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to the underlying manyArray.
Right now we proxy:
* `reload()`
* `createRecord()`
* `on()`
* `one()`
* `trigger()`
* `off()`
* `has()`
@class PromiseManyArray
@extends Ember.ArrayProxy
const PromiseManyArray = PromiseArray.extend({
links: FULL_LINKS_ON_RELATIONSHIPS ? reads('content.links') : undefined,
reload(options) {
assert('You are trying to reload an async manyArray before it has been created', get(this, 'content'));
this.set('promise', this.get('content').reload(options));
return this;
createRecord: proxyToContent('createRecord'),
on: proxyToContent('on'),
one: proxyToContent('one'),
trigger: proxyToContent('trigger'),
off: proxyToContent('off'),
has: proxyToContent('has'),
export default PromiseManyArray;