolean {
if (checkAvailability(GoogleMaps.getPluginRef(), null, GoogleMaps.getPluginName()) === false) {
throw new Error('cordova-plugin-googlemaps is not ready. Please use platform.ready() before accessing this method.');
return GoogleMaps.getPlugin().geometry.poly.isLocationOnEdge(location, path);
switchMap(() => {
* Native HTTP Cordova plugin doesn't like local requests
const isExternalRequest = checkExternalRequest(req);
if (
isExternalRequest &&
checkAvailability('cordova.plugin.http') === true
) {
return this.cordovaHttpBackend.handle(req);
} else {
return this.fallbackBackend.handle(req);
constructor(title: string, options: LocalNotificationOptions) {
if (
) === true
) {
this._objectInstance = new Notification(title, options);
static getLicenseInfo(): Promise {
if (checkAvailability(GoogleMaps.getPluginRef(), null, GoogleMaps.getPluginName()) === false) {
throw new Error('cordova-plugin-googlemaps is not ready. Please use platform.ready() before accessing this method.');
return getPromise((resolve) => {
GoogleMaps.getPlugin().environment.getLicenseInfo((text: string) => resolve(text));
static computeArea(path: ILatLng[] | BaseArrayClass): number {
if (checkAvailability(GoogleMaps.getPluginRef(), null, GoogleMaps.getPluginName()) === false) {
throw new Error('cordova-plugin-googlemaps is not ready. Please use platform.ready() before accessing this method.');
return GoogleMaps.getPlugin().geometry.spherical.computeLength(path);
static computeHeading(from: ILatLng, to: ILatLng): number {
if (checkAvailability(GoogleMaps.getPluginRef(), null, GoogleMaps.getPluginName()) === false) {
throw new Error('cordova-plugin-googlemaps is not ready. Please use platform.ready() before accessing this method.');
return GoogleMaps.getPlugin().geometry.spherical.computeHeading(from, to);
static create(element: string | HTMLElement | GoogleMapOptions, options?: GoogleMapOptions): GoogleMap {
if (checkAvailability(GoogleMaps.getPluginRef(), null, GoogleMaps.getPluginName()) === true) {
if (element instanceof HTMLElement) {
if (!element.offsetParent) {
throw new Error('Element must be under ');
if (element.getAttribute('__pluginMapId')) {
throw new Error(`${element.tagName}[__pluginMapId='${element.getAttribute('__pluginMapId')}'] has already map.`);
} else if (typeof element === 'object') {
options = element as GoogleMapOptions;
element = null;
const googleMap: GoogleMap = new GoogleMap(element as HTMLElement | string, options);
googleMap.set('_overlays', {});
return googleMap;
} else {
const errorMessage: string[] = [