How to use the @azure/storage-blob.newPipeline function in @azure/storage-blob

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few @azure/storage-blob examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github Azure / azure-sdk-for-js / sdk / storage / storage-typescript / src / customPipeline.ts View on Github external
export async function main() {
  // Enter your storage account name and shared key
  const account = process.env.ACCOUNT_NAME || "";
  const accountKey = process.env.ACCOUNT_KEY || "";

  // Use StorageSharedKeyCredential with storage account and account key
  // StorageSharedKeyCredential is only avaiable in Node.js runtime, not in browsers
  const sharedKeyCredential = new StorageSharedKeyCredential(account, accountKey);

  // Use sharedKeyCredential, tokenCredential or anonymousCredential to create a pipeline
  const pipeline = newPipeline(sharedKeyCredential, {
    // httpClient: MyHTTPClient, // A customized HTTP client implementing IHttpClient interface
    retryOptions: { maxTries: 4 }, // Retry options
    userAgentOptions: { userAgentPrefix: "Sample V1.0.0" } // Customized telemetry string

  // List containers
  const blobServiceClient = new BlobServiceClient(

  let i = 1;
  for await (const container of blobServiceClient.listContainers()) {
    console.log(`Container ${i++}: ${}`);
github Azure / azure-sdk-for-js / sdk / storage / storage-javascript / customPipeline.js View on Github external
async function main() {
  // Enter your storage account name and shared key
  const account = process.env.ACCOUNT_NAME || "";
  const accountKey = process.env.ACCOUNT_KEY || "";

  // Use StorageSharedKeyCredential with storage account and account key
  // StorageSharedKeyCredential is only avaiable in Node.js runtime, not in browsers
  const sharedKeyCredential = new StorageSharedKeyCredential(account, accountKey);

  // Use sharedKeyCredential, tokenCredential or anonymousCredential to create a pipeline
  const pipeline = newPipeline(sharedKeyCredential, {
    // httpClient: MyHTTPClient, // A customized HTTP client implementing IHttpClient interface
    retryOptions: { maxTries: 4 }, // Retry options
    userAgentOptions: { userAgentPrefix: "Sample V1.0.0" } // Customized telemetry string

  // List containers
  const blobServiceClient = new BlobServiceClient(

  let i = 1;
  for await (const container of blobServiceClient.listContainers()) {
    console.log(`Container ${i++}: ${}`);
github Azure / azure-sdk-for-js / sdk / storage / storage-typescript / src / customizedClientHeaders.ts View on Github external
export async function main() {
  const account = process.env.ACCOUNT_NAME || "";
  const accountSas = process.env.ACCOUNT_SAS || "";

  // Create a default pipeline with newPipeline
  const pipeline = newPipeline(new AnonymousCredential());

  // Inject customized factory into default pipeline
  pipeline.factories.unshift(new RequestIDPolicyFactory("Prefix"));

  const blobServiceClient = new BlobServiceClient(
  const response = (
    await blobServiceClient

  // Check customized client request ID
github Azure / azure-sdk-for-js / sdk / storage / storage-javascript / customizedClientHeaders.js View on Github external
async function main() {
  const account = process.env.ACCOUNT_NAME || "";
  const accountSas = process.env.ACCOUNT_SAS || "";

  // Create a default pipeline with newPipeline
  const pipeline = newPipeline(new AnonymousCredential());

  // Inject customized factory into default pipeline
  pipeline.factories.unshift(new RequestIDPolicyFactory("Prefix"));

  const blobServiceClient = new BlobServiceClient(
  const response = (
    await blobServiceClient

  // Check customized client request ID
github Azure / azure-sdk-for-js / sdk / storage / storage-javascript / advanced.js View on Github external
async function main() {
  // Fill in following settings before running this sample
  const account = process.env.ACCOUNT_NAME || "";
  const accountSas = process.env.ACCOUNT_SAS || "";
  const localFilePath = "";

  const pipeline = newPipeline(new AnonymousCredential(), {
    // httpClient: MyHTTPClient, // A customized HTTP client implementing IHttpClient interface
    retryOptions: { maxTries: 4 }, // Retry options
    userAgentOptions: { userAgentPrefix: "AdvancedSample V1.0.0" }, // Customized telemetry string
    keepAliveOptions: {
      // Keep alive is enabled by default, disable keep alive by setting false
      enable: false

  const blobServiceClient = new BlobServiceClient(

  // Create a container
  const containerName = `newcontainer${new Date().getTime()}`;
github Azure / azure-sdk-for-js / sdk / storage / storage-typescript / src / advanced.ts View on Github external
export async function main() {
  // Fill in following settings before running this sample
  const account = process.env.ACCOUNT_NAME || "";
  const accountSas = process.env.ACCOUNT_SAS || "";
  const localFilePath = "";

  const pipeline = newPipeline(new AnonymousCredential(), {
    // httpClient: MyHTTPClient, // A customized HTTP client implementing IHttpClient interface
    retryOptions: { maxTries: 4 }, // Retry options
    userAgentOptions: { userAgentPrefix: "AdvancedSample V1.0.0" }, // Customized telemetry string
    keepAliveOptions: {
      // Keep alive is enabled by default, disable keep alive by setting false
      enable: false

  const blobServiceClient = new BlobServiceClient(

  // Create a container
  const containerName = `newcontainer${new Date().getTime()}`;
github Azure / azure-sdk-for-js / sdk / storage / storage-browserSamples / largeFileUploads.js View on Github external
async function upload() {
  const sasStore = new SasStore();

  const pipeline = newPipeline(new AnonymousCredential());
  // Inject SAS update policy factory into current pipeline
  pipeline.factories.unshift(new SasUpdatePolicyFactory(sasStore));

  const url = "";
  const blockBlobClient = new BlockBlobClient(
    `${url}${await sasStore.getValidSASForBlob(url)}`, // A SAS should start with "?"

  const file = document.getElementById("file").files[0];
  await blockBlobClient.uploadBrowserData(file, {
    maxSingleShotSize: 4 * 1024 * 1024