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// This forms the group Precedence.LogicalAND
const SimpleLogicalANDList: [string, Binary][] = [
[`$36&&$37`, new Binary('&&', new AccessScope('$36'), new AccessScope('$37'))]
// This forms the group Precedence.LogicalOR
const SimpleLogicalORList: [string, Binary][] = [
[`$38||$39`, new Binary('||', new AccessScope('$38'), new AccessScope('$39'))]
// This forms the group Precedence.Conditional
const SimpleConditionalList: [string, Conditional][] = [
[`a?b:c`, new Conditional(new AccessScope('a'), new AccessScope('b'), new AccessScope('c'))]
// This forms the group Precedence.Assign
const SimpleAssignList: [string, Assign][] = [
[`a=b`, new Assign(new AccessScope('a'), new AccessScope('b'))]
// This forms the group Precedence.Variadic
const SimpleValueConverterList: [string, ValueConverter][] = [
[`a|b`, new ValueConverter(new AccessScope('a'), 'b', [])],
[`a|b:c`, new ValueConverter(new AccessScope('a'), 'b', [new AccessScope('c')])],
[`a|b:c:d`, new ValueConverter(new AccessScope('a'), 'b', [new AccessScope('c'), new AccessScope('d')])]
const SimpleBindingBehaviorList: [string, BindingBehavior][] = [
[`a&b`, new BindingBehavior(new AccessScope('a'), 'b', [])],
[`$18>$19`, new Binary('>', new AccessScope('$18'), new AccessScope('$19'))],
[`$20<=$21`, new Binary('<=', new AccessScope('$20'), new AccessScope('$21'))],
[`$22>=$23`, new Binary('>=', new AccessScope('$22'), new AccessScope('$23'))],
[`$24 in $25`, new Binary('in', new AccessScope('$24'), new AccessScope('$25'))],
[`$26 instanceof $27`, new Binary('instanceof', new AccessScope('$26'), new AccessScope('$27'))]
const SimpleIsRelationalList: [string, IsBinary][] = [
// This forms the group Precedence.Equality
const SimpleEqualityList: [string, Binary][] = [
[`$28==$29`, new Binary('==', new AccessScope('$28'), new AccessScope('$29'))],
[`$30!=$31`, new Binary('!=', new AccessScope('$30'), new AccessScope('$31'))],
[`$32===$33`, new Binary('===', new AccessScope('$32'), new AccessScope('$33'))],
[`$34!==$35`, new Binary('!==', new AccessScope('$34'), new AccessScope('$35'))]
const SimpleIsEqualityList: [string, IsBinary][] = [
// This forms the group Precedence.LogicalAND
const SimpleLogicalANDList: [string, Binary][] = [
[`$36&&$37`, new Binary('&&', new AccessScope('$36'), new AccessScope('$37'))]
// This forms the group Precedence.LogicalOR
const SimpleLogicalORList: [string, Binary][] = [
[`$38||$39`, new Binary('||', new AccessScope('$38'), new AccessScope('$39'))]
// This forms the group Precedence.Additive
const SimpleAdditiveList: [string, Binary][] = [
[`$12+$13`, new Binary('+', new AccessScope('$12'), new AccessScope('$13'))],
[`$14-$15`, new Binary('-', new AccessScope('$14'), new AccessScope('$15'))]
const SimpleIsAdditiveList: [string, IsBinary][] = [
// This forms the group Precedence.Relational
const SimpleRelationalList: [string, Binary][] = [
[`$16<$17`, new Binary('<', new AccessScope('$16'), new AccessScope('$17'))],
[`$18>$19`, new Binary('>', new AccessScope('$18'), new AccessScope('$19'))],
[`$20<=$21`, new Binary('<=', new AccessScope('$20'), new AccessScope('$21'))],
[`$22>=$23`, new Binary('>=', new AccessScope('$22'), new AccessScope('$23'))],
[`$24 in $25`, new Binary('in', new AccessScope('$24'), new AccessScope('$25'))],
[`$26 instanceof $27`, new Binary('instanceof', new AccessScope('$26'), new AccessScope('$27'))]
