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def setProgressForMacro(self, macroId, progress):
persistentIndex = self._idIndexDict.get(macroId, None)
if persistentIndex == None: return
progressIndex = persistentIndex.sibling(persistentIndex.row(), 2)
index = Qt.QModelIndex(progressIndex)
self.model().setData(index, Qt.QVariant(progress))
def data(self, index, role=Qt.Qt.DisplayRole):
if not index.isValid() or not (0 <= index.row() < self.rowCount()):
return Qt.QVariant()
column = index.column()
#Display Role
if role == Qt.Qt.DisplayRole:
if column == X: return Qt.QVariant(Qt.QString(self.curves[row].x.display))
elif column == Y: return Qt.QVariant(Qt.QString(self.curves[row].y.display))
elif column == TITLE: return Qt.QVariant(Qt.QString(self.curves[row].title))
elif column == VIS: return Qt.QVariant(Qt.QString(self.curves[row].vis))
else: return Qt.QVariant()
elif role == Qt.Qt.DecorationRole:
if column == X: return Qt.QVariant(self.curves[row].x.icon)
elif column == Y: return Qt.QVariant(self.curves[row].y.icon)
elif column == TITLE: return Qt.QVariant(Qt.QColor(self.curves[row].properties.lColor or 'black'))
else: return Qt.QVariant()
elif role == Qt.Qt.TextColorRole:
if column == X: Qt.QVariant(Qt.QColor(self.curves[row].x.ok and 'green' or 'red'))
elif column == Y: Qt.QVariant(Qt.QColor(self.curves[row].y.ok and 'green' or 'red'))
else: return Qt.QVariant()
elif role == SRC_ROLE:
if column == X: return Qt.QVariant(Qt.QString(self.curves[row].x.src))
elif column == Y: return Qt.QVariant(Qt.QString(self.curves[row].y.src))
else: return Qt.QVariant()
elif role == PROPS_ROLE:
return self.curves[row].properties
elif role == Qt.Qt.ToolTipRole:
if column == X: return Qt.QVariant(Qt.QString(self.curves[row].x.src))
elif column == Y: return Qt.QVariant(Qt.QString(self.curves[row].y.src))
if prop is None: prop=self._shownProp
#set the Style comboboxes
#set sSize and lWidth spinboxes. if prop.sSize is None, it puts -1 (which is the special value for these switchhboxes)
#Set the Color combo boxes. The item at index 0 is the empty one in the comboboxes Manage unknown colors by including them
if prop.sColor is None: index=0
else: index=self.sColorCB.findData(Qt.QVariant(Qt.QColor(prop.sColor)))
if index==-1: #if the color is not one of the supported colors, add it to the combobox
index=self.sColorCB.count() #set the index to what will be the added one
self.sColorCB.addItem(self._colorIcon(Qt.QColor(prop.sColor)), "", Qt.QVariant(Qt.QColor(prop.sColor)))
if prop.lColor is None: index=0
else: index=self.lColorCB.findData(Qt.QVariant(Qt.QColor(prop.lColor)))
if index==-1: #if the color is not one of the supported colors, add it to the combobox
index=self.lColorCB.count() #set the index to what will be the added one
self.lColorCB.addItem(self._colorIcon(Qt.QColor(prop.lColor)), "", Qt.QVariant(Qt.QColor(prop.lColor)))
#set the Fill Checkbox. The prop.sFill value can be in 3 states: True, False and None
if prop.sFill is None: checkState=Qt.Qt.PartiallyChecked
elif prop.sFill: checkState=Qt.Qt.Checked
else: checkState=Qt.Qt.Unchecked
#set the Area Fill Checkbox. The prop.cFill value can be in 3 states: True, False and None
if prop.cFill is None: checkState=Qt.Qt.PartiallyChecked
elif prop.cFill: checkState=Qt.Qt.Checked
else: checkState=Qt.Qt.Unchecked
are blocked while updating them to avoid loops.
