How to use the @angular-devkit/core.BaseException function in @angular-devkit/core

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"use strict";
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
 * @license
 * Copyright Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
 * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
 * found in the LICENSE file at
const core_1 = require("@angular-devkit/core");
// Used by schematics to throw exceptions.
class SchematicsException extends core_1.BaseException {
exports.SchematicsException = SchematicsException;
// Exceptions
class FileDoesNotExistException extends core_1.BaseException {
    constructor(path) { super(`Path "${path}" does not exist.`); }
exports.FileDoesNotExistException = FileDoesNotExistException;
class FileAlreadyExistException extends core_1.BaseException {
    constructor(path) { super(`Path "${path}" already exist.`); }
exports.FileAlreadyExistException = FileAlreadyExistException;
class ContentHasMutatedException extends core_1.BaseException {
    constructor(path) {
        super(`Content at path "${path}" has changed between the start and the end of an update.`);
exports.ContentHasMutatedException = ContentHasMutatedException;
class InvalidUpdateRecordException extends core_1.BaseException {
    constructor() { super(`Invalid record instance.`); }
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        else {
            return 'Unknown Object';
 * When a rule or source returns an invalid value.
class InvalidRuleResultException extends core_1.BaseException {
    constructor(value) {
        super(`Invalid rule result: ${_getTypeOfResult(value)}.`);
exports.InvalidRuleResultException = InvalidRuleResultException;
class InvalidSourceResultException extends core_1.BaseException {
    constructor(value) {
        super(`Invalid source result: ${_getTypeOfResult(value)}.`);
exports.InvalidSourceResultException = InvalidSourceResultException;
function callSource(source, context) {
    const result = source(context);
    if (core_1.isObservable(result)) {
        // Only return the last Tree, and make sure it's a Tree.
        return result.pipe(operators_1.defaultIfEmpty(), operators_1.last(), operators_1.tap(inner => {
            if (!inner || !(interface_1.TreeSymbol in inner)) {
                throw new InvalidSourceResultException(inner);
    else if (result && interface_1.TreeSymbol in result) {
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exports.ProjectNotFoundException = ProjectNotFoundException;
class TargetNotFoundException extends core_1.BaseException {
    constructor(projectName, targetName) {
        super(`Target '${targetName}' could not be found in project '${projectName}'.`);
exports.TargetNotFoundException = TargetNotFoundException;
class ConfigurationNotFoundException extends core_1.BaseException {
    constructor(projectName, configurationName) {
        super(`Configuration '${configurationName}' could not be found in project '${projectName}'.`);
exports.ConfigurationNotFoundException = ConfigurationNotFoundException;
// TODO: break this exception apart into more granular ones.
class BuilderCannotBeResolvedException extends core_1.BaseException {
    constructor(builder) {
        super(`Builder '${builder}' cannot be resolved.`);
exports.BuilderCannotBeResolvedException = BuilderCannotBeResolvedException;
class ArchitectNotYetLoadedException extends core_1.BaseException {
    constructor() { super(`Architect needs to be loaded before Architect is used.`); }
exports.ArchitectNotYetLoadedException = ArchitectNotYetLoadedException;
class BuilderNotFoundException extends core_1.BaseException {
    constructor(builder) {
        super(`Builder ${builder} could not be found.`);
exports.BuilderNotFoundException = BuilderNotFoundException;
class Architect {
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constructor(name) {
        super(`Schematic ${JSON.stringify(name)} is missing a factory.`);
exports.SchematicMissingFactoryException = SchematicMissingFactoryException;
class FactoryCannotBeResolvedException extends core_1.BaseException {
    constructor(name) {
        super(`Schematic ${JSON.stringify(name)} cannot resolve the factory.`);
exports.FactoryCannotBeResolvedException = FactoryCannotBeResolvedException;
class CollectionMissingSchematicsMapException extends core_1.BaseException {
    constructor(name) { super(`Collection "${name}" does not have a schematics map.`); }
