Secure your code as it's written. Use Snyk Code to scan source code in minutes - no build needed - and fix issues immediately.
addr, port = args.socks_proxy.split(':')
socks.set_default_proxy(socks.SOCKS5, addr, int(port))
socket.socket = socks.socksocket
print('Failed to set socks5 proxy. Please install PySocks.', file=sys.stderr)
opener = build_opener(*handlers)
m, u = url_to_module(args.video_url)
info = m.parser(u)
# Is a playlist?
if m.list_only():
video_list = m.prepare_list()
result = [ {'title': match1(get_content(url), r'<title>(.+?)</title>'), 'url': url} for url in video_list ]
result = info.jsonlize()
print(json.dumps(result, indent=4, sort_keys=True, ensure_ascii=False))
def prepare(self):
info = VideoInfo(, True)
html = get_content(self.url)
self.vid = match1(html, '"qipuId":(\d+),')
title = match1(html, '"roomTitle":"([^"]+)",')
artist = match1(html, '"anchorNickname":"([^"]+)",')
info.title = u'{} - {}'.format(title, artist)
info.artist = artist
data = getlive(self.vid)
self.logger.debug('data:\n' + str(data))
assert data['code'] == 'A00000', data.get('msg', 'can\'t play this live video!!')
data = data['data']
for stream in data['streams']:
stream_type = stream['steamType'] # typo 'streamType' to 'steamType'
stream_id = self.type_2_id[stream_type]
if stream['formatType'] == 'HLFLV':
stream_params = stream['url'].split('?')[-1]
stream_params_dict = dict((k, v[0]) for k, v in parse_qs(stream_params).items())
if stream_params_dict['hl_sttp'] != 'flv':
content_encoding = None
content_encoding = None
if content_encoding == 'gzip':
data = ungzip(data)
elif content_encoding == 'deflate':
data = undeflate(data)
if charset == 'ignore':
return data
# Decode the response body
if charset is None:
if 'Content-Type' in resheader:
charset = match1(resheader['Content-Type'], r'charset=([\w-]+)')
charset = charset or match1(str(data), r'charset=\"([\w-]+)', 'charset=([\w-]+)') or 'utf-8'
logger.debug("get_content> Charset: " + charset)
data = data.decode(charset, errors='replace')
logger.warning("wrong charset for {}".format(url))
return data
def get_extractor(url):
if 'live.bilibili' in url:
from . import live as s
return, url
elif 'vc.bilibili' in url:
from . import vc as s
return, url
elif '/bangumi/' in url:
from . import bangumi as s
return, url
av_id = match1(url, '(?:/av|aid=)(\d+)')
page_index = match1(url, '(?:page|\?p)=(\d+)', 'index_(\d+)\.') or '1'
if page_index == '1':
url = '{}/'.format(av_id)
url = '{}/?p={}'.format(av_id, page_index)
add_header('Referer', '')
url = get_location(url)
if '/bangumi/' in url:
from . import bangumi as s
from . import video as s
return, url
def qq_get_final_url(url, vid, fmt_id, filename, fvkey, platform):
params = {
'otype': 'json',
'platform': platform,
'filename': filename,
'vid': vid,
'format': fmt_id,
content = get_content('' + urlencode(params))
data = json.loads(match1(content, r'QZOutputJson=(.+);$'))
vkey = data.get('key', fvkey)
if vkey:
url = '{}{}?vkey={}'.format(url, filename, vkey)
url = None
vip = data.get('msg') == 'not pay'
return url, vip
def prepare(self):
info = VideoInfo(
if not self.vid:
topicid = match1(self.url, 'topicid=([^&]+)')
vid = match1(self.url, 'vid=([^&]+)')
if not topicid or not vid:
html = get_content(self.url)
topicid = topicid or match1(html, 'topicid : \"([^\"]+)', 'topicid=([^&]+)')
vid = vid or match1(html, 'vid : \"([^\"]+)', 'vid=([^&]+)')
self.vid = (topicid, vid)
topicid, _vid = self.vid
code = _vid[-2:]
video_xml = get_content('{}/{}/{}_{}.xml'.format(code[0], code[1], topicid, _vid))
info.title = compact_unquote(match1(video_xml, '<title>([^<]+)'))
for tp in self.sopported_stream_types:
searchcode = '<{}Url><flv>([^<]+)'.format(tp)
url = match1(video_xml, searchcode)
if url:
info.streams[self.stream_2_id[tp]] = {'container': 'flv', 'video_profile': self.stream_2_profile[tp], 'src' : [url], 'size': 0}
return info</title>
def get_title(self):
if self.title_patterns: = match1(self.html, *self.title_patterns)
# JSON string escaping in safe
exec(' = """%s"""' %'"""', ''))
# Mobile ver.
if '' in self.url:
self.title_patterns = '"content2": "(.+?)",', '"status_title": "(.+?)",'
self.url_patterns = '"stream_url_hd": "([^"]+)', '"stream_url": "([^"]+)'
if '/tv/v/' in self.url or 'fid=' not in self.url:
self.title_patterns = 'class="info_txt \w+">([^<]+)]+>\s*(?:)?\s*([^<]+)'
self.url_patterns = 'video-sources\s*=\s*".+?(?:&\d+=http.+?)*&\d+=(http.+?[^=])(?:&\d+=)*&qType=\w+"',
self.title_patterns = '<title>([^<]+)</',
self.url_patterns = r'(?:data-url|controls src)\s*=\s*[\"\']([^\"\']+)',
html = get_content(self.url)
url = match1(html, '"page_url": "([^"]+)')
assert url, 'No url match'
self.url = url
def get_page_info(self):
page_index = match1(self.url, '\?p=(\d+)', 'index_(\d+)\.') or '1'
html = get_content(self.url)
date = json.loads(match1(html, '__INITIAL_STATE__=({.+?});'))['videoData']
title = date['title']
artist = date['owner']['name']
pages = date['pages']
for page in pages:
index = str(page['page'])
subtitle = page['part']
if index == page_index:
vid = page['cid']
if len(pages) > 1:
title = u'{} - {} - {}'.format(title, index, subtitle)
elif subtitle and subtitle != title:
title = u'{} - {}'.format(title, subtitle)
return vid, title, artist
def prepare(self):
info = VideoInfo(, True)
add_header("Referer", '')
html = get_content(self.url)
self.vid = match1(html, '\$ROOM\.room_id\s*=\s*(\d+)',
title = match1(html, 'Title-headlineH2">([^<]+)<')
artist = match1(html, 'Title-anchorName" title="([^"]+)"')
if not title or not artist:
html = get_content('' + self.vid)
room_data = json.loads(html)
if room_data['error'] == 0:
room_data = room_data['data']
title = room_data['room_name']
artist = room_data['owner_name']
info.title = u'{} - {}'.format(title, artist)
info.artist = artist