const SimpleIsRelationalList: [string, IsBinary][] = [
// This forms the group Precedence.Equality
const SimpleEqualityList: [string, Binary][] = [
[`$28==$29`, new Binary('==', new AccessScope('$28'), new AccessScope('$29'))],
[`$30!=$31`, new Binary('!=', new AccessScope('$30'), new AccessScope('$31'))],
[`$32===$33`, new Binary('===', new AccessScope('$32'), new AccessScope('$33'))],
[`$34!==$35`, new Binary('!==', new AccessScope('$34'), new AccessScope('$35'))]
[`$20<=$21`, new Binary('<=', new AccessScope('$20'), new AccessScope('$21'))],
[`$22>=$23`, new Binary('>=', new AccessScope('$22'), new AccessScope('$23'))],
[`$24 in $25`, new Binary('in', new AccessScope('$24'), new AccessScope('$25'))],
[`$26 instanceof $27`, new Binary('instanceof', new AccessScope('$26'), new AccessScope('$27'))]
const SimpleIsRelationalList: [string, IsBinary][] = [
// This forms the group Precedence.Equality
const SimpleEqualityList: [string, Binary][] = [
[`$28==$29`, new Binary('==', new AccessScope('$28'), new AccessScope('$29'))],
[`$30!=$31`, new Binary('!=', new AccessScope('$30'), new AccessScope('$31'))],
[`$32===$33`, new Binary('===', new AccessScope('$32'), new AccessScope('$33'))],
[`$34!==$35`, new Binary('!==', new AccessScope('$34'), new AccessScope('$35'))]
const SimpleIsEqualityList: [string, IsBinary][] = [
// This forms the group Precedence.LogicalAND
const SimpleLogicalANDList: [string, Binary][] = [
[`$36&&$37`, new Binary('&&', new AccessScope('$36'), new AccessScope('$37'))]
// This forms the group Precedence.LogicalOR
const SimpleLogicalORList: [string, Binary][] = [
[`$38||$39`, new Binary('||', new AccessScope('$38'), new AccessScope('$39'))]
break primary;
else {
if (Profiler.enabled) {
throw Reporter.error(103 /* InvalidMemberExpression */, { state });
} while (state.currentToken === 3077 /* ParentScope */);
// falls through
case 1024 /* Identifier */: // identifier
if (bindingType & 512 /* IsIterator */) {
result = new BindingIdentifier(state.tokenValue);
else {
result = new AccessScope(state.tokenValue, access & 511 /* Ancestor */);
access = 1024 /* Scope */;
state.assignable = true;
case 3076 /* ThisScope */: // $this
state.assignable = false;
result = $this;
access = 512 /* This */;
case 671750 /* OpenParen */: // parenthesized expression
result = parse(state, 0 /* Reset */, 62 /* Assign */, bindingType);
consume(state, 1835018 /* CloseParen */);
access = 0 /* Reset */;
it('connects', function () {
expect(connects(new AccessThis() )).to.equal(false);
expect(connects(new AccessScope('') )).to.equal(true);
expect(connects(new ArrayLiteral([]) )).to.equal(true);
expect(connects(new ObjectLiteral([], []) )).to.equal(true);
expect(connects(new PrimitiveLiteral('') )).to.equal(false);
expect(connects(new Template([]) )).to.equal(true);
expect(connects(new Unary('!', e) )).to.equal(true);
expect(connects(new CallScope('!', []) )).to.equal(true);
expect(connects(new CallMember(e, '', []) )).to.equal(false);
expect(connects(new CallFunction(e, []) )).to.equal(false);
expect(connects(new AccessMember(e, '') )).to.equal(true);
expect(connects(new AccessKeyed(e, e) )).to.equal(true);
expect(connects(new TaggedTemplate([], [], e) )).to.equal(true);
expect(connects(new Binary('+', e, e) )).to.equal(true);
expect(connects(new Conditional(e, e, e) )).to.equal(true);
expect(connects(new Assign(e, e) )).to.equal(false);
expect(connects(new ValueConverter(e, '', []) )).to.equal(true);
expect(connects(new BindingBehavior(e, '', []) )).to.equal(true);
it('observes', function () {
expect(observes(new AccessThis() )).to.equal(false);
expect(observes(new AccessScope('') )).to.equal(true);
expect(observes(new ArrayLiteral([]) )).to.equal(false);
expect(observes(new ObjectLiteral([], []) )).to.equal(false);
expect(observes(new PrimitiveLiteral('') )).to.equal(false);
expect(observes(new Template([]) )).to.equal(false);
expect(observes(new Unary('!', e) )).to.equal(false);
expect(observes(new CallScope('!', []) )).to.equal(false);
expect(observes(new CallMember(e, '', []) )).to.equal(false);
expect(observes(new CallFunction(e, []) )).to.equal(false);
expect(observes(new AccessMember(e, '') )).to.equal(true);
expect(observes(new AccessKeyed(e, e) )).to.equal(true);
expect(observes(new TaggedTemplate([], [], e) )).to.equal(false);
expect(observes(new Binary('+', e, e) )).to.equal(false);
expect(observes(new Conditional(e, e, e) )).to.equal(false);
expect(observes(new Assign(e, e) )).to.equal(false);
expect(observes(new ValueConverter(e, '', []) )).to.equal(false);
expect(observes(new BindingBehavior(e, '', []) )).to.equal(false);
describe('performs \'instanceof\'', function () {
class Foo {}
class Bar extends Foo {}
const tests: { expr: Binary; expected: boolean }[] = [
expr: new Binary(
new AccessScope('foo', 0),
new AccessMember(new AccessScope('foo', 0), 'constructor')
expected: true
expr: new Binary(
new AccessScope('foo', 0),
new AccessMember(new AccessScope('bar', 0), 'constructor')
expected: false
expr: new Binary(
new AccessScope('bar', 0),
(_$1, [_t2, signals, signaler]) => {
const value = {};
const arg1 = {};
const arg2 = {};
const arg3 = {};
const expr = new MockTracingExpression(new AccessScope('foo', 0));
const args = [
new MockTracingExpression(new AccessScope('a', 0)),
new MockTracingExpression(new AccessScope('b', 0)),
new MockTracingExpression(new AccessScope('c', 0))
const sut = new ValueConverter(expr as any, 'mock', args as any);
const methods = ['toView', 'fromView'];
const mock = new MockValueConverter(methods);
mock['signals'] = signals;
const locator = new MockServiceLocator(new Map([['value-converter:mock', mock], [ISignaler, signaler]]));
const observerLocator = createObserverLocator();
const binding = new Binding(expr as any, null, null, null, observerLocator, locator);
const scope = Scope.create(LF.none, { foo: value, a: arg1, b: arg2, c: arg3 }, null);
return [`foo|mock:a:b:c`, scope, sut, mock, locator, binding, value, [arg1, arg2, arg3], methods];
nameTagHeaderVisible: new AccessScope('showHeader'),
nameTagClasses: new HtmlLiteral([
new PrimitiveLiteral('au name-tag '),
new Conditional(
new AccessScope('showHeader'),
new PrimitiveLiteral('header-visible'),
new PrimitiveLiteral('')
name: new AccessScope('name'),
submit: new CallScope('submit', emptyArray, 0),
nameTagColor: new AccessScope('color'),
duplicateMessage: new AccessScope('duplicateMessage'),
checked: new AccessScope('checked'),
nameTag: new AccessScope('nameTag'),
todos: new AccessScope('todos'),
addTodo: new CallScope('addTodo', emptyArray, 0),
description: new AccessMember(new AccessScope('todo'), 'description')
const globalResources: any[] = [Repeat, If, Else];
export const GeneratedConfiguration = {
register(container: IContainer) {