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def __init__(self, rowVector, colVector, rhs=None, rhs_T=None, assembleOnNodes=False, **kwargs):
if not isinstance(rowVector,
raise TypeError("'rowVector' object passed in must be of type 'SolutionVector'")
if not isinstance(colVector,
raise TypeError("'colVector' object passed in must be of type 'SolutionVector'")
self._meshVariableRow = rowVector.meshVariable
self._meshVariableCol = colVector.meshVariable
if rhs and not isinstance(rhs, _assembledvector.AssembledVector):
raise TypeError("'rhs' object passed in must be of type 'AssembledVector'")
if rhs_T and not isinstance(rhs_T, _assembledvector.AssembledVector):
raise TypeError("'rhs_T' object passed in must be of type 'AssembledVector'")
self._rhs = rhs
self._rhs_T = rhs_T
vnsField = self._vnsField = self._velocityField.copy()
vnsEqNum = vnsField, False )
self._vnsVec =, vnsEqNum) # store on class
# evaluate vnsField, check compatibility
if isinstance(mesh, uw.mesh.FeMesh_Annulus): # with FeMesh_Annulus we have the sbr_fn[:] = mesh.sbr_fn.evaluate(mesh)
uw.libUnderworld.StgFEM.SolutionVector_LoadCurrentFeVariableValuesOntoVector(self._vnsVec._cself) # store in petsc vec
# must be done after vnsField creation
self._velocityField._cself.nonAABCs = 1
# build a global 're-rotate' matrix
self._rot = self._vnsVec, self._vnsVec, rhs=None )
gaussSwarm = self._constitMatTerm._integrationSwarm
self._rot._cself.assembleOnNodes = 1 # important doesn't perform FEM integral
term = self._term = integrationSwarm = gaussSwarm,
assembledObject = self._rot,
fn_basis = basis_vectors,
mesh = mesh)
vnsEqNum._cself.removeBCs = True
uw.libUnderworld.StgFEM.StiffnessMatrix_Assemble(self._rot._cself, None, None);
vnsEqNum._cself.removeBCs = False
# add rotation matrix element terms using the following
uw.libUnderworld.StgFEM.StiffnessMatrix_SetRotationTerm(self._kmatrix._cself, term._cself)
uw.libUnderworld.StgFEM.StiffnessMatrix_SetRotationTerm(self._gmatrix._cself, term._cself)
uw.libUnderworld.StgFEM.ForceVector_SetRotationTerm(self._fvector._cself, term._cself)
def addRotationMatrix(self, rMat):
if rMat:
if not isinstance( rMat,
raise TypeError( "Provided 'rMat' must be of or convertible to 'AssembledMatrix' class." )
# TODO: write a setter for the following 2 lines
self.rMat = rMat
self._cself.rMat = rMat._cself
self._forceVecTerm = sle.VectorAssemblyTerm_NA__Fn( integrationSwarm=intswarm,
# search for neumann conditions
for cond in conditions:
if isinstance( cond, uw.conditions.NeumannCondition ):
#NOTE many NeumannConditions can be used but the _sufaceFluxTerm only records the last
### -VE flux because of the FEM discretisation method of the initial equation
negativeCond = uw.conditions.NeumannCondition( fn_flux=cond.fn_flux,
indexSetsPerDof=cond.indexSetsPerDof )
self._surfaceFluxTerm = sle.VectorSurfaceAssemblyTerm_NA__Fn__ni(
assembledObject = self._fvector,
surfaceGaussPoints = 2,
nbc = negativeCond )
super(SteadyStateHeat, self).__init__(**kwargs)
def _create_penalty_objects(self):
