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@module @ember-data/model
A PromiseBelongsTo is a PromiseObject that also proxies certain method calls
to the underlying belongsTo model.
Right now we proxy:
* `reload()`
@class PromiseBelongsTo
@extends PromiseObject
const PromiseBelongsTo = PromiseObject.extend({
// we don't proxy meta because we would need to proxy it to the relationship state container
// however, meta on relationships does not trigger change notifications.
// if you need relationship meta, you should do `record.belongsTo(relationshipName).meta()`
meta: computed(function() {
'You attempted to access meta on the promise for the async belongsTo relationship ' +
`${this.get('_belongsToState').modelName}:${this.get('_belongsToState').key}'.` +
'\nUse `record.belongsTo(relationshipName).meta()` instead.',
reload(options) {
assert('You are trying to reload an async belongsTo before it has been created', this.get('content') !== undefined);
let { key, store, originatingInternalModel } = this._belongsToState;
return store.reloadBelongsTo(this, originatingInternalModel, key, options).then(() => this);