How to use the @angular-devkit/core/node.NodeJsSyncHost function in @angular-devkit/core

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few @angular-devkit/core examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github angular / angular-cli / packages / angular_devkit / build_webpack / src / protractor / index_spec_big.ts View on Github external
describe('Protractor Target', () => {
  const devkitRoot = (global as any)._DevKitRoot; // tslint:disable-line:no-any
  const root = resolve(devkitRoot, 'tests/@angular_devkit/build_webpack/hello-world-app/');
  const builderPath = resolve(devkitRoot, 'packages/angular_devkit/build_webpack');
  const relativeBuilderPath = relative(root, builderPath);
  const host = new NodeJsSyncHost();

  const getWorkspace = (): Workspace => {
    const workspace = getDevServerWorkspace(); = 'protractor';['protractor'] = {
      builder: `${relativeBuilderPath}:protractor`,
      options: {
        protractorConfig: '../protractor.conf.js',
        devServerTarget: 'app:devServer',

    return workspace;

  it('runs', (done) => {
github angular / angular-cli / packages / angular / cli / models / schematic-command.ts View on Github external
protected async createWorkflow(options: BaseSchematicSchema): Promise {
    if (this._workflow) {
      return this._workflow;

    const { force, dryRun } = options;
    const fsHost = new virtualFs.ScopedHost(new NodeJsSyncHost(), normalize(this.workspace.root));

    const workflow = new NodeWorkflow(fsHost, {
      packageManager: await getPackageManager(this.workspace.root),
      root: normalize(this.workspace.root),
      registry: new schema.CoreSchemaRegistry(formats.standardFormats),
      resolvePaths: !!this.workspace.configFile
        // Workspace
        ? [process.cwd(), this.workspace.root]
        // Global
        : [__dirname, process.cwd()],
    workflow.engineHost.registerContextTransform(context => {
      // This is run by ALL schematics, so if someone uses `externalSchematics(...)` which
      // is safelisted, it would move to the right analytics (even if their own isn't).
github angular / angular-devkit-schematics-builds / tools / file-system-engine-host-base.js View on Github external
return (context) => {
                    // Resolve all file:///a/b/c/d from the schematic's own path, and not the current
                    // path.
                    const root = core_1.normalize(path_1.resolve(context.schematic.description.path, url.path || ''));
                    return new src_1.HostCreateTree(new core_1.virtualFs.ScopedHost(new node_1.NodeJsSyncHost(), root));
github angular / angular-cli / packages / angular_devkit / build_angular / src / dev-server / index.ts View on Github external
export function serveWebpackBrowser(
  options: DevServerBuilderOptions,
  context: BuilderContext,
  transforms: {
    webpackConfiguration?: ExecutionTransformer;
    logging?: WebpackLoggingCallback;
    indexHtml?: IndexHtmlTransform;
  } = {},
): Observable {
  // Check Angular version.
  assertCompatibleAngularVersion(context.workspaceRoot, context.logger);

  const browserTarget = targetFromTargetString(options.browserTarget);
  const root = context.workspaceRoot;
  let first = true;
  const host = new NodeJsSyncHost();

  const loggingFn =
    transforms.logging || createBrowserLoggingCallback(!!options.verbose, context.logger);

  async function setup(): Promise<{
    browserOptions: json.JsonObject & BrowserBuilderSchema;
    webpackConfig: webpack.Configuration;
    webpackDevServerConfig: WebpackDevServer.Configuration;
    port: number;
    projectRoot: string;
  }> {
    // Get the browser configuration from the target name.
    const rawBrowserOptions = await context.getTargetOptions(browserTarget);

    // Override options we need to override, if defined.
    const overrides = (Object.keys(options) as (keyof DevServerBuilderOptions)[])
github angular / angular-cli / packages / angular_devkit / schematics / tools / file-system-host.ts View on Github external
constructor(dir: string) {
    super(new NodeJsSyncHost(), normalize(dir));
github angular / angular-cli / packages / angular_devkit / build_angular / src / utils / webpack-browser-config.ts View on Github external
export async function generateBrowserWebpackConfigFromContext(
  options: BrowserBuilderSchema,
  context: BuilderContext,
  webpackPartialGenerator: (wco: BrowserWebpackConfigOptions) => webpack.Configuration[],
  host: virtualFs.Host = new NodeJsSyncHost(),
): Promise<{ config: webpack.Configuration; projectRoot: string; projectSourceRoot?: string }> {
  const projectName = &&;
  if (!projectName) {
    throw new Error('The builder requires a target.');

  const workspaceRoot = normalize(context.workspaceRoot);
  const projectMetadata = await context.getProjectMetadata(projectName);
  const projectRoot = resolve(workspaceRoot, normalize((projectMetadata.root as string) || ''));
  const projectSourceRoot = projectMetadata.sourceRoot as string | undefined;
  const sourceRoot = projectSourceRoot
    ? resolve(workspaceRoot, normalize(projectSourceRoot))
    : undefined;

  const normalizedOptions = normalizeBrowserSchema(
github nrwl / nx / packages / workspace / src / command-line / workspace-schematic.ts View on Github external
function createWorkflow(dryRun: boolean) {
  const root = normalize(rootDirectory);
  const host = new virtualFs.ScopedHost(new NodeJsSyncHost(), root);
  return new NodeWorkflow(host, {
    packageManager: detectPackageManager(),
    registry: new schema.CoreSchemaRegistry(formats.standardFormats)
github angular / angular-cli / packages / angular / cli / utilities / config.ts View on Github external
export async function validateWorkspace(json: JsonObject) {
  const workspace = new experimental.workspace.Workspace(
    new NodeJsSyncHost(),

  await workspace.loadWorkspaceFromJson(json).toPromise();

  return true;
github angular / angular-devkit-schematics-builds / src / sink / dryrun.js View on Github external
constructor(host, force = false) {
        super(typeof host == 'string'
            ? new core_1.virtualFs.ScopedHost(new node_1.NodeJsSyncHost(), core_1.normalize(host))
            : host, force);
        this._subject = new rxjs_1.Subject();
        this._fileDoesNotExistExceptionSet = new Set();
        this._fileAlreadyExistExceptionSet = new Set();
        this.reporter = this._subject.asObservable();
    _fileAlreadyExistException(path) {
github angular / angular-cli / packages / angular / cli / utilities / config.ts View on Github external
export function getWorkspaceRaw(
  level: 'local' | 'global' = 'local',
): [JsonAstObject | null, string | null] {
  let configPath = level === 'local' ? projectFilePath() : globalFilePath();

  if (!configPath) {
    if (level === 'global') {
      configPath = createGlobalSettings();
    } else {
      return [null, null];

  let content = '';
  new NodeJsSyncHost().read(normalize(configPath))
    .subscribe(data => content = virtualFs.fileBufferToString(data));

  const ast = parseJsonAst(content, JsonParseMode.Loose);

  if (ast.kind != 'object') {
    throw new Error(`Invalid JSON file: ${configPath}`);

  return [ast, configPath];