How to use the thewalrus._hafnian.input_validation function in thewalrus

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github XanaduAI / thewalrus / thewalrus / View on Github external
        R (array): square matrix parametrizing the Hermite polynomial family
        cutoff (int): maximum size of the subindices in the Hermite polynomial
        y (array): vector argument of the Hermite polynomial
        renorm (bool): If ``True``, normalizes the returned multidimensional Hermite
            polynomials such that :math:`H_k^{(R)}(y)/\prod_i k_i!`
        make_tensor (bool): If ``False``, returns a flattened one dimensional array
            containing the values of the polynomial
        modified (bool): whether to return the modified multidimensional Hermite polynomials or the standard ones

        (array): the multidimensional Hermite polynomials

    n, _ = R.shape

    if (modified is False) and (y is not None):
        m = y.shape[0]
        if m == n:
            ym = R @ y
            return hermite_multidimensional(
                R, cutoff, y=ym, renorm=renorm, make_tensor=make_tensor, modified=True

    if y is None:
        y = np.zeros([n], dtype=complex)

    m = y.shape[0]
    if m != n:
        raise ValueError("The matrix R and vector y have incompatible dimensions")
github XanaduAI / thewalrus / thewalrus / View on Github external
        A (array): a square, symmetric :math:`N\times N` array.
        cutoff (int): maximum size of the subindices in the Hermite polynomial
        mu (array): a vector of length :math:`N` representing the vector of means/displacement
        renorm (bool): If ``True``, the returned hafnians are *normalized*, that is,
            :math:`haf(reduction(A, k))/\ \sqrt{prod_i k_i!}`
            (or :math:`lhaf(fill\_diagonal(reduction(A, k),reduction(mu, k)))` if
            ``mu`` is not None)
        make_tensor: If ``False``, returns a flattened one dimensional array instead
            of a tensor with the values of the hafnians.

        (array): the values of the hafnians for each value of :math:`k` up to the cutoff
    input_validation(A, tol=tol)
    n, _ = A.shape

    if mu is None:
        mu = np.zeros([n], dtype=complex)

    return hermite_multidimensional(
        -A, cutoff, y=mu, renorm=renorm, make_tensor=make_tensor, modified=True