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pluginName: 'DeviceFeedback',
plugin: 'cordova-plugin-velda-devicefeedback',
pluginRef: 'plugins.deviceFeedback',
repo: '',
platforms: ['Android']
providedIn: 'root'
export class DeviceFeedback extends IonicNativePlugin {
* Provide sound feedback to user, nevertheless respect user's settings and current active device profile as native feedback do.
@Cordova({ sync: true })
acoustic(): void {}
* Provide vibrate feedback to user, nevertheless respect user's tactile feedback setting as native feedback do.
* @param {number} type Specify type of vibration feedback. 0 for long press, 1 for virtual key, or 3 for keyboard tap.
@Cordova({ sync: true })
haptic(type: number): void {}
* Check if haptic and acoustic feedback is enabled by user settings.
* @returns {Promise}
isFeedbackEnabled(): Promise {
pluginName: 'Serial',
plugin: 'cordovarduino',
pluginRef: 'serial',
repo: '',
platforms: ['Android', 'Ubuntu']
export class Serial extends IonicNativePlugin {
* Request permission to connect to a serial device
* @param options {SerialPermissionOptions} Options used to request serial permissions for an unknown device
* @return {Promise} Returns a promise that resolves when permissions are granted
successIndex: 1,
errorIndex: 2
requestPermission(options?: SerialPermissionOptions): Promise { return; }
* Open connection to a serial device
* @param options {SerialOpenOptions} Options used to open serial connection
* @return {Promise} Returns a promise that resolves when the serial connection is opened
open(options: SerialOpenOptions): Promise { return; }
* Write to a serial connection
* Get the type (triggered, scheduled) for the notification.
* @param {number} id The ID of the notification.
getType(id: number): Promise {
* Get all the notification ids
* @returns {Promise>}
getIds(): Promise {
* Get the ids of scheduled notifications
* @returns {Promise} Returns a promise
getScheduledIds(): Promise {
* Get the ids of triggered notifications
* @returns {Promise>}
* Checks if NFC is available to the app. Returns true if the device has NFC capabilities AND if NFC setting is switched on.
* Note: this operation does not require NFC permission in the manifest.
* @returns {Promise}
@Cordova({ platforms: ['Android'] })
isNFCAvailable(): Promise {
* Registers a function to be called when a change in NFC state occurs. Pass in a falsy value to de-register the currently registered function.
* @param {Function} hander callback function to be called when NFC state changes
* @returns {Promise}
platforms: ['Android'],
sync: true
registerNFCStateChangeHandler(handler: Function): void {}
* Checks if the device data roaming setting is enabled.
* @returns {Promise}
@Cordova({ platforms: ['Android'] })
isDataRoamingEnabled(): Promise {
* Checks if the device setting for ADB(debug) is switched on.
updateIsPlaying(isPlaying: boolean): void {}
* Update elapsed time, optionally toggle play/pause:
* @param args {Object}
platforms: ['iOS']
updateElapsed(args: { elapsed: number; isPlaying: boolean }): void {}
* Toggle dismissable:
* @param dismissable {boolean}
updateDismissable(dismissable: boolean): void {}
* @param {string} numberToCall The phone number to call as a string
* @param {boolean} bypassAppChooser Set to true to bypass the app chooser and go directly to dialer
* @return {Promise}
callbackOrder: 'reverse'
callNumber(numberToCall: string, bypassAppChooser: boolean): Promise {
* Check if call feature is available
* @return {Promise}
isCallSupported(): Promise {
@Cordova({ otherPromise: true })
getAuthorizationStatus(): Promise {
* For iOS 8 and above only. The permission model has changed by Apple in iOS 8, making it necessary for apps to
* explicitly request permissions via methods like these:
* <a href="">requestWhenInUseAuthorization</a>
* <a href="">requestAlwaysAuthorization</a>
* If you are using this plugin on Android devices only, you will never have to use this, nor {@code requestAlwaysAuthorization}
* @returns {Promise} Returns a promise that is resolved when the request dialog is shown.
@Cordova({ otherPromise: true })
requestWhenInUseAuthorization(): Promise {
* See the documentation of {@code requestWhenInUseAuthorization} for further details.
* @returns {Promise} Returns a promise which is resolved when the native layer
* shows the request dialog.
@Cordova({ otherPromise: true })
requestAlwaysAuthorization(): Promise {
pluginName: 'AppMinimize',
plugin: 'cordova-plugin-appminimize',
pluginRef: 'plugins.appMinimize',
repo: '',
platforms: ['Android']
export class AppMinimize extends IonicNativePlugin {
* Minimizes the application
* @return {Promise}
minimize(): Promise {
* Show the controller.
* @return {Promise}
showController(): Promise {
* Hide the controller.
* @return {Promise}
hideController(): Promise {
* Update the controller configuration.
* @param {AndroidExoPlayerControllerConfig} controller Configuration of the controller.
* @return {Promise}
setController(controller: AndroidExoPlayerControllerConfig): Promise {
* Close and dispose of player, call before destroy.
export class NativeKeyboard extends IonicNativePlugin {
* Show messenger
* @param options {NativeKeyboardOptions}
@Cordova({ sync: true })
showMessenger(options: NativeKeyboardOptions): void {
* Hide messenger
* @param options {NativeKeyboardOptions}
@Cordova({ sync: true })
hideMessenger(options: NativeKeyboardOptions): void {
* Programmatically pop up the keyboard again if the user dismissed it.
* @return {Promise}
showMessengerKeyboard(): Promise {
* Programmatically hide the keyboard (but not the messenger bar)