Secure your code as it's written. Use Snyk Code to scan source code in minutes - no build needed - and fix issues immediately.
get ExternalSources() {
const sources = this.items.reduce(function(prev, item) {
return prev.concat(item.ExternalSources || []);
}, []);
// unique, non-empty values, alpha sort
return [ Set(sources)].filter(Boolean).sort();
export default class ServiceInstance extends Model {
@attr('string') uid;
@attr('string') Datacenter;
// ProxyInstance is the ember-data model relationship
@belongsTo('Proxy') ProxyInstance;
// Proxy is the actual JSON api response
@attr() Proxy;
@attr() Node;
@attr() Service;
@fragmentArray('health-check') Checks;
@attr('number') SyncTime;
@attr() meta;
@attr({ defaultValue: () => [] }) Resources; // []
// The name is the Name of the Service (the grouping of instances)
@alias('Service.Service') Name;
// If the ID is blank fallback to the Service.Service (the Name)
@or('Service.{ID,Service}') ID;
@or('Service.Address', 'Node.Service') Address;
@attr('string') SocketPath;
@equal('clientStatus', 'running') isRunning;
@attr('boolean') isMigrating;
get isScheduled() {
return ['pending', 'running'].includes(this.clientStatus);
// An allocation model created from any allocation list response will be lacking
// many properties (some of which can always be null). This is an indicator that
// the allocation needs to be reloaded to get the complete allocation state.
@none('allocationTaskGroup') isPartial;
// When allocations are server-side rescheduled, a paper trail
// is left linking all reschedule attempts.
@belongsTo('allocation', { inverse: 'nextAllocation' }) previousAllocation;
@belongsTo('allocation', { inverse: 'previousAllocation' }) nextAllocation;
@hasMany('allocation', { inverse: 'preemptedByAllocation' }) preemptedAllocations;
@belongsTo('allocation', { inverse: 'preemptedAllocations' }) preemptedByAllocation;
@attr('boolean') wasPreempted;
@belongsTo('evaluation') followUpEvaluation;
get statusClass() {
const classMap = {
pending: 'is-pending',
running: 'is-primary',
complete: 'is-complete',
failed: 'is-error',
lost: 'is-light',
event_type: attr(),
result: attr(),
message: attr('string'),
headCommit: attr(),
baseCommit: attr(),
branchName: attr('string'),
pullRequestMergeable: attr('string'),
tagName: attr('string'),
pullRequest: attr('boolean'),
pullRequestTitle: attr('string'),
pullRequestNumber: attr('number'),
config: attr(),
raw_configs: attr(),
uniqRawConfigs: uniqBy('raw_configs', 'source'),
noYaml: empty('raw_configs'),
repo: belongsTo('repo', { async: true }),
commit: belongsTo('commit', { async: true }),
// API models this as hasMany but serializers:request#normalize overrides it
build: belongsTo('build', { async: true }),
isAccepted: computed('result', '', function () {
// For some reason some of the requests have a null result beside the fact that
// the build was created. We need to look into it, but for now we can just assume
// that if build was created, the request was accepted
let result = this.result;
let buildId = this.get('');
return result === 'approved' || buildId;
features: service(),
logId: attr(),
queue: attr(),
state: attr(),
number: attr(),
allowFailure: attr('boolean'),
tags: attr(),
repositoryPrivate: attr(),
repositorySlug: attr(),
updatedAt: attr('date'),
_config: attr(),
repo: belongsTo('repo'),
build: belongsTo('build', { async: true }),
commit: belongsTo('commit', { async: true }),
stage: belongsTo('stage', { async: true }),
isPullRequest: alias('build.isPullRequest'),
pullRequestNumber: alias('build.pullRequestNumber'),
pullRequestTitle: alias('build.pullRequestTitle'),
branch: alias('build.branch'),
branchName: alias('build.branchName'),
isTag: alias('build.isTag'),
tag: alias('build.tag'),
eventType: alias('build.eventType'),
log: computed(function () {
this.set('isLogAccessed', true);
return Log.create({
job: this,
api: this.api,
import { computed } from '@ember/object';
import Model from '@ember-data/model';
import { attr, belongsTo, hasMany } from '@ember-data/model';
export default class Volume extends Model {
@attr('string') plainId;
@attr('string') name;
@belongsTo('namespace') namespace;
@belongsTo('plugin') plugin;
@hasMany('allocation') writeAllocations;
@hasMany('allocation') readAllocations;
@computed('writeAllocations.[]', 'readAllocations.[]')
get allocations() {
return [...this.writeAllocations.toArray(), ...this.readAllocations.toArray()];
@attr('number') currentWriters;
@attr('number') currentReaders;
@computed('currentWriters', 'currentReaders')
get allocationCount() {
return this.currentWriters + this.currentReaders;
import Model, { attr, belongsTo } from '@ember-data/model';
export default Model.extend({
createdAt: attr('date'),
url: attr('string'),
subscription: belongsTo('subscription')
@computed('appJsSize', 'vendorJsSize', 'otherJsSize')
get totalJsSize() {
return this.appJsSize + this.vendorJsSize + this.otherJsSize;
@computed('appCssSize', 'vendorCssSize', 'otherJCssSize')
get totalCssSize() {
return this.appCssSize + this.vendorCssSize + this.otherCssSize;
export default Model.extend(Validations, {
name: attr(),
sortOrder: attr('number'),
backendProtocol: attr('string', { defaultValue: 'http' }),
frontendHost: attr(),
backendHost: attr(),
balanceAlgorithm: attr('string', { defaultValue: 'least_conn' }),
createdAt: attr(),
updatedAt: attr(),
creator: attr(),
updater: attr(),
servers: hasMany('api/server', { async: false }),
urlMatches: hasMany('api/url-match', { async: false }),
settings: belongsTo('api/settings', { async: false }),
subSettings: hasMany('api/sub-settings', { async: false }),
rewrites: hasMany('api/rewrites', { async: false }),
ready() {
setDefaults() {
if(!this.settings) {
exampleIncomingUrlRoot: computed('frontendHost', function() {
return 'https://' + (this.frontendHost || '');
import { belongsTo, attr } from '@ember-data/model';
import { computed } from '@ember/object';
import { alias } from '@ember/object/computed';
import IdentityModel from './_base';
import identityCapabilities from 'vault/macros/identity-capabilities';
export default IdentityModel.extend({
parentType: 'entity',
formFields: computed(function() {
return ['name', 'mountAccessor'];
entity: belongsTo('identity/entity', { readOnly: true, async: false }),
name: attr('string'),
canonicalId: attr('string'),
mountAccessor: attr('string', {
label: 'Auth Backend',
editType: 'mountAccessor',
metadata: attr({
editType: 'kv',
mountPath: attr('string', {
readOnly: true,
mountType: attr('string', {
readOnly: true,
import classic from 'ember-classic-decorator';
import { equal } from '@ember/object/computed';
import Model, { belongsTo, attr } from '@ember-data/model';
export default class AddonDependency extends Model {
@equal('dependencyType', 'dependencies')
@equal('dependencyType', 'devDependencies')