How to use the zfit.settings.ztypes.float function in zfit

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few zfit examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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                remaining_frac_func = lambda: tf.constant(1., dtype=ztypes.float) - tf.add_n(fracs)
                remaining_frac = convert_to_parameter(remaining_frac_func,
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def poisson(lam: Any, shape: Any, dtype: tf.DType = ztypes.float, seed: Any = None, name: Any = None):
    return tf.random.poisson(lam=lam, shape=shape, dtype=dtype, seed=seed, name=name)
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def __init__(self, dataset: Union[, "LightDataset"], sample_holder: tf.Variable,
                 n_holder: tf.Variable, weights=None,
                 fixed_params: Dict["zfit.Parameter", ztyping.NumericalScalarType] = None,
                 obs: ztyping.ObsTypeInput = None, name: str = None,
                 dtype: tf.DType = ztypes.float):

        super().__init__(dataset, obs, name=name, weights=weights, iterator_feed_dict=None, dtype=dtype)
        if fixed_params is None:
            fixed_params = OrderedDict()
        if isinstance(fixed_params, (list, tuple)):
            fixed_params = OrderedDict((param, for param in fixed_params)

        self._initial_resampled = False

        self.fixed_params = fixed_params
        self.sample_holder = sample_holder
        self.n = None
        self._n_holder = n_holder
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weights = ztf.constant(1., shape=(1,))

        for (lower, upper), area in zip(limits.iter_limits(as_tuple=True), limits.iter_areas(rel=True)):
            n_partial_to_produce = tf.to_int32(
                ztf.to_real(n_to_produce) * ztf.to_real(area))  # TODO(Mayou36): split right!

            lower = ztf.convert_to_tensor(lower, dtype=dtype)
            upper = ztf.convert_to_tensor(upper, dtype=dtype)

            if isinstance(limits, EventSpace):
                lower = tf.transpose(lower)
                upper = tf.transpose(upper)

            sample_drawn = tf.random_uniform(shape=(n_partial_to_produce, limits.n_obs + 1),
                                             # + 1 dim for the function value

            rnd_sample = sample_drawn[:, :-1] * (upper - lower) + lower  # -1: all except func value
            thresholds_unscaled = sample_drawn[:, -1]
            # if not multiple_limits:
            #     return rnd_sample, thresholds_unscaled

        rnd_sample = tf.concat(rnd_samples, axis=0)
        thresholds_unscaled = tf.concat(thresholds_unscaled_list, axis=0)

        n_drawn = n_to_produce
        return rnd_sample, thresholds_unscaled, weights, weights, n_drawn
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    def __init__(self, distribution, dist_params, obs, params=None, dist_kwargs=None, dtype=ztypes.float, name=None,
        # Check if subclass of distribution?
        if dist_kwargs is None:
            dist_kwargs = {}

        if dist_params is None:
            dist_params = {}
        name = name or
        if params is None:
            params = OrderedDict((k, p) for k, p in dist_params.items())
            params = OrderedDict((k, convert_to_parameter(p)) for k, p in params.items())

        super().__init__(obs=obs, dtype=dtype, name=name, params=params, **kwargs)

        self._distribution = distribution
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    def __init__(self, obs: ztyping.ObsTypeInput, params: Dict[str, ZfitParameter] = None, dtype: Type = ztypes.float,
                 name: str = "BasePDF",
        super().__init__(obs=obs, dtype=dtype, name=name, params=params, **kwargs)

        self._yield = None
        self._temp_yield = None
        self._norm_range = None
        self._normalization_value = None
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def __init__(self, mu: ztyping.ParamTypeInput, sigma: ztyping.ParamTypeInput,
                 alpha: ztyping.ParamTypeInput, n: ztyping.ParamTypeInput,
                 obs: ztyping.ObsTypeInput, name: str = "CrystalBall", dtype: Type = ztypes.float):
        """`Crystal Ball shaped PDF`__. A combination of a Gaussian with an powerlaw tail.

        The function is defined as follows:

        .. math::
            f(x;\\mu, \\sigma, \\alpha, n) =  \\begin{cases} \\exp(- \\frac{(x - \\mu)^2}{2 \\sigma^2}),
            & \\mbox{for}\\frac{x - \\mu}{\\sigma} \\geqslant -\\alpha \\newline
            A \\cdot (B - \\frac{x - \\mu}{\\sigma})^{-n}, & \\mbox{for }\\frac{x - \\mu}{\\sigma}
             < -\\alpha \\end{cases}


        .. math::
            A = \\left(\\frac{n}{\\left| \\alpha \\right|}\\right)^n \\cdot
            \\exp\\left(- \\frac {\\left|\\alpha \\right|^2}{2}\\right)
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def auto_integrate(func, limits, n_axes, x=None, method="AUTO", dtype=ztypes.float,
    if method == "AUTO":  # TODO unfinished, other methods?
        method = "mc"
    # TODO method
    if method.lower() == "mc":
        mc_options = mc_options or {}
        draws_per_dim = mc_options['draws_per_dim']
        integral = mc_integrate(x=x, func=func, limits=limits, n_axes=n_axes, method=method, dtype=dtype,
                                mc_sampler=mc_sampler, draws_per_dim=draws_per_dim,
    return integral