exports.CollectionMissingSchematicsMapException = CollectionMissingSchematicsMapException;
class CollectionMissingFieldsException extends core_1.BaseException {
    constructor(name) { super(`Collection "${name}" is missing fields.`); }
exports.CollectionMissingFieldsException = CollectionMissingFieldsException;
class SchematicMissingFieldsException extends core_1.BaseException {
    constructor(name) { super(`Schematic "${name}" is missing fields.`); }
exports.SchematicMissingFieldsException = SchematicMissingFieldsException;
class SchematicMissingDescriptionException extends core_1.BaseException {
    constructor(name) { super(`Schematics "${name}" does not have a description.`); }
exports.SchematicMissingDescriptionException = SchematicMissingDescriptionException;
class SchematicNameCollisionException extends core_1.BaseException {
    constructor(name) {
        super(`Schematics/alias ${JSON.stringify(name)} collides with another alias or schematic`
            + ' name.');
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"use strict";
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
 * @license
 * Copyright Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
 * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
 * found in the LICENSE file at
const core_1 = require("@angular-devkit/core");
const base_1 = require("./base");
const rename_1 = require("./rename");
const is_binary_1 = require("./utils/is-binary");
exports.TEMPLATE_FILENAME_RE = /\.template$/;
class OptionIsNotDefinedException extends core_1.BaseException {
    constructor(name) { super(`Option "${name}" is not defined.`); }
exports.OptionIsNotDefinedException = OptionIsNotDefinedException;
class UnknownPipeException extends core_1.BaseException {
    constructor(name) { super(`Pipe "${name}" is not defined.`); }
exports.UnknownPipeException = UnknownPipeException;
class InvalidPipeException extends core_1.BaseException {
    constructor(name) { super(`Pipe "${name}" is invalid.`); }
exports.InvalidPipeException = InvalidPipeException;
function applyContentTemplate(options) {
    return (entry) => {
        const { path, content } = entry;
        if (is_binary_1.isBinary(content)) {
            return entry;
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const path_1 = require("path");
const file_system_host_1 = require("./file-system-host");
const file_system_utility_1 = require("./file-system-utility");
class CollectionCannotBeResolvedException extends core_1.BaseException {
    constructor(name) {
        super(`Collection ${JSON.stringify(name)} cannot be resolved.`);
exports.CollectionCannotBeResolvedException = CollectionCannotBeResolvedException;
class InvalidCollectionJsonException extends core_1.BaseException {
    constructor(_name, path) {
        super(`Collection JSON at path ${JSON.stringify(path)} is invalid.`);
exports.InvalidCollectionJsonException = InvalidCollectionJsonException;
class SchematicMissingFactoryException extends core_1.BaseException {
    constructor(name) {
        super(`Schematic ${JSON.stringify(name)} is missing a factory.`);
exports.SchematicMissingFactoryException = SchematicMissingFactoryException;
class FactoryCannotBeResolvedException extends core_1.BaseException {
    constructor(name) {
        super(`Schematic ${JSON.stringify(name)} cannot resolve the factory.`);
exports.FactoryCannotBeResolvedException = FactoryCannotBeResolvedException;
class CollectionMissingSchematicsMapException extends core_1.BaseException {
    constructor(name) { super(`Collection "${name}" does not have a schematics map.`); }
exports.CollectionMissingSchematicsMapException = CollectionMissingSchematicsMapException;
class CollectionMissingFieldsException extends core_1.BaseException {
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exports.CollectionCannotBeResolvedException = CollectionCannotBeResolvedException;
class InvalidCollectionJsonException extends core_1.BaseException {
    constructor(_name, path) {
        super(`Collection JSON at path ${JSON.stringify(path)} is invalid.`);
exports.InvalidCollectionJsonException = InvalidCollectionJsonException;
class SchematicMissingFactoryException extends core_1.BaseException {
    constructor(name) {
        super(`Schematic ${JSON.stringify(name)} is missing a factory.`);
exports.SchematicMissingFactoryException = SchematicMissingFactoryException;
class FactoryCannotBeResolvedException extends core_1.BaseException {
    constructor(name) {
