How to use the wgpu.base.GPUObject function in wgpu

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few wgpu examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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    TODO: not yet available in wgpu-native

    #'RenderBundleDescriptor', 'renderbundleencoderfinish', dev=True)
    # IDL: GPURenderBundle finish(optional GPURenderBundleDescriptor descriptor = {});
    def finish(self, *, label=""):
        """ Finish recording and return a :class:`GPURenderBundle`.

            label (str): A human readable label. Optional.
        raise NotImplementedError()

class GPUQueue(GPUObject):
    A queue can be used to submit command buffers to.

    You can obtain a queue object via the :attr:`GPUDevice.default_queue` property.

    #'queuesubmit', dev=True)
    # IDL: void submit(sequence commandBuffers);
    def submit(self, command_buffers):
        """ Submit a :class:`GPUCommandBuffer` to the queue.

            command_buffers (list): The :class:`GPUCommandBuffer` objects to add.
        raise NotImplementedError()
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""" The texture object to which this is a view.
        return self._texture

class GPUSampler(GPUObject):
    A sampler specifies how a texture (view) must be sampled by the shader,
    in terms of subsampling, sampling between mip levels, and sampling out
    of the image boundaries.

    Create a sampler using :func:`GPUDevice.create_sampler`.

class GPUBindGroupLayout(GPUObject):
    A bind group layout defines the interface between a set of
    resources bound in a :class:`GPUBindGroup` and their accessibility in shader

    Create a bind group layout using :func:`GPUDevice.create_bind_group_layout`.

    def __init__(self, label, internal, device, bindings):
        super().__init__(label, internal, device)
        self._bindings = tuple(bindings)

class GPUBindGroup(GPUObject):
    A bind group represents a group of bindings, the shader slot,
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#'shadermodulecompilationinfo', dev=True)
    # IDL: Promise compilationInfo();
    def compilation_info(self):
        """ Get shader compilation info. Always returns empty string at the moment.
        return []

    #'shadermodulecompilationinfo', dev=True)
    # IDL: Promise compilationInfo();
    async def compilation_info_async(self):
        """ Async version of compilation_info()
        return self.compilation_info()  # no-cover

class PipelineBase(GPUObject):
    """ Base object for compute and render pipelines.

    def __init__(self, label, internal, device, layout):
        super().__init__(label, internal, device)
        self._layout = layout

    def layout(self):
        """ The the layout of this pipeline.
        return self._layout

    #'pipelinebasegetbindgrouplayout', dev=True)
    # IDL: GPUBindGroupLayout getBindGroupLayout(unsigned long index);
    def get_bind_group_layout(self, index):
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        raise NotImplementedError()

    #'CommandBufferDescriptor', 'commandencoderfinish', dev=True)
    # IDL: GPUCommandBuffer finish(optional GPUCommandBufferDescriptor descriptor = {});
    def finish(self, *, label=""):
        """ Finish recording. Returns a :class:`GPUCommandBuffer` to
        submit to a :class:`GPUQueue`.

            label (str): A human readable label. Optional.
        raise NotImplementedError()

class GPUProgrammablePassEncoder(GPUObject):
    Base class for the different pass encoder classes.

    #'BindGroup', 'Index32', 'Size32', 'Size64', 'programmablepassencodersetbindgroup', dev=True)
    # IDL: void setBindGroup(GPUIndex32 index, GPUBindGroup bindGroup,  Uint32Array dynamicOffsetsData,  GPUSize64 dynamicOffsetsDataStart,  GPUSize32 dynamicOffsetsDataLength);
    def set_bind_group(
        """ Associate the given bind group (i.e. group or resources) with the
        given slot/index.
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""" A human-readable name identifying the GPU object.
        return self._label

    def _destroy(self):
        """ Subclasses can implement this to clean up.

    def __del__(self):

    # Public destroy() methods are implemented on classes as the WebGPU spec specifies.

class GPUDevice(GPUObject):
    A device is the logical instantiation of an adapter, through which
    internal objects are created. It can be shared across threads.
    A device is the exclusive owner of all internal objects created
    from it: when the device is lost, all objects created from it become

    Create a device using :func:`GPUAdapter.request_device` or

    def __init__(self, label, internal, adapter, extensions, limits, default_queue):
        super().__init__(label, internal, None)
        assert isinstance(adapter, GPUAdapter)
        self._adapter = adapter
        self._extensions = tuple(sorted([str(x) for x in extensions]))
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self._size = size

    def size(self):
        """ The texture size (as a 3-tuple).
        return self._size

    def texture(self):
        """ The texture object to which this is a view.
        return self._texture

class GPUSampler(GPUObject):
    A sampler specifies how a texture (view) must be sampled by the shader,
    in terms of subsampling, sampling between mip levels, and sampling out
    of the image boundaries.

