Secure your code as it's written. Use Snyk Code to scan source code in minutes - no build needed - and fix issues immediately.
else src_xy_tp_gcp_step
dst_width, dst_height = dst_size
_assert(src_dataset is not None)
_assert(dst_width > 1)
_assert(dst_height > 1)
_assert(gcp_i_step > 0)
_assert(gcp_j_step > 0)
_assert(x_name in src_dataset)
_assert(y_name in src_dataset)
x_var = src_dataset[x_name]
y_var = src_dataset[y_name]
if len(x_var.dims) == 1 and len(y_var.dims) == 1:
y_var, x_var = xr.broadcast(y_var, x_var)
_assert(len(x_var.dims) == 2)
_assert(y_var.dims == x_var.dims)
_assert(x_var.shape[-1] >= 2)
_assert(x_var.shape[-2] >= 2)
_assert(y_var.shape == x_var.shape)
src_width = x_var.shape[-1]
src_height = x_var.shape[-2]
dst_region = _ensure_valid_region(dst_region, GLOBAL_GEO_EXTENT, x_var, y_var)
dst_x1, dst_y1, dst_x2, dst_y2 = dst_region
dst_res = max((dst_x2 - dst_x1) / dst_width, (dst_y2 - dst_y1) / dst_height)
_assert(dst_res > 0)
dst_geo_transform = (dst_x1, dst_res, 0.0,
inputs : dict
Evaluated outputs of the input nodes. The keys are the attribute names.
eqn = self.eqn.format(**self.params)
fields = [f for f in 'ABCDEFG' if getattr(self, f) is not None]
res = xr.broadcast(*[inputs[f] for f in fields])
f_locals = dict(zip(fields, res))
if ne is None:
result = eval(eqn, f_locals)
result = ne.evaluate(eqn, f_locals)
res = res[0].copy() # Make an xarray object with correct dimensions
res[:] = result
return res
if not settings.allow_unsafe_eval:
raise PermissionError(
"Insecure evaluation of Python code using Arithmetic node has not been allowed. If "
"this is an error, use: `podpac.settings.set_unsafe_eval(True)`. "
"NOTE: Allowing unsafe evaluation enables arbitrary execution of Python code through PODPAC "
"Node definitions."
eqn = self.eqn.format(**self.params)
fields = self.inputs.keys()
res = xr.broadcast(*[inputs[f] for f in fields])
f_locals = dict(zip(fields, res))
from numexpr import evaluate # Needed for some systems to get around lazy_module issues
result = ne.evaluate(eqn, f_locals)
except (NotImplementedError, ImportError):
result = eval(eqn, f_locals)
res = res[0].copy() # Make an xarray object with correct dimensions
res[:] = result
return res
# for positive-up z coordinates, starting from the surface going to the bed,
# a positive velocity at the surface yields a positive strength
# ADCP: positive:down, first bin is at the surface, so ultimately want
# flip_sgn=1.
# suntans: positive:up, first bin is at the surface. so ultimately want
# flip_sgn=1.
if tran.z_ctr.attrs.get('positive','up')=='down':
# if the first bin is at the bed
if tran.z_dz.mean()>0:
all_u_left,z_dz= xr.broadcast(tran.Uroz.isel(roz=1), tran.z_dz)
for samp in range(tran.dims['sample']):
valid_left=np.isfinite(u_left) & (z_dz.isel(sample=samp).values!=0.0)
if mid_idx>0:
pass # leave as zero
if name is not None:
tran[name].attrs['units']='m s-1'
tran[name].attrs['description']='Average left-ward velocity in upper water column'
return circ_velocity
* perfect: 0
* else: negative
# helper dim to calc mu
rdim = [tdim for tdim in verif.dims if tdim in CLIMPRED_DIMS + ['time']]
# inside compute_perfect_model
if 'init' in forecast.dims:
dim2 = 'init'
# inside compute_hindcast
elif 'time' in forecast.dims:
dim2 = 'time'
raise ValueError('dim2 not found automatically in ', forecast.dims)
mu = verif.mean(rdim)
forecast, ref2 = xr.broadcast(forecast, verif)
mse_kwargs = metric_kwargs.copy()
if 'dim' in mse_kwargs:
del mse_kwargs['dim']
sig_r = __mse.function(forecast, ref2, dim='member', **mse_kwargs).mean(dim2)
sig_h = __mse.function(
forecast.mean(dim2), ref2.mean(dim2), dim='member', **mse_kwargs
crps_h = _crps_gaussian(forecast, mu, sig_h)
if 'member' in crps_h.dims:
crps_h = crps_h.mean('member')
crps_r = _crps_gaussian(forecast, mu, sig_r)
if 'member' in crps_r.dims:
crps_r = crps_r.mean('member')
return 1 - crps_h / crps_r
array : xarray.DataArray
The data on which the trend is computed
dim : str, optional
Dimension over which the array will be detrended
type : {'constant', 'linear', 'quadratic'}, optional
Type of trend to be computed. Default is 'linear'.
