How to use the xandikos.webdav.Method function in xandikos

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class Method(object):

    def name(self):
        return type(self).__name__.upper()[:-6]

    async def handle(self, request, environ, app):
        raise NotImplementedError(self.handle)

    def allow(self, request):
        """Is this method allowed considering the specified request?"""
        return True

class DeleteMethod(Method):

    async def handle(self, request, environ, app):
        unused_href, path, r = app._get_resource_from_environ(request, environ)
        if r is None:
            return _send_not_found(request)
        container_path, item_name = posixpath.split(path.rstrip('/'))
        pr = app.backend.get_resource(container_path)
        if pr is None:
            return _send_not_found(request)
        current_etag = await r.get_etag()
        if_match = request.headers.get('If-Match', None)
        if if_match is not None and not etag_matches(if_match, current_etag):
            return Response(status=412, reason='Precondition Failed')
        pr.delete_member(item_name, current_etag)
        return Response(status=204, reason='No Content')
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unused_href, path, r = app._get_resource_from_environ(request, environ)
        if r is None:
            return _send_not_found(request)
        container_path, item_name = posixpath.split(path.rstrip('/'))
        pr = app.backend.get_resource(container_path)
        if pr is None:
            return _send_not_found(request)
        current_etag = await r.get_etag()
        if_match = request.headers.get('If-Match', None)
        if if_match is not None and not etag_matches(if_match, current_etag):
            return Response(status=412, reason='Precondition Failed')
        pr.delete_member(item_name, current_etag)
        return Response(status=204, reason='No Content')

class PostMethod(Method):

    async def handle(self, request, environ, app):
        # see RFC5995
        new_contents = await _readBody(request)
        unused_href, path, r = app._get_resource_from_environ(request, environ)
        if r is None:
            return _send_not_found(request)
        if COLLECTION_RESOURCE_TYPE not in r.resource_types:
            return _send_method_not_allowed(
        content_type, params = parse_type(request.content_type)
            (name, etag) = r.create_member(None, new_contents, content_type)
        except PreconditionFailure as e:
            return _send_simple_dav_error(
                request, '412 Precondition Failed',
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elif requested.tag == '{DAV:}prop':
                propstat = get_properties(
                    href, resource,, environ, requested)
            elif requested.tag == '{DAV:}propname':
                propstat = get_property_names(
                    href, resource,, environ, requested)
                raise BadRequestError(
                    'Expected prop/allprop/propname tag, got ' + requested.tag)
            yield Status(href, '200 OK', propstat=[s async for s in propstat])
        # By my reading of the WebDAV RFC, it should be legal to return
        # '200 OK' here if Depth=0, but the RFC is not super clear and
        # some clients don't seem to like it and prefer a 207 instead.

class ProppatchMethod(Method):

    async def handle(self, request, environ, app):
        href, unused_path, resource = app._get_resource_from_environ(
            request, environ)
        if resource is None:
            yield Status(request.url, '404 Not Found')
        et = await _readXmlBody(
            request, '{DAV:}propertyupdate', strict=app.strict)
        propstat = []
        for el in et:
            if el.tag not in ('{DAV:}set', '{DAV:}remove'):
                raise BadRequestError('Unknown tag %s in propertyupdate'
                                      % el.tag)
            propstat.extend(apply_modify_prop(el, href, resource,
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# RFC7231 requires that if there is no response body,
        # Content-Length: 0 must be sent. This implies that there is
        # content (albeit empty), and thus a 204 is not a valid reply.
        # Thunderbird also fails if a 204 is sent rather than a 200.
        return Response(status=200, reason='OK', headers=headers + [
            ('Content-Length', '0')])

class HeadMethod(Method):

    async def handle(self, request, environ, app):
        return await _do_get(request, environ, app, send_body=False)

class GetMethod(Method):

    async def handle(self, request, environ, app):
        return await _do_get(request, environ, app, send_body=True)

async def _do_get(request, environ, app, send_body):
    unused_href, unused_path, r = app._get_resource_from_environ(
        request, environ)
    if r is None:
        return _send_not_found(request)
    accept_content_types = parse_accept_header(
        request.headers.get('Accept', '*/*'))
    accept_content_languages = parse_accept_header(
        request.headers.get('Accept-Languages', '*'))

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name, new_contents, content_type)
        except PreconditionFailure as e:
            return _send_simple_dav_error(
                request, '412 Precondition Failed',
        except InsufficientStorage:
            return Response(status=507, reason='Insufficient Storage')
        except ResourceLocked:
            return Response(status=423, reason='Resource Locked')
        return Response(
            status=201, reason='Created', headers=[
                ('ETag', new_etag)])

class ReportMethod(Method):

    async def handle(self, request, environ, app):
        # See, section 3.6
        base_href, unused_path, r = app._get_resource_from_environ(
            request, environ)
        if r is None:
            return _send_not_found(request)
        depth = request.headers.get("Depth", "0")
        et = await _readXmlBody(request, None, strict=app.strict)
            reporter = app.reporters[et.tag]
        except KeyError:
            logging.warning('Client requested unknown REPORT %s', et.tag)
            return _send_simple_dav_error(
                '403 Forbidden', error=ET.Element('{DAV:}supported-report'),
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if r is None:
                return _send_not_found(request)
            dav_features = app._get_dav_features(r)
            headers.append(('DAV', ', '.join(dav_features)))
            allowed_methods = app._get_allowed_methods(request)
            headers.append(('Allow', ', '.join(allowed_methods)))

