How to use the @aurelia/runtime.customAttribute function in @aurelia/runtime

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few @aurelia/runtime examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github aurelia / aurelia / packages / i18n / src / t-custom-attribute.ts View on Github external
import { bindable, customAttribute, INode, LifecycleFlags, LifecycleTask } from '@aurelia/runtime';
import { I18N, I18nService } from './i18n';

// TODO write unit tests
 * `t` custom attribute to facilitate the translation via HTML
 * @export
@customAttribute({ name: 't' })
export class TCustomAttribute {
  @bindable public value: string = (void 0)!;
    @INode private readonly node: Node,
    @I18N private readonly i18n: I18nService) {

  public binding(flags: LifecycleFlags) {
    return this.isStringValue(this.value)
      ? this.i18n.updateValue(this.node, this.value)
      : LifecycleTask.done;

  private isStringValue(value: unknown): value is string {
    const valueType = typeof value;
    if (valueType !== 'string') {
github aurelia / aurelia / packages / runtime-html / src / resources / custom-attributes / focus.ts View on Github external
import {
} from '@aurelia/runtime';
import { HTMLDOM } from '../../dom';

 * Focus attribute for element focus binding
export class Focus {

  @bindable({ mode: BindingMode.twoWay })
  public value: unknown;

   * Indicates whether `apply` should be called when `attached` callback is invoked
  private needsApply: boolean = false;

  // This is set by the controller after this instance is constructed
  private readonly $controller!: IController;

  private readonly element: HTMLElement;

  public constructor(
github aurelia / aurelia / packages / __tests__ / 5-jit-html / resources.spec.ts View on Github external
it('works with alias property in customAttribute decorator', function () {
    let created = false;

    @customAttribute({ name: 'au-name', aliases: ['au-alias'] })
    class AuAttr {
      public constructor() { created = true; }

    @customElement({ name: 'app', template: '<div></div>', dependencies: [AuAttr] })
    class App {}


    assert.strictEqual(created, true, 'created');
github aurelia / aurelia / packages / __tests__ / 5-jit-html / custom-attributes.spec.ts View on Github external
describe('05. with setter/getter', function () {

     * Specs:
     * - with setter coercing to string for "prop" property
    class Foo1 {
        set: String
      public prop: any;

     * Specs:
     * - plain bindable "prop"
    class Foo2 {
      public prop: any;
github aurelia / aurelia / packages / __tests__ / 5-jit-html / custom-attributes.spec.ts View on Github external
describe('0.2 Multiple bindings', function () {

    class Multi {
        @bindable public a: boolean;
        @bindable public b: string;
        public aResult: boolean;
        public bResult: string;
        private readonly element: Element;
        public constructor(@INode element: INode) {
          this.element = element as Element;
          this.element.innerHTML = 'Created';
        public bound() {
        public aChanged() {
          this.aResult = this.a;
github aurelia / aurelia / packages / __tests__ / 5-jit-html / custom-attributes.spec.ts View on Github external
@customAttribute({ name: 'foo5', aliases: ['foo53'] })
    @alias(...['foo51', 'foo52'])
    class Fooatt5 {
      @bindable({ primary: true })
      public value: any;
      private readonly element: Element;
      public constructor(@INode element: INode) {
        this.element = element as Element;

      public bound() {
        this.element.setAttribute('test', this.value);

    @customAttribute({ name: 'foo4', aliases: ['foo43'] })
    @alias('foo41', 'foo42')
    class Fooatt4 {
      @bindable({ primary: true })
      public value: any;
      private readonly element: Element;
      public constructor(@INode element: INode) {
        this.element = element as Element;

      public bound() {
        this.element.setAttribute('test', this.value);

    @customAttribute({ name: 'foo44', aliases: ['foo431'] })
    @alias('foo411', 'foo421')
github aurelia / aurelia / packages / __tests__ / 5-jit-html / template-compiler.primary-bindable.spec.ts View on Github external
attrResources: () => {
          @customAttribute({ name: 'square' })
          class Square {
            public value: string;
            private readonly el: HTMLElement;
            public constructor(@INode el: INode) {
              this.el = el as HTMLElement;

            public beforeBind() {
              const value = this.value === 'literal:literal' ? 'red' : this.value;
     = value;

          class Identity {
            public toView(val: any, alternativeValue: any) {
github aurelia-v-grid / vGrid / src / aurelia-v-grid / grid / attributes / v-resize-col.ts View on Github external
} from '../../interfaces';

 * Custom attribute "v-resize-col"
 * logic behind resizing of columns
 * Used by default by the simple html setup
 * Can be used with custom html
@inject(Element, VGrid)
export class VGridAttributesResizeCol {
  private vGrid: VGrid;
  private ctx: ResizeShardContextInterface;
  private element: Element;
  private screenX: number;
  private originalWidth: number;
  private column: Element;
  private colType: string;
  private colNo: number;
  private context: ColumBindingContextObjectInterface;
  private columnsArray: ColumBindingContextObjectInterface[];
  private columnBindingContext: ColumnBindingContext;
  private bindingContext: BindingContextInterface;
  private overrideContext: OverrideContextInterface;
  private onmousedownBinded: EventListenerOrEventListenerObject;
github aurelia / aurelia / packages / runtime-html / dist / umd / styles / css-modules-registry.js View on Github external
valueChanged() {
                    if (!this.value) {
                        this.element.className = '';
                    this.element.className = class_attribute_accessor_1.getClassesToAdd(this.value)
                        .map(x => classLookup[x] || x)
                        .join(' ');
                tslib_1.__metadata("design:type", String)
            ], ClassCustomAttribute.prototype, "value", void 0);
            ClassCustomAttribute = tslib_1.__decorate([
                tslib_1.__param(0, runtime_1.INode),
                tslib_1.__metadata("design:paramtypes", [Object])
            ], ClassCustomAttribute);
github aurelia-v-grid / vGrid / src / aurelia-v-grid / grid / attributes / v-sort.ts View on Github external
import { customAttribute, bindable } from '@aurelia/runtime';
import { inject } from '@aurelia/kernel';
import { VGrid } from '../v-grid';
import { BindingContextInterface, OverrideContextInterface } from '../../interfaces';

 * Custom attribute "v-resize-col"
 * logic behind sorting in grid/sort icons
 * Used by default by the simple html setup
 * Can be used with custom html
@inject(Element, VGrid)
export class VGridAttributesSort {
  @bindable private field: string;
  @bindable private asc: string;
  private vGrid: VGrid;
  private element: HTMLElement;
  private bindingContext: BindingContextInterface;
  private overrideContext: OverrideContextInterface;
  private attribute: string;
  private sortIcon: HTMLElement;
  private firstTime: boolean;

  constructor(element: HTMLElement, vGrid: VGrid) {
    this.vGrid = vGrid;