array_trend : xarray.DataArray
The trend associated with the input data
if type is 'constant':
array_trend = array.mean(dim=dim)
_, array_trend = xr.broadcast(array, array_trend)
elif type is 'linear':
linfit = linreg(array, dim=dim)
array_trend = array[dim] * linfit['slope'] + linfit['offset']
elif type is 'quadratic':
raise NotImplementedError
raise ValueError('This type of trend is not supported')
return array_trend
if isinstance(illum_wavelen, xr.DataArray):
if len(illum_wavelen) == 1:
illum_wavelen = illum_wavelen.repeat(
illum_wavelen = xr.DataArray(
illum_wavelen, dims=illumination,
coords={illumination: illum_polarization.illumination})
# need to interpret illumination from detector.illum_wavelen
if not isinstance(illum_wavelen, xr.DataArray):
illum_wavelen = xr.DataArray(
illum_wavelen, dims=illumination,
coords={illumination: illum_wavelen})
illum_polarization = xr.broadcast(
illum_polarization, illum_wavelen, exclude=[vector])[0]
if illumination in detector.dims:
detector = detector.sel(
illumination=detector.illumination[0], drop=True)
detector = update_metadata(
detector, illum_wavelen=illum_wavelen,
return detector
Return new geo-coding for given *dataset*.
:param xy: Tuple of x and y coordinate variables.
:param xy_names: Optional tuple of the x- and y-coordinate variables in *dataset*.
:return: The source dataset's geo-coding.
x, y = xy
if xy_names is None:
xy_names =,
x_name, y_name = xy_names
if x_name is None or y_name is None:
raise ValueError(f'unable to determine x and y coordinate variable names')
if x.ndim == 1 and y.ndim == 1:
y, x = xr.broadcast(y, x)
if x.ndim != 2 or y.ndim != 2:
raise ValueError(
f'coordinate variables {x_name!r} and {y_name!r} must both have either one or two dimensions')
if x.shape != y.shape or x.dims != y.dims:
raise ValueError(f"coordinate variables {x_name!r} and {y_name!r} must have same shape and dimensions")
height, width = x.shape
if width < 2 or height < 2:
raise ValueError(f"size in each dimension of {x_name!r} and {y_name!r} must be greater two")
is_geo_crs = _is_geo_crs(x_name, y_name)
is_lon_normalized = False
if is_geo_crs:
x, is_lon_normalized = _maybe_normalise_2d_lon(x)
shape=[ len(ds[d]) for d in dims]
# For the moment, can assume that there are two dimensions,
# and the first is sample.
new_val=np.nan*np.ones( shape, np.float64 )
# iter_shape=[ len(tran[d]) for d in dims
if len(dims)==1:
# print("Not sure how to resample %s"%v)
# Not quite there -- this isn't smart enough to get the interfaces
_,src_z,src_dz = xr.broadcast(var,tran['z_ctr'],get_z_dz(tran))
# some of these may be nan - just look past those
all_sgns=all_sgns[ np.isfinite(all_sgns) ]
if all_sgns.max()>0:
elif all_sgns.min()<0:
raise Exception("All signs are 0?")
assert np.all( sgn*all_sgns>=0 )
for index in np.ndindex( *iter_shape ):
if index[z_num]>0:
# Why are values getting filled to the bed?