How to use the wpilib.Timer.getFPGATimestamp function in wpilib

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few wpilib examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github robotpy / robotpy-wpilib-utilities / magicbot / View on Github external

                    # and so on...

            :param forceReport: Always report the exception to the DS. Don't
                                set this to True
        # If the FMS is not attached, crash the robot program
        if not self.ds.isFMSAttached():

        # Otherwise, if the FMS is attached then try to report the error via
        # the driver station console. Maybe.
        now = wpilib.Timer.getFPGATimestamp()

            if (
                or (now - self.__last_error_report) > self.error_report_interval
                wpilib.DriverStation.reportError("Unexpected exception", True)
            pass  # ok, can't do anything here

        self.__last_error_report = now
github robotpy / robotpy-wpilib-utilities / robotpy_ext / misc / View on Github external
import math
import wpilib

_getFPGATimestamp = wpilib.Timer.getFPGATimestamp

class LoopTimer:
        A utility class that measures the number of loops that a robot program
        executes, and computes the min/max/average period for loops in the last
        Example usage::
            class Robot(wpilib.IterativeRobot):
                def teleopInit(self):
                    self.loop_timer = LoopTimer(self.logger)
                def teleopPeriodic(self):
github robotpy / robotpy-wpilib-utilities / robotpy_ext / misc / View on Github external
            :param delay_period: The amount of time (in seconds) to do a delay
            :type delay_period: float
            "PreciseDelay is deprecated, use NotifierDelay instead.",

        # The WPILib sleep/etc functions are slightly less stable as
        # they have more overhead, so only use them in simulation mode
        if wpilib.RobotBase.isSimulation():

            self.delay = wpilib.Timer.delay
            self.get_now = wpilib.Timer.getFPGATimestamp

            # Test to see if we're in a unit test, and switch the wait function
            # to run more efficiently -- otherwise full tests are dog slow
                import pyfrc.config

                if pyfrc.config.mode in ("test", "upload"):
                    self.wait = self._wait_unit_tests

            self.delay = time.sleep
            self.get_now = time.monotonic

        self.delay_period = float(delay_period)
github wpilibsuite / frc-characterization / elevator_characterization / robot / robot-python-talonsrx / View on Github external
            If you wish to just use your own robot program to use with the data
            logging program, you only need to copy/paste the logic below into
            your code and ensure it gets called periodically in autonomous mode

            Additionally, you need to set NetworkTables update rate to 10ms using
            the setUpdateRate call.

            Note that reading/writing self.autospeed and self.telemetry are
            NetworkTables operations (using pynetworktables's ntproperty), so
            if you don't read/write NetworkTables in your implementation it won't
            actually work.

        # Retrieve values to send back before telling the motors to do something
        now = wpilib.Timer.getFPGATimestamp()

        encoder_position = self.encoder_getpos()
        encoder_rate = self.encoder_getrate()

        battery = self.ds.getBatteryVoltage()
        motor_volts = self.arm_motor.getMotorOutputVoltage()

        # Retrieve the commanded speed from NetworkTables
        autospeed = self.autospeed
        self.prior_autospeed = autospeed

        # command motors to do things

        # send telemetry data array back to NT
        self.telemetry = (
github robotpy / pyfrc / pyfrc / physics / View on Github external
def _simulationPeriodic(self):
        now = wpilib.Timer.getFPGATimestamp()
        last_tm = self.last_tm

        if last_tm is None:
            self.last_tm = now

            # When using time, always do it based on a differential! You may
            # not always be called at a constant rate
            tm_diff = now - last_tm

            # Don't run physics calculations more than 100hz
            if tm_diff > 0.010:
                    self.engine.update_sim(now, tm_diff)
                except Exception as e:
                    raise Exception(
github robotpy / pynetworktables / samples / json_logger / View on Github external
def autonomousPeriodic(self):
        """Called every 20ms in autonomous mode"""
        self.useless += 1

        # Obviously, this is fabricated... do something more useful!
        data1 = self.useless
        data2 = self.useless * 2

        # Only write once per loop
            "log_data", [wpilib.Timer.getFPGATimestamp(), data1, data2]