How to use the function in torchtext

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few torchtext examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github pytorch / text / test / data / View on Github external
def filter_init(ex_val1, ex_val2, ex_val3):
    text_field = data.Field(sequential=True)
    label_field = data.Field(sequential=False)
    fields = [("text1", text_field), ("text2", text_field),
              ("label", label_field)]

    example1 = data.Example.fromlist(ex_val1, fields)
    example2 = data.Example.fromlist(ex_val2, fields)
    example3 = data.Example.fromlist(ex_val3, fields)
    examples = [example1, example2, example3]

    dataset = data.Dataset(examples, fields)

    return dataset, text_field
github pytorch / text / test / data / View on Github external
def test_serialization(self):
        nesting_field = data.Field(batch_first=True)
        field = data.NestedField(nesting_field)
        ex1 = data.Example.fromlist(["john loves mary"], [("words", field)])
        ex2 = data.Example.fromlist(["mary cries"], [("words", field)])
        dataset = data.Dataset([ex1, ex2], [("words", field)])
        examples_data = [
                ["", "<s>", "</s><s>"] + [""] * 4,
                [""] + list("john") + ["", ""],
                [""] + list("loves") + [""],
                [""] + list("mary") + ["", ""],
                ["", "</s>", ""] + [""] * 4,
                ["", "<s>", "</s><s>"] + [""] * 4,
                [""] + list("mary") + ["", ""],
                [""] + list("cries") + [""],
                ["", "</s>", ""] + [""] * 4,
github microsoft / samples-for-ai / examples / NLPTutorials / slot_tagging / View on Github external
def __init__(self, path, fields, separator="\t", **kwargs):
        examples = []
        with, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as input_file:
            for line in input_file:
                line = line.strip()
                if len(line) != 0:
                    words, labels = line.split(separator)
                    columns = []
                    columns.append(words.split(' '))
                    columns.append([label for label in labels.split(' ') if label])
                    examples.append(data.Example.fromlist(columns, fields))
        super(ATISDataset, self).__init__(examples, fields, **kwargs)
github castorini / hedwig / sm_cnn / View on Github external
for term in answer.split():
                if term not in term_idfs:
                    term_idfs[term] = 0.0
            overlap = compute_overlap([question], [answer])
            idf_weighted_overlap = compute_idf_weighted_overlap([question], [answer], term_idfs)
            overlap_no_stopwords =\
                compute_overlap(stopped([question]), stopped([answer]))
            idf_weighted_overlap_no_stopwords =\
                compute_idf_weighted_overlap(stopped([question]), stopped([answer]), term_idfs)
            ext_feats = str(overlap[0]) + " " + str(idf_weighted_overlap[0]) + " " + \
                        str(overlap_no_stopwords[0]) + " " + str(idf_weighted_overlap_no_stopwords[0])

            fields = [('question', self.QUESTION), ('answer', self.ANSWER), ('ext_feat', self.EXTERNAL)]
            example = data.Example.fromlist([question, answer, ext_feats], fields)
            this_question = self.QUESTION.numericalize(self.QUESTION.pad([example.question]), self.gpu)
            this_answer = self.ANSWER.numericalize(self.ANSWER.pad([example.answer]), self.gpu)
            this_external = self.EXTERNAL.numericalize(self.EXTERNAL.pad([example.ext_feat]), self.gpu)
            scores = self.model(this_question, this_answer, this_external)
            scores_sentences.append((scores[:, 2].cpu().data.numpy()[0].tolist(), answer))

