How to use the xknx.exceptions.CouldNotParseKNXIP function in xknx

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def from_knx(self, raw):
        """Parse/deserialize from KNX/IP raw data."""
        if len(raw) < DIBDeviceInformation.LENGTH:
            raise CouldNotParseKNXIP("wrong connection header length")
        if raw[0] != DIBDeviceInformation.LENGTH:
            raise CouldNotParseKNXIP("wrong connection header length")
        if DIBTypeCode(raw[1]) != DIBTypeCode.DEVICE_INFO:
            raise CouldNotParseKNXIP("DIB is no device info")

        self.knx_medium = KNXMedium(raw[2])
        # last bit of device_status. All other bits are unused
        self.programming_mode = bool(raw[3])
        self.individual_address = \
            PhysicalAddress((raw[4], raw[5]))
        installation_project_identifier = raw[6]*256+raw[7]
        self.project_number = installation_project_identifier >> 4
        self.installation_number = installation_project_identifier & 15
        self.serial_number = ":".join('%02x' % i for i in raw[8:14])
        self.multicast_address = ".".join('%i' % i for i in raw[14:18])
        self.mac_address = ":".join('%02x' % i for i in raw[18:24]) = "".join(map(chr, raw[24:54])).rstrip('\0')
        return DIBDeviceInformation.LENGTH
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def cri_from_knx(cri):
            """Parse CRI (Connection Request Information)."""
            if cri[0] != ConnectRequest.CRI_LENGTH:
                raise CouldNotParseKNXIP("CRI has wrong length")
            if len(cri) < ConnectRequest.CRI_LENGTH:
                raise CouldNotParseKNXIP("CRI data has wrong length")
            self.request_type = ConnectRequestType(cri[1])
            self.flags = cri[2]
            return 4
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def from_knx(cls, raw):
        """Parse/deserialize from KNX/IP raw data."""
        cls.test_bytesarray(raw, 1)
        if raw[0] & 8 > 0:
            return HVACOperationMode.FROST_PROTECTION
        if raw[0] & 4 > 0:
            return HVACOperationMode.NIGHT
        if raw[0] & 2 > 0:
            return HVACOperationMode.STANDBY
        if raw[0] & 1 > 0:
            return HVACOperationMode.COMFORT
        raise CouldNotParseKNXIP("Could not parse HVACOperationMode")
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def crd_from_knx(crd):
            """Parse CRD (Connection Response Data Block)."""
            if crd[0] != ConnectResponse.CRD_LENGTH:
                raise CouldNotParseKNXIP("CRD has wrong length")
            if len(crd) < ConnectResponse.CRD_LENGTH:
                raise CouldNotParseKNXIP("CRD data has wrong length")
            self.request_type = ConnectRequestType(crd[1])
            self.identifier = crd[2]*256+crd[3]
            return 4
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def info_from_knx(info):
            """Parse info bytes."""
            if len(info) < 2:
                raise CouldNotParseKNXIP("Disconnect info has wrong length")
            self.communication_channel_id = info[0]
            self.status_code = ErrorCode(info[1])
            return 2
        pos = info_from_knx(raw)
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def info_from_knx(info):
            """Parse info bytes."""
            if len(info) < 2:
                raise CouldNotParseKNXIP("info has wrong length")
            self.communication_channel_id = info[0]
            self.status_code = ErrorCode(info[1])
            return 2
        pos = info_from_knx(raw)
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def from_knx(self, raw):
        """Parse/deserialize from KNX/IP raw data."""
        if len(raw) < 2:
            raise CouldNotParseKNXIP("DIB header too small")
        length = raw[0]
        if len(raw) < length:
            raise CouldNotParseKNXIP("DIB wrong size")
        if DIBTypeCode(raw[1]) != DIBTypeCode.SUPP_SVC_FAMILIES:
            raise CouldNotParseKNXIP("DIB is no device info")

        for i in range(0, int((length-2)/2)):
            name = DIBServiceFamily(raw[i*2+2])
            version = raw[i*2+3]
            self.families.append(DIBSuppSVCFamilies.Family(name, version))
        return length
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self.mpdu_len = cemi[8 + addil]

        # TPCI (transport layer control information)   -> First 14 bit
        # APCI (application layer control information) -> Last  10 bit

        tpci_apci = cemi[9 + addil] * 256 + cemi[10 + addil]

            self.cmd = APCICommand(tpci_apci & 0xFFC0)
        except ValueError:
            raise CouldNotParseKNXIP(
                "APCI not supported: {0:#012b}".format(tpci_apci & 0xFFC0))

        apdu = cemi[10 + addil:]
        if len(apdu) != self.mpdu_len:
            raise CouldNotParseKNXIP(
                "APDU LEN should be {} but is {}".format(
                    self.mpdu_len, len(apdu)))

        if len(apdu) == 1:
            apci = tpci_apci & DPTBinary.APCI_BITMASK
            self.payload = DPTBinary(apci)
            self.payload = DPTArray(cemi[11 + addil:])

        return 10 + addil + len(apdu)
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def header_from_knx(header):
            """Parse header bytes."""
            if header[0] != TunnellingRequest.HEADER_LENGTH:
                raise CouldNotParseKNXIP("connection header wrong length")
            if len(header) < TunnellingRequest.HEADER_LENGTH:
                raise CouldNotParseKNXIP("connection header wrong length")
            self.communication_channel_id = header[1]
            self.sequence_counter = header[2]
            return 4
        pos = header_from_knx(raw)
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def from_knx(self, raw):
        """Parse/deserialize from KNX/IP raw data."""
        if len(raw) < 2:
            raise CouldNotParseKNXIP("DIB header too small")
        length = raw[0]
        if len(raw) < length:
            raise CouldNotParseKNXIP("DIB wrong size")
        if DIBTypeCode(raw[1]) != DIBTypeCode.SUPP_SVC_FAMILIES:
            raise CouldNotParseKNXIP("DIB is no device info")

        for i in range(0, int((length-2)/2)):
            name = DIBServiceFamily(raw[i*2+2])
            version = raw[i*2+3]
            self.families.append(DIBSuppSVCFamilies.Family(name, version))
        return length