    Create a sampler using :func:`GPUDevice.create_sampler`.

class GPUBindGroupLayout(GPUObject):
    A bind group layout defines the interface between a set of
    resources bound in a :class:`GPUBindGroup` and their accessibility in shader

    Create a bind group layout using :func:`GPUDevice.create_bind_group_layout`.
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    Create a render pipeline using :func:`GPUDevice.create_render_pipeline`.

class GPUCommandBuffer(GPUObject):
    A command buffer stores a series of commands, generated by a
    :class:`GPUCommandEncoder`, to be submitted to a :class:`GPUQueue`.

    Create a command buffer using :func:`GPUCommandEncoder.finish`.

class GPUCommandEncoder(GPUObject):
    A command encoder is used to record a series of commands. When done,
    call :func:`finish` to obtain a GPUCommandBuffer object.

    Create a command encoder using :func:`GPUDevice.create_command_encoder`.

    #'ComputePassDescriptor', 'commandencoderbegincomputepass', dev=True)
    # IDL: GPUComputePassEncoder beginComputePass(optional GPUComputePassDescriptor descriptor = {});
    def begin_compute_pass(self, *, label=""):
        """ Record the beginning of a compute pass. Returns a
        :class:`GPUComputePassEncoder` object.

            label (str): A human readable label. Optional.
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Create a compute pipeline using :func:`GPUDevice.create_compute_pipeline`.

class GPURenderPipeline(PipelineBase):
    A render pipeline represents a single pipeline to draw something
    using a vertex and a fragment shader. The render target can come
    from a window on the screen or from an in-memory texture (off-screen

    Create a render pipeline using :func:`GPUDevice.create_render_pipeline`.

class GPUCommandBuffer(GPUObject):
    A command buffer stores a series of commands, generated by a
    :class:`GPUCommandEncoder`, to be submitted to a :class:`GPUQueue`.

    Create a command buffer using :func:`GPUCommandEncoder.finish`.

class GPUCommandEncoder(GPUObject):
    A command encoder is used to record a series of commands. When done,
    call :func:`finish` to obtain a GPUCommandBuffer object.

    Create a command encoder using :func:`GPUDevice.create_command_encoder`.
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class GPUPipelineLayout(GPUObject):
    A pipeline layout describes the layout of a pipeline, as a list
    of :class:`GPUBindGroupLayout` objects.

    Create a pipeline layout using :func:`GPUDevice.create_pipeline_layout`.

    def __init__(self, label, internal, device, layouts):
        super().__init__(label, internal, device)
        self._layouts = tuple(layouts)  # GPUBindGroupLayout objects

class GPUShaderModule(GPUObject):
    A shader module represents a programmable shader.

    Create a shader module using :func:`GPUDevice.create_shader_module`.

    #'shadermodulecompilationinfo', dev=True)
    # IDL: Promise compilationInfo();
    def compilation_info(self):
        """ Get shader compilation info. Always returns empty string at the moment.
        return []

    #'shadermodulecompilationinfo', dev=True)
    # IDL: Promise compilationInfo();
    async def compilation_info_async(self):
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format (TextureFormat): The texture format, e.g. "bgra8unorm-srgb".
            usage (TextureUsage): Default ``TextureUsage.OUTPUT_ATTACHMENT``.
        # This was made a method of device to help decouple the canvas
        # implementation from the wgpu API.
        raise NotImplementedError()

    def get_swap_chain_preferred_format(self, canvas):
        """ Get the preferred swap chain format. In the WebGPU spec
        this is a method of the canvas. In wgpu-py it's a method of the
        return "bgra8unorm-srgb"  # seems to be a good default

class GPUBuffer(GPUObject):
    A GPUBuffer represents a block of memory that can be used in GPU
    operations. Data is stored in linear layout, meaning that each byte
    of the allocation can be addressed by its offset from the start of
    the buffer, subject to alignment restrictions depending on the

    Create a buffer using :func:`GPUDevice.create_buffer`,
    :func:`GPUDevice.create_buffer_mapped` or :func:`GPUDevice.create_buffer_mapped_async`.

    One can sync data in a buffer by mapping it (or by creating a mapped
    buffer) and then setting/getting the values in the mapped memoryview.
    Alternatively, one can tell the GPU (via the command encoder) to
    copy data between buffers and textures.