How to use the xdoctest.utils.ensure_unicode function in xdoctest

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            print('Caught an error when parsing')
        msg = ('Cannot scrape callname={} in modpath={} line={}.\n'
               'Caused by: {}\n')
        # raise
        msg = msg.format(callname, modpath, lineno, repr(ex))
        if isinstance(ex, exceptions.DoctestParseError):
            # TODO: Can we print a nicer syntax error here?

            msg += '{}\n'.format(ex.string)
            msg += 'Original Error: {}\n'.format(repr(ex.orig_ex))

            if isinstance(ex.orig_ex, SyntaxError):
                extra_help = ''
                if ex.orig_ex.text:
                    extra_help += utils.ensure_unicode(ex.orig_ex.text)
                if ex.orig_ex.offset is not None:
                    extra_help += ' ' * (ex.orig_ex.offset - 1) + '^'
                if extra_help:
                    msg += '\n' + extra_help

        # Always warn when something bad is happening.
        # However, dont error if the docstr simply has bad syntax
        print('msg = {}'.format(msg))
        if isinstance(ex, exceptions.MalformedDocstr):
        elif isinstance(ex, exceptions.DoctestParseError):
    if DEBUG:
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def _docnode_line_workaround(self, docnode):
        # lineno points to the last line of a string
        endpos = docnode.lineno - 1
        docstr = utils.ensure_unicode(docnode.value.s)
        sourcelines = self.sourcelines
        start, stop = self._docstr_line_workaround(docstr, sourcelines, endpos)
        # Convert 0-based line positions to 1-based line numbers
        doclineno = start + 1
        doclineno_end = stop
        # print('docnode = {!r}'.format(docnode))
        return doclineno, doclineno_end
github Erotemic / xdoctest / xdoctest / View on Github external
>>> from xdoctest.docstr import docscrape_google
            >>> from xdoctest import core
            >>> self = parser.DoctestParser()
            >>> docstr = self.parse.__doc__
            >>> blocks = docscrape_google.split_google_docblocks(docstr)
            >>> doclineno = self.parse.__func__.__code__.co_firstlineno
            >>> key, (string, offset) = blocks[-2]
            >>> self._label_docsrc_lines(string)
            >>> doctest_parts = self.parse(string)
            >>> # each part with a want-string needs to be broken in two
            >>> assert len(doctest_parts) == 6
        if DEBUG > 1:
            print('\n===== PARSE ====')
        if sys.version_info.major == 2:  # nocover
            string = utils.ensure_unicode(string)

        if not isinstance(string, six.string_types):
            raise TypeError('Expected string but got {!r}'.format(string))

        string = string.expandtabs()
        # If all lines begin with the same indentation, then strip it.
        min_indent = min_indentation(string)
        if min_indent > 0:
            string = '\n'.join([l[min_indent:] for l in string.splitlines()])

        labeled_lines = None
        grouped_lines = None
        all_parts = None
            labeled_lines = self._label_docsrc_lines(string)
            grouped_lines = self._group_labeled_lines(labeled_lines)
github Erotemic / xdoctest / xdoctest / View on Github external
>>> from xdoctest import core
            >>> self = parser.DoctestParser()
            >>> docstr = self.parse.__doc__
            >>> blocks = docscrape_google.split_google_docblocks(docstr)
            >>> doclineno = self.parse.__func__.__code__.co_firstlineno
            >>> key, (string, offset) = blocks[-2]
            >>> self._label_docsrc_lines(string)
            >>> doctest_parts = self.parse(string)
            >>> # each part with a want-string needs to be broken in two
            >>> assert len(doctest_parts) == 6
        if DEBUG > 1:
            print('\n===== PARSE ====')
        # if sys.version_info.major == 2:  # nocover
        if six.PY2:
            string = utils.ensure_unicode(string)

        if not isinstance(string, six.string_types):
            raise TypeError('Expected string but got {!r}'.format(string))

        string = string.expandtabs()
        # If all lines begin with the same indentation, then strip it.
        min_indent = _min_indentation(string)
        if min_indent > 0:
            string = '\n'.join([l[min_indent:] for l in string.splitlines()])

        labeled_lines = None
        grouped_lines = None
        all_parts = None
            labeled_lines = self._label_docsrc_lines(string)
            grouped_lines = self._group_labeled_lines(labeled_lines)
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runstate = directive.RuntimeState()

        # Don't normalize because it usually removes the newlines
        runstate_ = runstate.to_dict()

        # Don't normalize whitespaces in report for better visibility
        runstate_['NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE'] = False
        runstate_['IGNORE_WHITESPACE'] = False
        got, want = normalize(got, want, runstate_)

        # If s are being used, then replace blank lines
        # with  in the actual output string.
        # if not runstate['DONT_ACCEPT_BLANKLINE']:
        #     got = re.sub('(?m)^[ ]*(?=\n)', BLANKLINE_MARKER, got)

        got = utils.ensure_unicode(got)

        # Check if we should use diff.
        if self._do_a_fancy_diff(runstate):
            # Split want & got into lines.
            want_lines = want.splitlines(True)
            got_lines = got.splitlines(True)
            # Use difflib to find their differences.
            if runstate['REPORT_UDIFF']:
                diff = difflib.unified_diff(want_lines, got_lines, n=2)
                diff = list(diff)[2:]  # strip the diff header
                kind = 'unified diff with -expected +actual'
            elif runstate['REPORT_CDIFF']:
                diff = difflib.context_diff(want_lines, got_lines, n=2)
                diff = list(diff)[2:]  # strip the diff header
                kind = 'context diff with expected followed by actual'
            elif runstate['REPORT_NDIFF']:
github Erotemic / xdoctest / testing / View on Github external
    dpath = temp.dpath
    modpath = join(dpath, '')
    with open(modpath, 'w') as file:

    with utils.CaptureStdout() as cap:
        runner.doctest_module(modpath, 'all', argv=[''], style='freeform',

    print('CAPTURED [[[[[[[[')
    print(']]]]]]]] # CAPTURED')

    if six.PY2:
        captext = utils.ensure_unicode(cap.text)
        captext = cap.text

    if True or not six.PY2:  # Why does this have issues on the dashboards?
        assert '1 run-time warnings' in captext
        assert '2 parse-time warnings' in captext

        # Assert summary line
        assert '3 warnings' in captext
        assert '2 failed' in captext
        assert '1 passed' in captext