# using this function se we don't need to add anything extra to the stokeSLE struct
stokesSLE = self._stokesSLE
# create junk force vectors -- we provide no assembly terms for these so they are 0 vectors.
self._vmfvector = sle.AssembledVector(velocityField, stokesSLE._eqNums[velocityField])
self._junkfvector = sle.AssembledVector(pressureField, stokesSLE._eqNums[pressureField])
# and matrices
self._vmmatrix = sle.AssembledMatrix( stokesSLE._velocitySol, stokesSLE._velocitySol, rhs=self._vmfvector )
self._mmatrix = sle.AssembledMatrix( stokesSLE._pressureSol, stokesSLE._pressureSol, rhs=self._junkfvector )
# create assembly terms
self._pressMassMatTerm = sle.MatrixAssemblyTerm_NA__NB__Fn( integrationSwarm=uw.swarm.GaussIntegrationSwarm(velocityField.mesh),
fn=1.0, assembledObject=self._mmatrix,
mesh = velocityField._mesh)
# attach terms to live solver struct
self._cself.vmForceVec = self._vmfvector._cself
self._cself.vmStiffMat = self._vmmatrix._cself
self._cself.jForceVec = self._junkfvector._cself
self._cself.mStiffMat = self._mmatrix._cself
def _create_penalty_objects(self):
# using this function se we don't need to add anything extra to the stokeSLE struct
stokesSLE = self._stokesSLE
# create junk force vectors -- we provide no assembly terms for these so they are 0 vectors.
self._vmfvector = sle.AssembledVector(velocityField, stokesSLE._eqNums[velocityField])
self._junkfvector = sle.AssembledVector(pressureField, stokesSLE._eqNums[pressureField])
# and matrices
self._vmmatrix = sle.AssembledMatrix( stokesSLE._velocitySol, stokesSLE._velocitySol, rhs=self._vmfvector )
self._mmatrix = sle.AssembledMatrix( stokesSLE._pressureSol, stokesSLE._pressureSol, rhs=self._junkfvector )
# create assembly terms
self._pressMassMatTerm = sle.MatrixAssemblyTerm_NA__NB__Fn( integrationSwarm=uw.swarm.GaussIntegrationSwarm(velocityField.mesh),
fn=1.0, assembledObject=self._mmatrix,
mesh = velocityField._mesh)
# attach terms to live solver struct
self._cself.vmForceVec = self._vmfvector._cself
self._cself.vmStiffMat = self._vmmatrix._cself
self._cself.jForceVec = self._junkfvector._cself
self._cself.mStiffMat = self._mmatrix._cself
fn = -0.5 * fn_dt * self.fn_diffusivity * self._phiStar.fn_gradient )
if nbc is not None:
# -VE flux because of the FEM discretisation method of the initial equation
negativeCond = uw.conditions.NeumannCondition(
fn_flux = fn_dt * nbc.fn_flux,
variable = nbc.variable,
indexSetsPerDof = nbc.indexSetsPerDof )
# NOTE many NeumannConditions can be used but the _sufaceFluxTerm only records the last
self._surfaceFluxTerm = sle.VectorSurfaceAssemblyTerm_NA__Fn__ni(
assembledObject = f,
surfaceGaussPoints = 2,
nbc = negativeCond )
self._k_term =
assembledObject = K,
integrationSwarm = intSwarm,
fn = 0.5 * fn_dt * self.fn_diffusivity)
self._m_term =
assembledObject = K,
integrationSwarm = intSwarm,
fn = 1.,
mesh = mesh)
# functions used to calculate the timestep, see function get_max_dt()
self._maxVsq = uw.function.view.min_max(velocityField, fn_norm =, velocityField) )
self._maxDiff = uw.function.view.min_max(self.fn_diffusivity)
# Note that the c level minSep on the mesh is for the local domain
# set the bcs on here
if type(cond) == uw.conditions.NeumannCondition:
if nbc != None:
# check only one nbc condition is given in 'conditions' list
RuntimeError( "Provided 'conditions' can only accept one NeumannConditions condition object.")
elif type(cond) == uw.conditions.DirichletCondition:
if cond.variable == self._phiField:
libUnderworld.StgFEM.FeVariable_SetBC( self._phiField._cself, cond._cself )
libUnderworld.StgFEM.FeVariable_SetBC( self._phiDotField._cself, cond._cself )
raise RuntimeError("Input condition type not recognised.")
