How to use the yq.loader.get_loader function in yq

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stdout=subprocess.PIPE if converting_output else None,
    except OSError as e:
        msg = "{}: Error starting jq: {}: {}. Is jq installed and available on PATH?"
        exit_func(msg.format(program_name, type(e).__name__, e))

        if converting_output:
            # TODO: enable true streaming in this branch (with asyncio, asyncproc, a multi-shot variant of
            # subprocess.Popen._communicate, etc.)
            # See
            use_annotations = True if output_format == "annotated_yaml" else False
            input_docs = []
            for input_stream in input_streams:
                if input_format == "yaml":
                    loader = get_loader(use_annotations=use_annotations)
                    input_docs.extend(yaml.load_all(input_stream, Loader=loader))
                elif input_format == "xml":
                    import xmltodict
                    input_docs.append(xmltodict.parse(, disable_entities=True))
                elif input_format == "toml":
                    import toml
                    raise Exception("Unknown input format")
            input_payload = "\n".join(json.dumps(doc, cls=JSONDateTimeEncoder) for doc in input_docs)
            jq_out, jq_err = jq.communicate(input_payload)
            json_decoder = json.JSONDecoder(object_pairs_hook=OrderedDict)
            if output_format == "yaml" or output_format == "annotated_yaml":
                yaml.dump_all(decode_docs(jq_out, json_decoder), stream=output_stream,
                              Dumper=get_dumper(use_annotations=use_annotations, indentless=indentless_lists),
                              width=width, allow_unicode=True, default_flow_style=False)