if blockSignals: self.blockControlsSignals(True)
#set the Style comboboxes
#set sSize and lWidth spinboxes. if prop.sSize is None, it puts -1 (which is the special value for these switchhboxes)
#Set the Color combo boxes. The item at index 0 is the empty one in the comboboxes Manage unknown colors by including them
if prop.sColor is None: index=0
else: index=self.ui.sColorCB.findData(Qt.QVariant(Qt.QColor(prop.sColor)))
if index==-1: #if the color is not one of the supported colors, add it to the combobox
index=self.ui.sColorCB.count() #set the index to what will be the added one
self.ui.sColorCB.addItem(self._colorIcon(Qt.QColor(prop.sColor)), "", Qt.QVariant(Qt.QColor(prop.sColor)))
if prop.lColor is None: index=0
else: index=self.ui.lColorCB.findData(Qt.QVariant(Qt.QColor(prop.lColor)))
if index==-1: #if the color is not one of the supported colors, add it to the combobox
index=self.ui.lColorCB.count() #set the index to what will be the added one
self.ui.lColorCB.addItem(self._colorIcon(Qt.QColor(prop.lColor)), "", Qt.QVariant(Qt.QColor(prop.lColor)))
#set the Fill Checkbox. The prop.sFill value can be in 3 states: True, False and None
if prop.sFill is None: checkState=Qt.Qt.PartiallyChecked
elif prop.sFill: checkState=Qt.Qt.Checked
else: checkState=Qt.Qt.Unchecked
#set the Area Fill Checkbox. The prop.cFill value can be in 3 states: True, False and None
if prop.cFill is None: checkState=Qt.Qt.PartiallyChecked
elif prop.cFill: checkState=Qt.Qt.Checked
else: checkState=Qt.Qt.Unchecked
halign_widget = Qt.QComboBox()
valign_widget = Qt.QComboBox()
control_l.addRow("pixmap:", pixmap_widget)
control_l.addRow("Aspect ratio mode:", aspect_ratio_widget)
control_l.addRow("Transformation mode:", transformation_widget)
control_l.addRow("Horiz. alignment:", halign_widget)
control_l.addRow("Vert. alignment:", valign_widget)
panel_l.addWidget(display_panel, 1)
panel_l.addWidget(control_panel, 0)
["Ignore", "Keep", "Keep by expanding"])
transformation_widget.addItems(["Fast", "Smooth"])
halign_widget.addItem("Left", Qt.QVariant(Qt.Qt.AlignLeft))
halign_widget.addItem("Center", Qt.QVariant(Qt.Qt.AlignHCenter))
halign_widget.addItem("Right", Qt.QVariant(Qt.Qt.AlignRight))
valign_widget.addItem("Top", Qt.QVariant(Qt.Qt.AlignTop))
valign_widget.addItem("Center", Qt.QVariant(Qt.Qt.AlignVCenter))
valign_widget.addItem("Bottom", Qt.QVariant(Qt.Qt.AlignBottom))
self.w = w
self.w_pixmap = pixmap_widget
self.w_aspect_ratio = aspect_ratio_widget
self.w_transformation = transformation_widget
self.w_halign = halign_widget
def data(self, index, role=Qt.Qt.DisplayRole):
'''reimplemented from :class:`Qt.QAbstractListModel`'''
if not index.isValid() or not (0 <= index.row() < self.rowCount()):
return Qt.QVariant()
row = index.row()
#Display Role
if role == Qt.Qt.DisplayRole:
return Qt.QVariant(Qt.QString(self.items[row].display))
elif role == Qt.Qt.DecorationRole:
return Qt.QVariant(self.items[row].icon)
elif role == Qt.Qt.TextColorRole:
if not self.items[row].src:
return Qt.QVariant(Qt.QColor('gray'))
return Qt.QVariant(Qt.QColor(self.items[row].ok and 'green' or 'red'))
elif role == SRC_ROLE:
return Qt.QVariant(Qt.QString(self.items[row].src))
elif role == Qt.Qt.ToolTipRole:
return Qt.QVariant(Qt.QString(self.items[row].src))
if role == Qt.Qt.EditRole:
return Qt.QVariant(Qt.QString(self.items[row].src))
return Qt.QVariant()
return Qt.QVariant(Qt.Qt.AlignLeft|Qt.Qt.AlignVCenter)
return Qt.QVariant(Qt.Qt.AlignRight|Qt.Qt.AlignVCenter)
elif role == Qt.Qt.BackgroundRole:
if column == LEVEL:
return Qt.QVariant(getBrushForLevel(record.levelno)[0])
elif role == Qt.Qt.ForegroundRole:
if column == LEVEL:
return Qt.QVariant(getBrushForLevel(record.levelno)[1])
elif role == Qt.Qt.ToolTipRole:
return Qt.QVariant(_get_record_origin_tooltip(record))
elif role == Qt.Qt.SizeHintRole:
return self._getSizeHint(column)
#elif role == Qt.Qt.StatusTipRole:
#elif role == Qt.Qt.CheckStateRole:
elif role == Qt.Qt.FontRole:
return Qt.QVariant(self.DftFont)
return Qt.QVariant()
control_l.addRow("pixmap:", pixmap_widget)
control_l.addRow("Aspect ratio mode:", aspect_ratio_widget)
control_l.addRow("Transformation mode:", transformation_widget)
control_l.addRow("Horiz. alignment:", halign_widget)
control_l.addRow("Vert. alignment:", valign_widget)
panel_l.addWidget(display_panel, 1)
panel_l.addWidget(control_panel, 0)
["Ignore", "Keep", "Keep by expanding"])
transformation_widget.addItems(["Fast", "Smooth"])
halign_widget.addItem("Left", Qt.QVariant(Qt.Qt.AlignLeft))
halign_widget.addItem("Center", Qt.QVariant(Qt.Qt.AlignHCenter))
halign_widget.addItem("Right", Qt.QVariant(Qt.Qt.AlignRight))
valign_widget.addItem("Top", Qt.QVariant(Qt.Qt.AlignTop))
valign_widget.addItem("Center", Qt.QVariant(Qt.Qt.AlignVCenter))
valign_widget.addItem("Bottom", Qt.QVariant(Qt.Qt.AlignBottom))
self.w = w
self.w_pixmap = pixmap_widget
self.w_aspect_ratio = aspect_ratio_widget
self.w_transformation = transformation_widget
self.w_halign = halign_widget
self.w_valign = valign_widget
elif column == Y: return Qt.QVariant(Qt.QString(self.curves[row].y.display))
elif column == TITLE: return Qt.QVariant(Qt.QString(self.curves[row].title))
elif column == VIS: return Qt.QVariant(Qt.QString(self.curves[row].vis))
else: return Qt.QVariant()
elif role == Qt.Qt.DecorationRole:
if column == X: return Qt.QVariant(self.curves[row].x.icon)
elif column == Y: return Qt.QVariant(self.curves[row].y.icon)
elif column == TITLE: return Qt.QVariant(Qt.QColor(self.curves[row].properties.lColor or 'black'))
else: return Qt.QVariant()
elif role == Qt.Qt.TextColorRole:
if column == X: Qt.QVariant(Qt.QColor(self.curves[row].x.ok and 'green' or 'red'))
elif column == Y: Qt.QVariant(Qt.QColor(self.curves[row].y.ok and 'green' or 'red'))
else: return Qt.QVariant()
elif role == SRC_ROLE:
if column == X: return Qt.QVariant(Qt.QString(self.curves[row].x.src))
elif column == Y: return Qt.QVariant(Qt.QString(self.curves[row].y.src))
else: return Qt.QVariant()
elif role == PROPS_ROLE:
return self.curves[row].properties
elif role == Qt.Qt.ToolTipRole:
if column == X: return Qt.QVariant(Qt.QString(self.curves[row].x.src))
elif column == Y: return Qt.QVariant(Qt.QString(self.curves[row].y.src))
else: return Qt.QVariant()
if role == Qt.Qt.EditRole:
if column == X: return Qt.QVariant(Qt.QString(self.curves[row].x.src))
elif column == Y: return Qt.QVariant(Qt.QString(self.curves[row].y.src))
elif column == TITLE: return Qt.QVariant(Qt.QString(self.curves[row].title))
else: return Qt.QVariant()
# elif role == Qt.Qt.TextAlignmentRole:
# return QVariant(int(Qt.AlignHCenter|Qt.AlignVCenter))
#Text Color
ctrlname = ch_data['_controller_name']
if ctrlname.startswith("__"):
return Qt.QVariant()
ch_info = self.getAvailableChannels()[ch_name]
if ch_info['type'] in ('CTExpChannel', 'OneDExpChannel', 'TwoDExpChannel'):
unitdict = self.getPyData(ctrlname=ctrlname, unitid=ch_data['_unit_id'])
key = self.data_keys_map[taurus_role]
master_full_name = unitdict.get(key, None)
key = taurus_role == ChannelView.Timer and 'timer' or 'monitor'
master_full_name = self._mgconfig.get(key, None)
if master_full_name is None:
return Qt.QVariant()
master_info = self.getAvailableChannels()[master_full_name]
return Qt.QVariant(master_info['name'])
return Qt.QVariant()