        super(`Schematic ${JSON.stringify(name)} cannot resolve the factory.`);
exports.FactoryCannotBeResolvedException = FactoryCannotBeResolvedException;
class CollectionMissingSchematicsMapException extends core_1.BaseException {
    constructor(name) { super(`Collection "${name}" does not have a schematics map.`); }
exports.CollectionMissingSchematicsMapException = CollectionMissingSchematicsMapException;
class CollectionMissingFieldsException extends core_1.BaseException {
    constructor(name) { super(`Collection "${name}" is missing fields.`); }
exports.CollectionMissingFieldsException = CollectionMissingFieldsException;
class SchematicMissingFieldsException extends core_1.BaseException {
    constructor(name) { super(`Schematic "${name}" is missing fields.`); }
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constructor(name) { super(`Collection "${name}" does not have a schematics map.`); }
exports.CollectionMissingSchematicsMapException = CollectionMissingSchematicsMapException;
class CollectionMissingFieldsException extends core_1.BaseException {
    constructor(name) { super(`Collection "${name}" is missing fields.`); }
exports.CollectionMissingFieldsException = CollectionMissingFieldsException;
class SchematicMissingFieldsException extends core_1.BaseException {
    constructor(name) { super(`Schematic "${name}" is missing fields.`); }
exports.SchematicMissingFieldsException = SchematicMissingFieldsException;
class SchematicMissingDescriptionException extends core_1.BaseException {
    constructor(name) { super(`Schematics "${name}" does not have a description.`); }
exports.SchematicMissingDescriptionException = SchematicMissingDescriptionException;
class SchematicNameCollisionException extends core_1.BaseException {
    constructor(name) {
        super(`Schematics/alias ${JSON.stringify(name)} collides with another alias or schematic`
            + ' name.');
exports.SchematicNameCollisionException = SchematicNameCollisionException;
 * A EngineHost base class that uses the file system to resolve collections. This is the base of
 * all other EngineHost provided by the tooling part of the Schematics library.
class FileSystemEngineHostBase {
    constructor() {
        this._transforms = [];
    listSchematics(collection) {
        const schematics = [];
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constructor(name) {
        super(`Circular collection reference "${name}".`);
exports.CircularCollectionException = CircularCollectionException;
class UnknownSchematicException extends core_1.BaseException {
    constructor(name, collection) {
        super(`Schematic "${name}" not found in collection "${}".`);
exports.UnknownSchematicException = UnknownSchematicException;
class SchematicEngineConflictingException extends core_1.BaseException {
    constructor() { super(`A schematic was called from a different engine as its parent.`); }
exports.SchematicEngineConflictingException = SchematicEngineConflictingException;
class UnregisteredTaskException extends core_1.BaseException {
    constructor(name, schematic) {
        const addendum = schematic ? ` in schematic "${}"` : '';
        super(`Unregistered task "${name}"${addendum}.`);
exports.UnregisteredTaskException = UnregisteredTaskException;
class SchematicEngine {
    constructor(_host) {
        this._host = _host;
        this._collectionCache = new Map();
        this._schematicCache = new Map();
        this._taskSchedulers = new Array();
    get defaultMergeStrategy() { return this._host.defaultMergeStrategy || interface_1.MergeStrategy.Default; }
    createCollection(name) {
        let collection = this._collectionCache.get(name);
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"use strict";
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
 * @license
 * Copyright Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
 * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
 * found in the LICENSE file at
const core_1 = require("@angular-devkit/core");
class UnknownActionException extends core_1.BaseException {
    constructor(action) { super(`Unknown action: "${action.kind}".`); }
exports.UnknownActionException = UnknownActionException;
let _id = 1;
class ActionList {
    constructor() {
        this._actions = [];
    _action(action) {
            id: _id++,
            parent: this._actions[this._actions.length - 1] || 0,
        }, action));
    create(path, content) {
        this._action({ kind: 'c', path, content });