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def denselayer(x, w, b, weight_scale=0., activation=''):
x, sx = quantize(x)
x = tf.cast(x, dtype=tf.float32)
x = tf.matmul(x, w)
s = sx * weight_scale
x = x * s
x = tf.add(x, b)
if activation == "relu":
x = tf.nn.relu(x)
return x
features = convert_sequences_from_strings_to_floats(
return features
# For subset of CSV files that DO have labels
columns = tf.decode_csv(
record_defaults=params["feat_defaults"] + [[0.0]], # add label default
features = dict(zip(params["feat_names"] + ["anomalous_sequence_flag"], columns))
labels = tf.cast(x=features.pop("anomalous_sequence_flag"), dtype=tf.float64)
features = convert_sequences_from_strings_to_floats(
return features, labels
weights = tf.get_variable(name='embedding_weights', shape=(embedding.get_shape().as_list()[-1], out_num),
initializer=w_init, dtype=tf.float32)
weights_norm = tf.norm(weights, axis=0, keepdims=True)
weights = tf.div(weights, weights_norm, name='norm_weights')
# cos(theta+m)
cos_t = tf.matmul(embedding, weights, name='cos_t')
cos_t2 = tf.square(cos_t, name='cos_2')
sin_t2 = tf.subtract(1., cos_t2, name='sin_2')
sin_t = tf.sqrt(sin_t2, name='sin_t')
cos_mt = s * tf.subtract(tf.multiply(cos_t, cos_m), tf.multiply(sin_t, sin_m), name='cos_mt')
# this condition controls the theta+m should in range [0, pi]
# 0<=theta+m<=pi
# -m<=theta<=pi-m
cond_v = cos_t - threshold
cond = tf.cast(tf.nn.relu(cond_v, name='if_else'), dtype=tf.bool)
keep_val = s*(cos_t - mm)
cos_mt_temp = tf.where(cond, cos_mt, keep_val)
mask = tf.one_hot(labels, depth=out_num, name='one_hot_mask')
# mask = tf.squeeze(mask, 1)
inv_mask = tf.subtract(1., mask, name='inverse_mask')
s_cos_t = tf.multiply(s, cos_t, name='scalar_cos_t')
logit = tf.add(tf.multiply(s_cos_t, inv_mask), tf.multiply(cos_mt_temp, mask), name='arcface_loss_output')
inference_loss = tf.reduce_mean(tf.nn.sparse_softmax_cross_entropy_with_logits(logits=logit, labels=labels))
return inference_loss, logit
def make_anchors(self, feature_pyramid):
with tf.variable_scope('make_anchors'):
anchor_list = []
level_list = cfgs.LEVEL
with tf.name_scope('make_anchors_all_level'):
for level, base_anchor_size, stride in zip(level_list, cfgs.BASE_ANCHOR_SIZE_LIST, cfgs.ANCHOR_STRIDE):
(level, base_anchor_size) tuple:
(P3, 32), (P4, 64), (P5, 128), (P6, 256), (P7, 512)
featuremap_height, featuremap_width = tf.shape(feature_pyramid[level])[1], \
featuremap_height = tf.cast(featuremap_height, tf.float32)
featuremap_width = tf.cast(featuremap_width, tf.float32)
if self.method == 'H':
tmp_anchors = tf.py_func(generate_anchors.generate_anchors_pre,
inp=[featuremap_height, featuremap_width, stride,
np.array(cfgs.ANCHOR_SCALES) * stride, cfgs.ANCHOR_RATIOS, 4.0],
tmp_anchors = tf.reshape(tmp_anchors, [-1, 4])
tmp_anchors = generate_rotate_anchors.make_anchors(base_anchor_size=base_anchor_size,
char_index: [Amount of words, Amount of chars in word (max len), char_embedding_size],
tf.int32, Character indices.
text_len: tf.int32, [Amount of sentences]
speaker_ids: [Amount of independent speakers], tf.int32, Speaker IDs.
genre: [Amount of independent genres], tf.int32, Genre
is_training: tf.bool
gold_starts: tf.int32, [Amount of gold mentions]
gold_ends: tf.int32, [Amount of gold mentions]
cluster_ids: tf.int32, [Amount of independent clusters]
Returns:[candidate_starts, candidate_ends, candidate_mention_scores, mention_starts, mention_ends, antecedents,
antecedent_scores], loss
List of predictions and scores, and Loss function value
self.dropout = 1 - (tf.cast(is_training, tf.float64) * self.dropout_rate)
self.lexical_dropout = 1 - (tf.cast(is_training, tf.float64) * self.lexical_dropout_rate)
num_sentences = tf.shape(word_emb)[0]
max_sentence_length = tf.shape(word_emb)[1]
text_emb_list = [word_emb]
if self.char_embedding_size > 0:
char_emb = tf.gather(
tf.get_variable("char_embeddings", [len(self.char_dict), self.char_embedding_size]),
char_index) # [num_sentences, max_sentence_length, max_word_length, emb]
flattened_char_emb = tf.reshape(char_emb, [num_sentences * max_sentence_length,
custom_layers.shape(char_emb, 2),
custom_layers.shape(char_emb, 3)])
# [num_sentences * max_sentence_length, max_word_length, emb]
flattened_aggregated_char_emb = custom_layers.cnn(flattened_char_emb, self.filter_widths,
self.predictions = tf.argmax(self.logits, -1, output_type=tf.int32)
self.sparsity = tf.constant(0.0, dtype=tf.float32)
self.reg_loss = tf.constant(0., dtype=tf.float32)
# ============= Loss and Accuracy =============
with tf.name_scope("loss"):
#self.y_one_hot = tf.one_hot(self.y, num_class)
self.cross_entropy = tf.reduce_mean(
tf.nn.sparse_softmax_cross_entropy_with_logits(logits=self.logits, labels=self.y))
self.loss = self.cross_entropy + self.reg_loss
self.optimizer = tf.train.AdamOptimizer(self.learning_rate).minimize(self.loss, global_step=self.global_step)
with tf.name_scope("accuracy"):
correct_predictions = tf.equal(self.predictions, self.y)
self.accuracy = tf.reduce_mean(tf.cast(correct_predictions, "float"), name="accuracy")
#decode image of z and x
z = tf.cast(tf.decode_raw(features['z_raw'], tf.uint8), tf.float32) #shape(h, w, c)
z = tf.reshape(z, [resize_width, resize_height, channel])
x = tf.cast(tf.decode_raw(features['x_raw'], tf.uint8), tf.float32)
x = tf.reshape(x, [resize_width, resize_height, channel])
x = x * (1. / 255) - 0.5
z = z * (1. / 255) - 0.5
# coordinte
z_pos_x = tf.cast(features['z_pos_x'] * resize_width, tf.int32)
z_pos_y = tf.cast(features['z_pos_y'] * resize_width, tf.int32)
z_target_w = tf.cast(features['z_target_w'] * resize_width, tf.int32)
z_target_h = tf.cast(features['z_target_h'] * resize_width, tf.int32)
x_pos_x = tf.cast(features['x_pos_x'] * resize_width, tf.int32)
x_pos_y = tf.cast(features['x_pos_y'] * resize_width, tf.int32)
x_target_w = tf.cast(features['x_target_w'] * resize_width, tf.int32)
x_target_h = tf.cast(features['x_target_h'] * resize_width, tf.int32)
return z, x, z_pos_x, z_pos_y, z_target_w, z_target_h, x_pos_x, x_pos_y, x_target_w, x_target_h
def mask_logits(inputs, mask, mask_value = -1e30):
shapes = inputs.shape.as_list()
mask = tf.cast(mask, tf.float32)
return inputs*mask + mask_value * (1 - mask)
def print_accuracy(y_hat, y) -> tf.Operation:
with tf.name_scope("print-accuracy"):
correct_prediction = tf.equal(tf.round(y_hat), y)
accuracy = tf.reduce_mean(tf.cast(correct_prediction, tf.float32))
print_op = tf.print("Accuracy on {}:".format(data_owner.player_name),
return print_op