self._conditions = conditions
# force removal of BCs as SUPG cannot handle leaving them in
self._eqNumPhi = sle.EqNumber( phiField, removeBCs=True )
self._eqNumPhiDot = sle.EqNumber( phiDotField, removeBCs=True )
self._phiSolution = sle.SolutionVector( phiField, self._eqNumPhi )
self._phiDotSolution = sle.SolutionVector( phiDotField, self._eqNumPhiDot )
# create force vectors
self._residualVector = sle.AssembledVector(phiField, self._eqNumPhi )
self._massVector = sle.AssembledVector(phiField, self._eqNumPhi )
# create swarm
self._gaussSwarm = uw.swarm.GaussIntegrationSwarm(self._phiField.mesh)
super(_SUPG_AdvectionDiffusion, self).__init__()
self._cself.phiVector = self._phiSolution._cself
self._cself.phiDotVector = self._phiDotSolution._cself
for cond in self._conditions:
if isinstance( cond, uw.conditions.NeumannCondition ):
#NOTE many NeumannConditions can be used but the _sufaceFluxTerm only records the last
self._surfaceFluxTerm = sle.VectorSurfaceAssemblyTerm_NA__Fn__ni(
assembledObject = self._fvector,
surfaceGaussPoints = 3, # increase to resolve stress bc fluctuations
nbc = cond )
if self._fn_minus_one_on_lambda != None:
# add matrix and associated assembly term for compressible stokes formulation
# a mass matrix goes into the lower right block of the stokes system coeff matrix
self._mmatrix = sle.AssembledMatrix( self._pressureSol, self._pressureSol, rhs=self._hvector )
# -1. as per Hughes, The Finite Element Method, 1987, Table 4.3.1, [M]
self._compressibleTerm = sle.MatrixAssemblyTerm_NA__NB__Fn( integrationSwarm = intswarm,
assembledObject = self._mmatrix,
mesh = mesh,
fn = self._fn_minus_one_on_lambda )
if fn_stresshistory != None:
self._NA_j__Fn_ijTerm = sle.VectorAssemblyTerm_NA_j__Fn_ij( integrationSwarm = intswarm,
assembledObject = self._fvector,
fn = fn_stresshistory )
# objects used for analysis, dictionary for organisation
self._aObjects = dict()
self._aObjects['vdotv_fn'] =, self._velocityField)
super(Curvilinear_Stokes, self).__init__(**kwargs)
for cond in self._conditions:
if type(cond) in [uw.conditions.RotatedDirichletCondition, uw.conditions.CurvilinearDirichletCondition]:
def _create_penalty_objects(self):
# using this function se we don't need to add anything extra to the stokeSLE struct
stokesSLE = self._stokesSLE
# create junk force vectors -- we provide no assembly terms for these so they are 0 vectors.
self._vmfvector = sle.AssembledVector(velocityField, stokesSLE._eqNums[velocityField])
self._junkfvector = sle.AssembledVector(pressureField, stokesSLE._eqNums[pressureField])
# and matrices
self._vmmatrix = sle.AssembledMatrix( stokesSLE._velocitySol, stokesSLE._velocitySol, rhs=self._vmfvector )
self._mmatrix = sle.AssembledMatrix( stokesSLE._pressureSol, stokesSLE._pressureSol, rhs=self._junkfvector )
# create assembly terms
self._pressMassMatTerm = sle.MatrixAssemblyTerm_NA__NB__Fn( integrationSwarm=uw.swarm.GaussIntegrationSwarm(velocityField.mesh),
fn=1.0, assembledObject=self._mmatrix,
mesh = velocityField._mesh)
# attach terms to live solver struct
self._cself.vmForceVec = self._vmfvector._cself
self._cself.vmStiffMat = self._vmmatrix._cself
self._cself.jForceVec = self._junkfvector._cself
self._cself.mStiffMat = self._mmatrix._cself