How to use the vpython.vpython.standardAttributes function in vpython

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few vpython examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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for k,v in vars(self).items():
            if k not in exclude:
                key = k[:]
                if k[0] == '_':
                    key = k[1:]     ## get rid of underscore
                newAtts[key] = v  
        for k, v in args.items():   ## overrides and user attrs
            newAtts[k] = v
        dup = type(self)(**newAtts)
        return dup
    def __del__(self):
        super(standardAttributes, self).__del__()

class box(standardAttributes):
    def __init__(self, **args):
        args['_default_size'] = vector(1,1,1)
        args['_objName'] = "box"
        super(box, self).setup(args)
class sphere(standardAttributes):
    def __init__(self, **args):
        args['_default_size'] = vector(2,2,2)
        args['_objName'] = "sphere"
        super(sphere, self).setup(args)
    def radius(self):
        return self._size.y/2
    def radius(self,value):
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def setup(self, args):
        super(standardAttributes, self).__init__() 
        self._constructing = True  ## calls to setters are from constructor

        objName = self._objName = args['_objName']  ## identifies object type
        if objName[:8] == 'compound': objName = 'compound'
        del args['_objName']
    # default values
        self._pos = vector(0,0,0)  
        self._axis = vector(1,0,0)
        self._up = vector(0,1,0)
        self._color = vector(1,1,1)
        defaultSize = args['_default_size'] 
        if defaultSize is not None: # is not points or vertex or triangle or quad 
            self._size = defaultSize  ## because VP differs from JS
            del args['_default_size']        
        self._texture = None
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class cylinder(standardAttributes):
    def __init__(self, **args):
        args['_default_size'] = vector(1,2,2)
        args['_objName'] = "cylinder"
        super(cylinder, self).setup(args)
    def radius(self):
        return self._size.y/2
    def radius(self,value):
        d = 2*value
        self.size = vector(self._size.x,d,d) # size will call addattr
class cone(standardAttributes):
    def __init__(self, **args):
        args['_default_size'] = vector(1,2,2)
        args['_objName'] = "cone"
        super(cone, self).setup(args)
    def radius(self):
        return self._size.y/2
    def radius(self,value):
        d = 2*value
        self.size = vector(self._size.x,d,d) # size will call addattr
class pyramid(standardAttributes):
    def __init__(self, **args):
        args['_default_size'] = vector(1,1,1)
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class ellipsoid(standardAttributes):
    def __init__(self, **args):
        args['_default_size'] = vector(1,1,1)
        args['_objName'] = "ellipsoid"
        super(ellipsoid, self).setup(args)
    def radius(self):
        return self._size.y/2
    def radius(self,value):
        d = 2*value
        self.size = vector(d,d,d) # size will call addattraddattr
class ring(standardAttributes):
    def __init__(self, **args):
        args['_default_size'] = vector(0.2,2.2,2.2)
        args['_objName'] = "ring"
        super(ring, self).setup(args)
    def thickness(self):
        return self._size.x/2
    def thickness(self,value):
        R1 = self.radius
        self._size.x = 2*value
        self._size.y = self._size.z = 2*(R1+value)
        if not self._constructing:
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                elif objName == 'points' and a == 'size':  ## in this case size is a scalar
                else: raise AttributeError(a+' must be a vector')
                del args[a]

        if defaultSize is not None:
##        if objName != 'points' and objName != 'label': # these objects have no size
            if 'size' not in argsToSend:  ## always send size because Python size differs from JS size
            self._trail_radius = 0.1 * self._size.y  ## default depends on size
        elif objName == 'points':
            self._trail_radius = self._radius # points object
    # override defaults for scalar attributes without side effects       
        attrs = standardAttributes.attrLists[objName][2]
        for a in attrs:
            if a in args:
                setattr(self, '_'+a, args[a])  ## by_pass setters
                del args[a] 

