How to use @ember-data/model - 10 common examples

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few @ember-data/model examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github jelhan / croodle / app / models / user.js View on Github external
   * properties
  // ISO 8601 date + time string
  creationDate: attr('date'),

  // user name
  name: attr('string'),

  // array of users selections
  // must be in same order as options property of poll
  selections: fragmentArray('selection'),

  // Croodle version user got created with
  version: attr('string', {
    encrypted: false
github travis-ci / travis-web / app / models / request.js View on Github external
CLEAN: 'clean'

export default Model.extend({
  created_at: attr(),
  event_type: attr(),
  result: attr(),
  message: attr('string'),
  headCommit: attr(),
  baseCommit: attr(),
  branchName: attr('string'),
  pullRequestMergeable: attr('string'),
  tagName: attr('string'),
  pullRequest: attr('boolean'),
  pullRequestTitle: attr('string'),
  pullRequestNumber: attr('number'),
  config: attr(),
  raw_configs: attr(),
  uniqRawConfigs: uniqBy('raw_configs', 'source'),
  noYaml: empty('raw_configs'),
  repo: belongsTo('repo', { async: true }),
  commit: belongsTo('commit', { async: true }),

  // API models this as hasMany but serializers:request#normalize overrides it
  build: belongsTo('build', { async: true }),

  isAccepted: computed('result', '', function () {
    // For some reason some of the requests have a null result beside the fact that
    // the build was created. We need to look into it, but for now we can just assume
    // that if build was created, the request was accepted

    let result = this.result;
github hashicorp / consul / ui / packages / consul-ui / app / models / service-instance.js View on Github external
get ExternalSources() {
    const sources = this.items.reduce(function(prev, item) {
      return prev.concat(item.ExternalSources || []);
    }, []);
    // unique, non-empty values, alpha sort
    return [ Set(sources)].filter(Boolean).sort();

export default class ServiceInstance extends Model {
  @attr('string') uid;

  @attr('string') Datacenter;
  // ProxyInstance is the ember-data model relationship
  @belongsTo('Proxy') ProxyInstance;
  // Proxy is the actual JSON api response
  @attr() Proxy;
  @attr() Node;
  @attr() Service;
  @fragmentArray('health-check') Checks;
  @attr('number') SyncTime;
  @attr() meta;
  @attr({ defaultValue: () => [] }) Resources; // []

  // The name is the Name of the Service (the grouping of instances)
  @alias('Service.Service') Name;

  // If the ID is blank fallback to the Service.Service (the Name)
  @or('Service.{ID,Service}') ID;
  @or('Service.Address', 'Node.Service') Address;
  @attr('string') SocketPath;
github hashicorp / nomad / ui / app / models / allocation.js View on Github external
@equal('clientStatus', 'running') isRunning;
  @attr('boolean') isMigrating;

  get isScheduled() {
    return ['pending', 'running'].includes(this.clientStatus);

  // An allocation model created from any allocation list response will be lacking
  // many properties (some of which can always be null). This is an indicator that
  // the allocation needs to be reloaded to get the complete allocation state.
  @none('allocationTaskGroup') isPartial;

  // When allocations are server-side rescheduled, a paper trail
  // is left linking all reschedule attempts.
  @belongsTo('allocation', { inverse: 'nextAllocation' }) previousAllocation;
  @belongsTo('allocation', { inverse: 'previousAllocation' }) nextAllocation;

  @hasMany('allocation', { inverse: 'preemptedByAllocation' }) preemptedAllocations;
  @belongsTo('allocation', { inverse: 'preemptedAllocations' }) preemptedByAllocation;
  @attr('boolean') wasPreempted;

  @belongsTo('evaluation') followUpEvaluation;

  get statusClass() {
    const classMap = {
      pending: 'is-pending',
      running: 'is-primary',
      complete: 'is-complete',
      failed: 'is-error',
      lost: 'is-light',
github travis-ci / travis-web / app / models / request.js View on Github external
event_type: attr(),
  result: attr(),
  message: attr('string'),
  headCommit: attr(),
  baseCommit: attr(),
  branchName: attr('string'),
  pullRequestMergeable: attr('string'),
  tagName: attr('string'),
  pullRequest: attr('boolean'),
  pullRequestTitle: attr('string'),
  pullRequestNumber: attr('number'),
  config: attr(),
  raw_configs: attr(),
  uniqRawConfigs: uniqBy('raw_configs', 'source'),
  noYaml: empty('raw_configs'),
  repo: belongsTo('repo', { async: true }),
  commit: belongsTo('commit', { async: true }),