        return scores_sentences
github NLPatVCU / medinify / medinify / process / View on Github external
def get_features(self, dataset):
        dataset = remove_neutral(dataset)
        vectors = Vectors(dataset.word_embeddings)
        fields = {'text': ('text', self.text_field), 'label': ('label', self.label_field)}
        text = dataset.data_table[dataset.text_column].to_numpy()
        labels = dataset.data_table['label'].to_numpy()
        examples = [Example.fromdict(
            data={'text': text[x], 'label': labels[x]}, fields=fields) for x in range(labels.shape[0])]
        torch_dataset = TorchtextDataset(examples, {'text': self.text_field, 'label': self.label_field})
        except AttributeError:
            self.text_field.build_vocab(torch_dataset, vectors=vectors)
        loader = BucketIterator(torch_dataset, batch_size=25)
        return loader
github tunz / transformer-pytorch / dataset / View on Github external
def read_examples(paths, fields, data_dir, mode, filter_pred, num_shard):
    data_path_fmt = data_dir + '/examples-' + mode + '-{}.pt'
    data_paths = [data_path_fmt.format(i) for i in range(num_shard)]
    writers = [open(data_path, 'wb') for data_path in data_paths]
    shard = 0

    for path in paths:
        print("Preprocessing {}".format(path))

        with, mode='r', encoding='utf-8') as trg_file:
            for trg_line in tqdm(trg_file, ascii=True):
                trg_line = trg_line.strip()
                if trg_line == '':

                example = data.Example.fromlist([trg_line], fields)
                if not filter_pred(example):

                pickle.dump(example, writers[shard])
                shard = (shard + 1) % num_shard

    for writer in writers:

    # Reload pickled objects, and save them again as a list.

    examples = torch.load(data_paths[0])
    return examples, data_paths
github MultiPath / MetaNMT / View on Github external[self.i, self.opt.state_dict()], self.path + '.states')
                os.remove(self.path + '.temp')

    def __getattr__(self, key):
        if key in self.metrics:
            return self.metrics[key]
        raise AttributeError

    def __repr__(self):
        return ("BEST: " +
                ', '.join(f'{metric}: {getattr(self, metric):.3f}'
                        for metric, value in self.metrics.items()
                        if value is not None))

class CacheExample(data.Example):

    def fromsample(cls, data_lists, names):
        ex = cls()
        for data, name in zip(data_lists, names):
            setattr(ex, name, data)
        return ex

class Cache:

    def __init__(self, size=10000, fileds=["src", "trg"]):
        self.cache = []
        self.maxsize = size

    def demask(self, data, mask):
github pytorch / text / torchtext / datasets / View on Github external
def __init__(self, path, text_field, only_supporting=False, **kwargs):
        fields = [('story', text_field), ('query', text_field), ('answer', text_field)]
        self.sort_key = lambda x: len(x.query)

        with open(path, 'r', encoding="utf-8") as f:
            triplets = self._parse(f, only_supporting)
            examples = [Example.fromlist(triplet, fields) for triplet in triplets]

        super(BABI20, self).__init__(examples, fields, **kwargs)
github gaojun4ever / JunNMT / nmt / View on Github external
def __init__(self, src_path, tgt_path, fields, **kwargs):

        make_example =
        with, encoding="utf8",errors='ignore') as src_f, \
      , encoding="utf8",errors='ignore') as tgt_f: 
            examples = []
            for src,tgt in zip(src_f,tgt_f):
                src,tgt = src.strip(),tgt.strip()
        super(NMTDataset, self).__init__(examples, fields, **kwargs)
github schelotto / Neural_Speed_Reading_via_Skim-RNN_PyTorch / View on Github external
string = re.sub(r"\s{2,}", " ", string)
            string = re.sub(r"[^A-Za-z0-9(),!?\'\`]", " ", string)
            return string.strip()

        text_field.preprocessing = data.Pipeline(clean_str)
        fields = [('text', text_field), ('label', label_field)]

        if examples is None:
            path = self.dirname if path is None else path
            examples = []
            with open(os.path.join(path, 'train_pos.tsv'), errors='ignore') as f:
                examples += [
                    data.Example.fromlist([line, line, 'pos'], fields) for line in f]
            with open(os.path.join(path, 'train_neg.tsv'), errors='ignore') as f:
                examples += [
                    data.Example.fromlist([line, line, 'neg'], fields) for line in f]
        super(dataset, self).__init__(examples, fields, **kwargs)