        scalarInteractions={'red':'color', 'green':'color', 'blue':'color', 'radius':'size', 'thickness':'size',
                                'length':'size', 'height':'size', 'width':'size', 'v0':'v0', 'v1':'v1',
                                'v2':'v2', 'v3':'v3', 'text':'text'}
    # override defaults for scalar attributes with side effects       
        attrs = standardAttributes.attrLists[objName][3]
        for a in attrs:
            if a in args:
                setattr(self, a, args[a])  ## use setter to take care of side effects
                if scalarInteractions[a] not in argsToSend:
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return self._coils
    def coils(self,value):
        self._coils =value
        if not self._constructing:
    def radius(self):
        return self._size.y/2
    def radius(self,value):
        d = 2*value
        self.size = vector(self._size.x,d,d) # size will call addattr if appropriate
class compound(standardAttributes):
    compound_idx = 0 # same numbering scheme as in GlowScript
    def __init__(self, objList, **args):
        self._obj_idxs = None
        idxlist = []
        ineligible = [label, curve, helix, points]  ## type objects
        cloning =  None
        if '_cloneid' in args:
            cloning = args['_cloneid']
            cvs = objList[0].canvas
            for obj in objList:
                if obj.canvas is not cvs:
                    raise AttributeError('all objects used in compound must belong to the same canvas')
                if type(obj) in ineligible:
                    raise TypeError('A ' + obj._objName + ' object cannot be used in a compound')
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    def headwidth(self,value):
        self._headwidth =value
        if not self._constructing:
    def headlength(self): 
        return self._headlength
    def headlength(self,value):
        self._headlength =value
        if not self._constructing:
class attach_arrow(standardAttributes):
    def __init__(self, obj, attr, **args):
        args['_default_size'] = None
        self._obj = obj.idx
        args['_obj'] = self._obj
        self._realattr = attr # could be for example "velocity"
        self._attr = 'up'     # pretend that the atribute is "up"
        args['_attr'] = self._attr
        args['_objName'] = "attach_arrow"
        self._last_val = None
        self._scale = 1
        self._shaftwidth = 0
        super(attach_arrow, self).setup(args)
    def scale(self):
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class cone(standardAttributes):
    def __init__(self, **args):
        args['_default_size'] = vector(1,2,2)
        args['_objName'] = "cone"
        super(cone, self).setup(args)
    def radius(self):
        return self._size.y/2
    def radius(self,value):
        d = 2*value
        self.size = vector(self._size.x,d,d) # size will call addattr
class pyramid(standardAttributes):
    def __init__(self, **args):
        args['_default_size'] = vector(1,1,1)
        args['_objName'] = "pyramid"
        super(pyramid, self).setup(args)
class ellipsoid(standardAttributes):
    def __init__(self, **args):
        args['_default_size'] = vector(1,1,1)
        args['_objName'] = "ellipsoid"
        super(ellipsoid, self).setup(args)
    def radius(self):
        return self._size.y/2
    def radius(self,value):
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def coils(self,value):
        self._coils =value
        if not self._constructing:
    def radius(self):
        return self._size.y/2
    def radius(self,value):
        d = 2*value
        self.size = vector(self._size.x,d,d) # size will call addattr if appropriate

compound_idx = 0 # same numbering scheme as in GlowScript
class compound(standardAttributes):
    def __init__(self, objList, **args):
        global compound_idx
        args['_default_size'] = vector(1,1,1)
        self._obj_idxs = None
        idxlist = []
        ineligible = [label, curve, helix, points]  ## type objects
        cvs = objList[0].canvas
        for obj in objList:
            if obj.canvas is not cvs:
                raise AttributeError('all objects used in compound must belong to the same canvas')
            if type(obj) in ineligible:
                raise TypeError('A ' + obj._objName + ' object cannot be used in a compound')
        args['obj_idxs'] = idxlist
        compound_idx += 1
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    def bottom(self):
        return self._bottom
    def bottom(self, value):
        raise AttributeError('bottom cannot be changed after creating a slider')
    def align(self):
        return self._align
    def align(self, value):
        raise AttributeError('align cannot be changed after creating a slider') 
class extrusion(standardAttributes):
    def __init__(self, **args):
        args['_default_size'] = vector(1,1,1) # to keep standardAttributes happy
        args['_objName'] = "extrusion"
        savesize = None
        if 'size' in args:
            savesize = args['size']
            del args['size']
        self._shape = [ ]
        pozz = args['path']
        npozz = []
        for pp in pozz:
            npozz.append(pp.value)  ## convert vectors to lists
        args['path'] = npozz[:]
        self._show_start_face = True
        self._show_end_face = True
        if 'color' in args: