How to use the tensorflowonspark.TFSparkNode.TFSparkNode.mgr function in tensorflowonspark

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if tf.test.is_built_with_cuda():
      # compute my index relative to other nodes on the same host (for GPU allocation)
      my_addr = cluster_spec[job_name][task_index]
      my_host = my_addr.split(':')[0]
      flattened = [v for sublist in cluster_spec.values() for v in sublist]
      local_peers = [p for p in flattened if p.startswith(my_host)]
      my_index = local_peers.index(my_addr)

      num_gpus = tf_args.num_gpus if 'num_gpus' in tf_args else 1
      gpus_to_use = gpu_info.get_gpus(num_gpus, my_index)
      gpu_str = "GPUs" if num_gpus > 1 else "GPU"
      logger.debug("Requested {} {}, setting CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES={}".format(num_gpus, gpu_str, gpus_to_use))
      os.environ['CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES'] = gpus_to_use

    # create a context object to hold metadata for TF
    ctx = TFNodeContext(executor_id, job_name, task_index, cluster_spec, cluster_meta['default_fs'], cluster_meta['working_dir'], TFSparkNode.mgr)

    # release port reserved for TF as late as possible
    if tmp_sock is not None:

    # Background mode relies reuse of python worker in Spark.
    if background:
      # However, reuse of python worker can't work on Windows, we need to check if the current
      # script runs on Windows or not.
      if == 'nt' or platform.system() == 'Windows':
        raise Exception("Background mode is not supported on Windows.")
      # Check if the config of reuse python worker is enabled on Spark.
      if not os.environ.get("SPARK_REUSE_WORKER"):
        raise Exception("Background mode relies reuse of python worker on Spark. This config 'spark.python.worker.reuse' is not enabled on Spark. Please enable it before using background.")

    def wrapper_fn(args, context):
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for node in cluster_info:
    if node['host'] == host and node['executor_id'] == executor_id:
      addr = node['addr']
      authkey = node['authkey']
      TFSparkNode.mgr = TFManager.connect(addr, authkey)

  if TFSparkNode.mgr is None:
    msg = "No TFManager found on this node, please ensure that:\n" + \
          "1. Spark num_executors matches TensorFlow cluster_size\n" + \
          "2. Spark cores/tasks per executor is 1.\n" + \
          "3. Spark dynamic allocation is disabled."
    raise Exception(msg)"Connected to TFSparkNode.mgr on {0}, executor={1}, state={2}".format(host, executor_id, str(TFSparkNode.mgr.get('state'))))
  return TFSparkNode.mgr
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  for node in cluster_info:
    if node['host'] == host and node['executor_id'] == executor_id:
      addr = node['addr']
      authkey = node['authkey']
      TFSparkNode.mgr = TFManager.connect(addr, authkey)

  if TFSparkNode.mgr is None:
    msg = "No TFManager found on this node, please ensure that:\n" + \
          "1. Spark num_executors matches TensorFlow cluster_size\n" + \
          "2. Spark cores/tasks per executor is 1.\n" + \
          "3. Spark dynamic allocation is disabled."
    raise Exception(msg)"Connected to TFSparkNode.mgr on {0}, executor={1}, state={2}".format(host, executor_id, str(TFSparkNode.mgr.get('state'))))
  return TFSparkNode.mgr
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except Exception:

    if job_name in ('ps', 'evaluator') or background:
      # invoke the TensorFlow main function in a background thread"Starting TensorFlow {0}:{1} as {2} on cluster node {3} on background process".format(
        job_name, task_index, job_name, executor_id))

      p = multiprocessing.Process(target=wrapper_fn_background, args=(tf_args, ctx))
      if job_name in ('ps', 'evaluator'):
        p.daemon = True

      # for ps and evaluator nodes, wait indefinitely in foreground thread for a "control" event (None == "stop")
      if job_name in ('ps', 'evaluator'):
        queue = TFSparkNode.mgr.get_queue('control')
        equeue = TFSparkNode.mgr.get_queue('error')
        done = False
        while not done:
          while (queue.empty() and equeue.empty()):
          if (not equeue.empty()):
            e_str = equeue.get()
            raise Exception("Exception in " + job_name + ":\n" + e_str)
          msg = queue.get(block=True)
"Got msg: {0}".format(msg))
          if msg is None:
  "Terminating {}".format(job_name))
            TFSparkNode.mgr.set('state', 'stopped')
            done = True
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# check for existing TFManagers
    if TFSparkNode.mgr is not None and str(TFSparkNode.mgr.get('state')) != "'stopped'":
      if TFSparkNode.cluster_id == cluster_id:
        # raise an exception to force Spark to retry this "reservation" task on another executor
        raise Exception("TFManager already started on {0}, executor={1}, state={2}".format(host, executor_id, str(TFSparkNode.mgr.get("state"))))
        # old state, just continue with creating new manager
        logger.warn("Ignoring old TFManager with cluster_id {0}, requested cluster_id {1}".format(TFSparkNode.cluster_id, cluster_id))

    # start a TFManager and get a free port
    # use a random uuid as the authkey
    authkey = uuid.uuid4().bytes
    addr = None
    if job_name in ('ps', 'evaluator'):
      # PS nodes must be remotely accessible in order to shutdown from Spark driver.
      TFSparkNode.mgr = TFManager.start(authkey, ['control', 'error'], 'remote')
      addr = (host, TFSparkNode.mgr.address[1])
      # worker nodes only need to be locally accessible within the executor for data feeding
      TFSparkNode.mgr = TFManager.start(authkey, queues)
      addr = TFSparkNode.mgr.address

    # initialize mgr state
    TFSparkNode.mgr.set('state', 'running')
    TFSparkNode.cluster_id = cluster_id

    # expand Hadoop classpath wildcards for JNI (Spark 2.x)
    if 'HADOOP_PREFIX' in os.environ:
      classpath = os.environ['CLASSPATH']
      hadoop_path = os.path.join(os.environ['HADOOP_PREFIX'], 'bin', 'hadoop')
      hadoop_classpath = subprocess.check_output([hadoop_path, 'classpath', '--glob']).decode()
      logger.debug("CLASSPATH: {0}".format(hadoop_classpath))
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cluster_id = cluster_meta['id']
    cluster_template = cluster_meta['cluster_template']
    for jobtype in cluster_template:
      nodes = cluster_template[jobtype]
      if executor_id in nodes:
        job_name = jobtype
        task_index = nodes.index(executor_id)

    # get unique key (hostname, executor_id) for this executor
    host = util.get_ip_address()
    port = 0

    # check for existing TFManagers
    if TFSparkNode.mgr is not None and str(TFSparkNode.mgr.get('state')) != "'stopped'":
      if TFSparkNode.cluster_id == cluster_id:
        # raise an exception to force Spark to retry this "reservation" task on another executor
        raise Exception("TFManager already started on {0}, executor={1}, state={2}".format(host, executor_id, str(TFSparkNode.mgr.get("state"))))
        # old state, just continue with creating new manager
        logger.warn("Ignoring old TFManager with cluster_id {0}, requested cluster_id {1}".format(TFSparkNode.cluster_id, cluster_id))

    # start a TFManager and get a free port
    # use a random uuid as the authkey
    authkey = uuid.uuid4().bytes
    addr = None
    if job_name in ('ps', 'evaluator'):
      # PS nodes must be remotely accessible in order to shutdown from Spark driver.
      TFSparkNode.mgr = TFManager.start(authkey, ['control', 'error'], 'remote')
      addr = (host, TFSparkNode.mgr.address[1])
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# start a TFManager and get a free port
    # use a random uuid as the authkey
    authkey = uuid.uuid4().bytes
    addr = None
    if job_name in ('ps', 'evaluator'):
      # PS nodes must be remotely accessible in order to shutdown from Spark driver.
      TFSparkNode.mgr = TFManager.start(authkey, ['control', 'error'], 'remote')
      addr = (host, TFSparkNode.mgr.address[1])
      # worker nodes only need to be locally accessible within the executor for data feeding
      TFSparkNode.mgr = TFManager.start(authkey, queues)
      addr = TFSparkNode.mgr.address

    # initialize mgr state
    TFSparkNode.mgr.set('state', 'running')
    TFSparkNode.cluster_id = cluster_id

    # expand Hadoop classpath wildcards for JNI (Spark 2.x)
    if 'HADOOP_PREFIX' in os.environ:
      classpath = os.environ['CLASSPATH']
      hadoop_path = os.path.join(os.environ['HADOOP_PREFIX'], 'bin', 'hadoop')
      hadoop_classpath = subprocess.check_output([hadoop_path, 'classpath', '--glob']).decode()
      logger.debug("CLASSPATH: {0}".format(hadoop_classpath))
      os.environ['CLASSPATH'] = classpath + os.pathsep + hadoop_classpath

    # start TensorBoard if requested
    tb_pid = 0
    tb_port = 0
    if tensorboard and job_name == 'worker' and task_index == 0:
      tb_sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
      tb_sock.bind(('', 0))
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def _get_manager(cluster_info, host, executor_id):
  """Returns this executor's "singleton" instance of the multiprocessing.Manager, reconnecting per python-worker if needed.

    :cluster_info: cluster node reservations
    :host: host IP address
    :executor_id: unique id per executor (created during initial call to run())

    TFManager instance for this executor/python-worker
  for node in cluster_info:
    if node['host'] == host and node['executor_id'] == executor_id:
      addr = node['addr']
      authkey = node['authkey']
      TFSparkNode.mgr = TFManager.connect(addr, authkey)

  if TFSparkNode.mgr is None:
    msg = "No TFManager found on this node, please ensure that:\n" + \
          "1. Spark num_executors matches TensorFlow cluster_size\n" + \
          "2. Spark cores/tasks per executor is 1.\n" + \
          "3. Spark dynamic allocation is disabled."
    raise Exception(msg)"Connected to TFSparkNode.mgr on {0}, executor={1}, state={2}".format(host, executor_id, str(TFSparkNode.mgr.get('state'))))
  return TFSparkNode.mgr
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if TFSparkNode.mgr is not None and str(TFSparkNode.mgr.get('state')) != "'stopped'":
      if TFSparkNode.cluster_id == cluster_id:
        # raise an exception to force Spark to retry this "reservation" task on another executor
        raise Exception("TFManager already started on {0}, executor={1}, state={2}".format(host, executor_id, str(TFSparkNode.mgr.get("state"))))
        # old state, just continue with creating new manager
        logger.warn("Ignoring old TFManager with cluster_id {0}, requested cluster_id {1}".format(TFSparkNode.cluster_id, cluster_id))

    # start a TFManager and get a free port
    # use a random uuid as the authkey
    authkey = uuid.uuid4().bytes
    addr = None
    if job_name in ('ps', 'evaluator'):
      # PS nodes must be remotely accessible in order to shutdown from Spark driver.
      TFSparkNode.mgr = TFManager.start(authkey, ['control', 'error'], 'remote')
      addr = (host, TFSparkNode.mgr.address[1])
      # worker nodes only need to be locally accessible within the executor for data feeding
      TFSparkNode.mgr = TFManager.start(authkey, queues)
      addr = TFSparkNode.mgr.address

    # initialize mgr state
    TFSparkNode.mgr.set('state', 'running')
    TFSparkNode.cluster_id = cluster_id

    # expand Hadoop classpath wildcards for JNI (Spark 2.x)
    if 'HADOOP_PREFIX' in os.environ:
      classpath = os.environ['CLASSPATH']
      hadoop_path = os.path.join(os.environ['HADOOP_PREFIX'], 'bin', 'hadoop')
      hadoop_classpath = subprocess.check_output([hadoop_path, 'classpath', '--glob']).decode()
      logger.debug("CLASSPATH: {0}".format(hadoop_classpath))
      os.environ['CLASSPATH'] = classpath + os.pathsep + hadoop_classpath