  // API models this as hasMany but serializers:request#normalize overrides it
  build: belongsTo('build', { async: true }),

  isAccepted: computed('result', '', function () {
    // For some reason some of the requests have a null result beside the fact that
    // the build was created. We need to look into it, but for now we can just assume
    // that if build was created, the request was accepted

    let result = this.result;
    let buildId = this.get('');

    return result === 'approved' || buildId;
github travis-ci / travis-web / app / models / job.js View on Github external
features: service(),
  logId: attr(),
  queue: attr(),
  state: attr(),
  number: attr(),
  allowFailure: attr('boolean'),
  tags: attr(),
  repositoryPrivate: attr(),
  repositorySlug: attr(),
  updatedAt: attr('date'),
  _config: attr(),

  repo: belongsTo('repo'),
  build: belongsTo('build', { async: true }),
  commit: belongsTo('commit', { async: true }),
  stage: belongsTo('stage', { async: true }),

  isPullRequest: alias('build.isPullRequest'),
  pullRequestNumber: alias('build.pullRequestNumber'),
  pullRequestTitle: alias('build.pullRequestTitle'),
  branch: alias('build.branch'),
  branchName: alias('build.branchName'),
  isTag: alias('build.isTag'),
  tag: alias('build.tag'),
  eventType: alias('build.eventType'),

  log: computed(function () {
    this.set('isLogAccessed', true);
    return Log.create({
      job: this,
      api: this.api,
github travis-ci / travis-web / app / models / job.js View on Github external
/* global Travis */

import Model, { attr, belongsTo } from '@ember-data/model';
import { observer, computed } from '@ember/object';
import { alias, and, equal, not, reads } from '@ember/object/computed';
import { inject as service } from '@ember/service';
import { isEqual } from '@ember/utils';
import { getOwner } from '@ember/application';
import Log from 'travis/models/log';
import DurationCalculations from 'travis/mixins/duration-calculations';
import DurationAttributes from 'travis/mixins/duration-attributes';
import promiseObject from 'travis/utils/promise-object';

export default Model.extend(DurationCalculations, DurationAttributes, {
  api: service(),
  jobConfigFetcher: service(),
  features: service(),
  logId: attr(),
  queue: attr(),
  state: attr(),
  number: attr(),
  allowFailure: attr('boolean'),
  tags: attr(),
  repositoryPrivate: attr(),
  repositorySlug: attr(),
  updatedAt: attr('date'),
  _config: attr(),

  repo: belongsTo('repo'),
  build: belongsTo('build', { async: true }),
github hashicorp / vault / ui / app / models / transform / role.js View on Github external
import Model, { attr } from '@ember-data/model';
import { computed } from '@ember/object';
import { apiPath } from 'vault/macros/lazy-capabilities';
import { expandAttributeMeta } from 'vault/utils/field-to-attrs';
import attachCapabilities from 'vault/lib/attach-capabilities';

const ModelExport = Model.extend({
  // used for getting appropriate options for backend
  idPrefix: 'role/',
  // the id prefixed with `role/` so we can use it as the *secret param for the secret show route
  idForNav: computed('id', 'idPrefix', function() {
    let modelId = || '';
    return `${this.idPrefix}${modelId}`;

  name: attr('string', {
    // TODO: make this required for making a transformation
    label: 'Name',
    fieldValue: 'id',
    readOnly: true,
    subText: 'The name for your role. This cannot be edited later.',
  transformations: attr('array', {
github NREL / api-umbrella / src / api-umbrella / admin-ui / app / models / api / settings.js View on Github external
// eslint-disable-next-line ember/no-observers
import EmberObject, { computed, observer } from '@ember/object';
import Model, { attr, hasMany } from '@ember-data/model';

import { A } from '@ember/array';
import compact from 'lodash-es/compact';

export default Model.extend({
  appendQueryString: attr(),
  headersString: attr(),
  httpBasicAuth: attr(),
  requireHttps: attr(),
  disableApiKey: attr(),
  apiKeyVerificationLevel: attr(),
  requiredRoles: attr(),
  requiredRolesOverride: attr(),
  allowedIps: attr(),
  allowedReferers: attr(),
  rateLimitMode: attr(),
  anonymousRateLimitBehavior: attr(),
  authenticatedRateLimitBehavior: attr(),
  passApiKeyHeader: attr(),
  passApiKeyQueryParam: attr(),
  defaultResponseHeadersString: attr(),
github hashicorp / nomad / ui / app / models / allocation.js View on Github external
  get isScheduled() {
    return ['pending', 'running'].includes(this.clientStatus);

  // An allocation model created from any allocation list response will be lacking
  // many properties (some of which can always be null). This is an indicator that
  // the allocation needs to be reloaded to get the complete allocation state.
  @none('allocationTaskGroup') isPartial;

  // When allocations are server-side rescheduled, a paper trail
  // is left linking all reschedule attempts.
  @belongsTo('allocation', { inverse: 'nextAllocation' }) previousAllocation;
  @belongsTo('allocation', { inverse: 'previousAllocation' }) nextAllocation;

  @hasMany('allocation', { inverse: 'preemptedByAllocation' }) preemptedAllocations;
  @belongsTo('allocation', { inverse: 'preemptedAllocations' }) preemptedByAllocation;
  @attr('boolean') wasPreempted;

  @belongsTo('evaluation') followUpEvaluation;

  get statusClass() {
    const classMap = {
      pending: 'is-pending',
      running: 'is-primary',
      complete: 'is-complete',
      failed: 'is-error',
      lost: 'is-light',

    return classMap[this.clientStatus] || 'is-dark';


A basic Ember implementation of a resource presentation layer for use with @ember-data/store

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