How to use the @azure/storage-blob.AnonymousCredential function in @azure/storage-blob

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few @azure/storage-blob examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github Azure / azure-sdk-for-js / sdk / storage / storage-javascript / anonymousCred.js View on Github external
async function main() {
  // Enter your storage account name and SAS
  const account = process.env.ACCOUNT_NAME || "";
  const accountSas = process.env.ACCOUNT_SAS || "";

  // Use AnonymousCredential when url already includes a SAS signature
  const anonymousCredential = new AnonymousCredential();

  // List containers
  const blobServiceClient = new BlobServiceClient(
    // When using AnonymousCredential, following url should include a valid SAS or support public access

  let i = 1;
  for await (const container of blobServiceClient.listContainers()) {
    console.log(`Container ${i++}: ${}`);

  // Create a container
  const containerName = `newcontainer${new Date().getTime()}`;
  const containerClient = blobServiceClient.getContainerClient(containerName);
github Azure / azure-sdk-for-js / sdk / storage / storage-typescript / src / anonymousCred.ts View on Github external
export async function main() {
  // Enter your storage account name and SAS
  const account = process.env.ACCOUNT_NAME || "";
  const accountSas = process.env.ACCOUNT_SAS || "";

  // Use AnonymousCredential when url already includes a SAS signature
  const anonymousCredential = new AnonymousCredential();

  // List containers
  const blobServiceClient = new BlobServiceClient(
    // When using AnonymousCredential, following url should include a valid SAS or support public access

  let i = 1;
  for await (const container of blobServiceClient.listContainers()) {
    console.log(`Container ${i++}: ${}`);

  // Create a container
  const containerName = `newcontainer${new Date().getTime()}`;
  const containerClient = blobServiceClient.getContainerClient(containerName);
github Soluto / dynamico / dockerfiles / azure-blobs-storage / index.ts View on Github external
import dynamico from '@dynamico/express-middleware';
import { AzureBlobStorage } from '@dynamico/azure-blob-storage';
import { ContainerURL, StorageURL, AnonymousCredential } from '@azure/storage-blob';
import cors from 'cors';
import nconf from 'nconf';

const secretsFilePath = process.env.SECRET_FILE_PATH ? process.env.SECRET_FILE_PATH : '/run/secrets/azure-uri';

nconf.file(secretsFilePath).env({ lowerCase: true });

const app = express();
if (!nconf.get('container_sas')) {
  throw new Error(`Can't start server, missing SAS key`);

const container = new ContainerURL(nconf.get('container_sas'), StorageURL.newPipeline(new AnonymousCredential()));
const storageProvider = new AzureBlobStorage({
  indexBlobName: nconf.get('index_blob_name'),
  timeout: Number(nconf.get('blob_download_timeout')),
  concurrentConnections: Number(nconf.get('blob_download_concurrent_connections'))
const serverTimeout = Number(nconf.get('server_timeout') || 3 * 60 * 1000);
app.use(dynamico(storageProvider, { readOnly: nconf.get('dynamico_readonly') === 'true' }));
app.use(jsonErrorHandler({ log: console.log }));
app.get('/monitoring/healthz', (req, res) => res.sendStatus(200));
const port = Number(nconf.get('port') || 1234);
  .listen(port, () => {
    console.log(`Dynamico Azure Blob Storage registry listening on ${port}`);
github Soluto / dynamico / dockerfiles / redis-azure-blobs / index.ts View on Github external
  .file('azure', azureSecretsFilePath)
  .file('redis', redisSecretsFilePath)
  .file('config', filePath)
  .env({ lowerCase: true });

const app = express();
if (!nconf.get('container_sas')) {
  throw new Error(`Can't start server, missing SAS key`);

if (!nconf.get('redis_config')) {
  throw new Error(`Can't start server, missing redis configuration`);

const container = new ContainerURL(nconf.get('container_sas'), StorageURL.newPipeline(new AnonymousCredential()));
const componentsStorageProvider = new AzureBlobStorage({
  indexBlobName: nconf.get('index_blob_name'),
  timeout: Number(nconf.get('blob_download_timeout')),
  concurrentConnections: Number(nconf.get('blob_download_concurrent_connections'))

const redisClient = redis.createClient(nconf.get('redis_config'));
const indexStorageProvider = new RedisIndexStorage(redisClient, nconf.get('index_key_name'));

const serverTimeout = Number(nconf.get('server_timeout') || 3 * 60 * 1000);
const dynamicoMiddleware = dynamico(new CompositionStorage(indexStorageProvider, componentsStorageProvider), {
  readOnly: nconf.get('dynamico_readonly') === 'true'
github microsoft / VoTT / src / providers / storage / azureBlobStorage.ts View on Github external
private getCredential(): Credential {
        if (this.options.oauthToken) {
            return new TokenCredential(this.options.oauthToken);
        } else {
            return new AnonymousCredential();