How to use the yamlpath.wrappers.ConsolePrinter function in yamlpath

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few yamlpath examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github wwkimball / yamlpath / tests / View on Github external
def test_error_noisy_nonexit(self, capsys):
        args = SimpleNamespace(verbose=False, quiet=False, debug=False)
        logger = ConsolePrinter(args)
        console = capsys.readouterr()
        assert console.err == "ERROR:  Test\n"
github wwkimball / yamlpath / tests / View on Github external
def test_critical_quiet(self, capsys):
        args = SimpleNamespace(verbose=False, quiet=True, debug=False)
        logger = ConsolePrinter(args)
        with pytest.raises(SystemExit):
            console = capsys.readouterr()
            assert console.err == "CRITICAL:  Test\n"
github wwkimball / yamlpath / tests / View on Github external
def test_info_quiet(self, capsys):
        args = SimpleNamespace(verbose=False, quiet=True, debug=False)
        logger = ConsolePrinter(args)"Test")
        console = capsys.readouterr()
        assert not console.out
github wwkimball / yamlpath / tests / View on Github external
def test_debug_noisy(self, capsys):
        args = SimpleNamespace(verbose=False, quiet=False, debug=True)
        logger = ConsolePrinter(args)
        anchoredkey = PlainScalarString("TestKey", anchor="KeyAnchor")
        anchoredval = PlainScalarString("TestVal", anchor="Anchor")

        console = capsys.readouterr()
        assert "\n".join([
            "DEBUG:  TestVal; &Anchor",
        ]) + "\n" == console.out

        logger.debug(["test", anchoredval])
        console = capsys.readouterr()
        assert "\n".join([
            "DEBUG:  [0]=test ",
            "DEBUG:  [1]=TestVal; &Anchor ",
        ]) + "\n" == console.out
github wwkimball / yamlpath / tests / View on Github external
def test_debug_quiet(self, capsys):
        args = SimpleNamespace(verbose=False, quiet=True, debug=True)
        logger = ConsolePrinter(args)
        console = capsys.readouterr()
        assert not console.out
github wwkimball / yamlpath / tests / View on Github external
def quiet_logger():
    args = SimpleNamespace(verbose=False, quiet=True, debug=False)
    return ConsolePrinter(args)
github wwkimball / yamlpath / yamlpath / commands / View on Github external
def main():
    """Main code."""
    args = processcli()
    log = ConsolePrinter(args)
    validateargs(args, log)
    yaml_path = YAMLPath(args.query, pathsep=args.pathsep)

    # Prep the YAML parser
    yaml = get_yaml_editor()

    # Attempt to open the YAML file; check for parsing errors
    yaml_data = get_yaml_data(yaml, log, args.yaml_file)
    if yaml_data is None:
        # An error message has already been logged

    # Seek the queried value(s)
    discovered_nodes = []
    processor = EYAMLProcessor(
        log, yaml_data, binary=args.eyaml,
github wwkimball / yamlpath / yamlpath / commands / View on Github external
def main():
    """Main code."""
    # Process any command-line arguments
    args = processcli()
    log = ConsolePrinter(args)
    validateargs(args, log)
    processor = EYAMLProcessor(log, None, binary=args.eyaml)

    # Prep the YAML parser
    yaml = get_yaml_editor()

    # Process the input file(s)
    in_file_count = len(args.yaml_files)
    exit_state = 0
    for yaml_file in args.yaml_files:
        file_changed = False
        backup_file = yaml_file + ".bak"
        seen_anchors = []

        # Each YAML_FILE must actually be a file
        if not isfile(yaml_file):
github wwkimball / yamlpath / yamlpath / commands / View on Github external
def main():
    """Main code."""
    # Process any command-line arguments
    args = processcli()
    log = ConsolePrinter(args)
    validateargs(args, log)
    search_values = True
    search_keys = False
    include_key_aliases = False
    include_value_aliases = False

    if args.onlykeynames:
        search_values = False
        search_keys = True
    elif args.keynames:
        search_keys = True

    if args.include_aliases is IncludeAliases.INCLUDE_ALL_ALIASES:
        include_key_aliases = True
        include_value_aliases = True
    elif args.include_aliases is IncludeAliases.INCLUDE_KEY_ALIASES: