How to use the wikiextractor.WikiExtractor function in wikiextractor

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few wikiextractor examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github nournia / wikifier / wikiextractor / View on Github external
self["id"] =,
        self["url"] = wiki_document.url
        self["text"] = wiki_document.text 

    def setAnnotations(self, annotations):
        self["annotations"] = annotations
    def __str__(self):
        return json.dumps(self) + "\n"

An extended version of the WikiExtrator. Output is in JSON format and annotations
are added for links in the article. See for more information about the
JSON format.
class AnnotatedWikiExtractor (wikiextractor.WikiExtractor):

    def __init__(self):
        wikiextractor.prefix = ''

    def extract(self, wiki_document):
        annotations = []
        #Extract the article using the general WikiExtractor:
        wiki_document = wikiextractor.WikiExtractor.extract(self, wiki_document)
        if not wiki_document: return None
        #This int is used to keep track of the difference between the original article with <a href="..">
        #links and the new article that only contains the label of the link.
        deltaStringLength = 0
github jodaiber / Annotated-WikiExtractor / annotated_wikiextractor / View on Github external
self["id"] =,
        self["url"] = wiki_document.url
        self["text"] = wiki_document.text 

    def setAnnotations(self, annotations):
        self["annotations"] = annotations
    def __str__(self):
        return json.dumps(self) + "\n"

An extended version of the WikiExtrator. Output is in JSON format and annotations
are added for links in the article. See for more information about the
JSON format.
class AnnotatedWikiExtractor (wikiextractor.WikiExtractor):

    def __init__(self):
        wikiextractor.prefix = ''

    def extract(self, wiki_document):
        annotations = []
        #Extract the article using the general WikiExtractor:
        wiki_document = wikiextractor.WikiExtractor.extract(self, wiki_document)
        if not wiki_document: return None
        #This int is used to keep track of the difference between the original article with <a href="..">
        #links and the new article that only contains the label of the link.
        deltaStringLength = 0