        # RFC7231 requires that if there is no response body,
        # Content-Length: 0 must be sent. This implies that there is
        # content (albeit empty), and thus a 204 is not a valid reply.
        # Thunderbird also fails if a 204 is sent rather than a 200.
        return Response(status=200, reason='OK', headers=headers + [
            ('Content-Length', '0')])

class HeadMethod(Method):

    async def handle(self, request, environ, app):
        return await _do_get(request, environ, app, send_body=False)

class GetMethod(Method):

    async def handle(self, request, environ, app):
        return await _do_get(request, environ, app, send_body=True)

async def _do_get(request, environ, app, send_body):
    unused_href, unused_path, r = app._get_resource_from_environ(
        request, environ)
    if r is None:
        return _send_not_found(request)
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'403 Forbidden', error=ET.Element('{DAV:}supported-report'),
                description=('Unknown report %s.' % et.tag)
        if not reporter.supported_on(r):
            return _send_simple_dav_error(
                '403 Forbidden', error=ET.Element('{DAV:}supported-report'),
                description=('Report %s not supported on resource.' % et.tag)
        return await
            environ, et, functools.partial(
                _get_resources_by_hrefs, app.backend, environ),
  , base_href, r, depth)

class PropfindMethod(Method):

    async def handle(self, request, environ, app):
        base_href, unused_path, base_resource = (
            app._get_resource_from_environ(request, environ))
        if base_resource is None:
            yield Status(request.url, '404 Not Found')
        # Default depth is infinity, per RFC2518
        depth = request.headers.get("Depth", "infinity")
        if not request.can_read_body:
            requested = None
            et = await _readXmlBody(
                request, '{DAV:}propfind', strict=app.strict)
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propstat = []
            for el in et:
                if el.tag != '{DAV:}set':
                    raise BadRequestError('Unknown tag %s in mkcol' % el.tag)
                propstat.extend(apply_modify_prop(el, href, resource,
            ret = ET.Element('{DAV:}mkcol-response')
            for propstat_el in propstat_as_xml(propstat):
            return _send_xml_response(
                '201 Created', ret, DEFAULT_ENCODING)
            return Response(status=201, reason='Created')

class OptionsMethod(Method):

    async def handle(self, request, environ, app):
        headers = []
        if request.raw_path != '*':
            unused_href, unused_path, r = (
                app._get_resource_from_environ(request, environ))
            if r is None:
                return _send_not_found(request)
            dav_features = app._get_dav_features(r)
            headers.append(('DAV', ', '.join(dav_features)))
            allowed_methods = app._get_allowed_methods(request)
            headers.append(('Allow', ', '.join(allowed_methods)))

        # RFC7231 requires that if there is no response body,
        # Content-Length: 0 must be sent. This implies that there is
        # content (albeit empty), and thus a 204 is not a valid reply.
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return _send_simple_dav_error(
                request, '412 Precondition Failed',
        except InsufficientStorage:
            return Response(status=507, reason='Insufficient Storage')
        except ResourceLocked:
            return Response(status=423, reason='Resource Locked')
        href = (
            environ['SCRIPT_NAME'] +
            urllib.parse.urljoin(ensure_trailing_slash(path), name)
        return Response(headers={'Location': href})

class PutMethod(Method):

    async def handle(self, request, environ, app):
        new_contents = await _readBody(request)
        unused_href, path, r = app._get_resource_from_environ(request, environ)
        if r is not None:
            current_etag = await r.get_etag()
            current_etag = None
        if_match = request.headers.get('If-Match', None)
        if if_match is not None and not etag_matches(if_match, current_etag):
            return Response(status='412 Precondition Failed')
        if_none_match = request.headers.get('If-None-Match', None)
        if if_none_match and etag_matches(if_none_match, current_etag):
            return Response(status='412 Precondition Failed')
        if r is not None:
            # Item already exists; update it
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assert end.tzinfo
        ret = ICalendar()
        ret['VERSION'] = '2.0'
        ret['PRODID'] = PRODID
        fb = FreeBusy()
        fb['DTSTAMP'] = vDDDTypes(tzify(
        fb['DTSTART'] = vDDDTypes(start)
        fb['DTEND'] = vDDDTypes(end)
        fb['FREEBUSY'] = [item async for item in iter_freebusy(
            webdav.traverse_resource(base_resource, base_href, depth),
            start, end, tzify)]
        return webdav.Response(status='200 OK', body=[ret.to_ical()])

class MkcalendarMethod(webdav.Method):

    async def handle(self, request, environ, app):
        content_type = request.content_type
        base_content_type, params = webdav.parse_type(content_type)
        if base_content_type not in (
            'text/xml', 'application/xml', None, 'text/plain',
            raise webdav.UnsupportedMediaType(content_type)
        href, path, resource = app._get_resource_from_environ(request, environ)
        if resource is not None:
            return webdav._send_simple_dav_error(
                '403 Forbidden',
                description=('Something already exists at %r' % path))