How to use the function in tagui

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few tagui examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github tebelorg / TagUI-Python / View on Github external
# to use in Jupyter notebook, Python script or interactive shell
import tagui as t

# use init() to start TagUI, it auto downloads TagUI on first run
# default init(visual_automation = False, chrome_browser = True)

# use url('your_url') to go to web page, url() returns current URL

# use type() to enter text into an UI element or x, y location
# '[enter]' = enter key, '[clear]' = clear field
t.type('search-box', 'github')

# use read() to fetch and return text from UI element
search_text ='search-box')

# use click() to click on an UI element or x, y location
# rclick() = right-click, dclick() = double-click'search-button')

# use wait() to wait for a number of seconds
# default wait() is 5 seconds

# use snap() to save screenshot of page or UI element
# page = web page, page.png = computer screen
t.snap('page', 'results.png')
t.snap('logo', 'logo.png')

# another example of interacting with a web page


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