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tug.config[f] = {'weekly': 1, 'total': 13, 'note': 'somenote'}
test_views(self, c, 'ta.views.', ['view_tug', 'edit_tug'], {'course_slug': offering.slug, 'userid': ta.person.userid})
# admin views
test_views(self, c, 'ta.views.', ['all_tugs_admin', 'view_postings'], {})
post = TAPosting.objects.filter(unit__label='CMPT')[0]
test_views(self, c, 'ta.views.', ['new_application', 'new_application_manual', 'view_all_applications',
'print_all_applications', 'print_all_applications_by_course', 'view_late_applications',
'assign_tas', 'all_contracts'],
{'post_slug': post.slug})
test_views(self, c, 'ta.views.', ['assign_bus'],
{'post_slug': post.slug, 'course_slug': offering.slug})
contr = TAContract.objects.filter(posting=post)[0]
test_views(self, c, 'ta.views.', ['edit_application', 'view_application', 'preview_offer', 'view_contract',
{'post_slug': post.slug, 'userid': contr.application.person.userid})
# applicant views
test_views(self, c, 'ta.views.', ['accept_contract'],
{'post_slug': post.slug, 'userid': contr.application.person.userid})
excl = set(posting.excluded())
offerings = [o for o in all_offerings if o.course_id not in excl]
# collect all course preferences in a sensible way
prefs = CoursePreference.objects.filter(app__posting=posting).exclude(rank=0).order_by('app__person').select_related('app', 'course')
for offering in offerings:
offering.applications = []
applications_for_this_offering = [ for pref in prefs if
(pref.course.number == offering.course.number and pref.course.subject == offering.course.subject)]
for application in applications_for_this_offering:
if not hasattr(application, 'extra_data_done'): = CoursePreference.objects.filter(app=application).exclude(rank=0).order_by('rank')
application.skills = SkillLevel.objects.filter(app=application).select_related('skill')
application.campuses = CampusPreference.objects.filter(app=application)
application.contracts = TAContract.objects.filter(application=application)
application.previous_experience = TACourse.objects.filter(contract__application__person=application.person) \
application.grad_programs = GradStudent.objects \
.filter(program__unit__in=request.units, person=application.person)
application.extra_data_done = True
context = {
'offerings': offerings,
'posting': posting,
return render(request, 'ta/print_all_applications_by_course.html', context)
posting = self.create_fake_posting(offering.semester)
# create TAApplication
apps = TAApplication.objects.filter(posting=posting, person=p)
if apps:
app = apps[0]
app = TAApplication(posting=posting, person=p)
app.category = self.CATEGORY_MAP[cat]
app.base_units = app_bu or 0
app.sin = sin
# create TAContract
contracts = TAContract.objects.filter(posting=posting, application=app)
if contracts:
contract = contracts[0]
contract = TAContract(posting=posting, application=app)
pos_id = self.positions[posnum]
except KeyError:
pos_id = posting.config['accounts'][self.CATEGORY_INDEX[app.category]]
contract.sin = sin
contract.pay_start = payst or offering.semester.start
contract.pay_end = payen or offering.semester.end
contract.appt_category = app.category
contract.position_number_id = pos_id
contract.appt = self.INITIAL_MAP[initial]
def edit_contract(request, post_slug, userid):
posting = get_object_or_404(TAPosting, slug=post_slug, unit__in=request.units)
if posting.unit not in request.units:
ForbiddenResponse(request, 'You cannot access this page')
course_choices = [('','---------')] + [(, for c in posting.selectable_offerings()]
position_choices = [(, "%s (%s)" % (a.position_number, a.title)) for a in Account.objects.filter(unit=posting.unit, hidden=False)]
description_choices = [('', '---------')] + [(, d.description + _lab_or_tutorial(d) )
for d in CourseDescription.objects.filter(unit=posting.unit, hidden=False)]
#number of course form to populate
num = 3
contract = TAContract.objects.filter(posting=posting, application__person__userid=userid)
if contract.count() > 0:
contract = contract[0]
application = contract.application
cnum = contract.tacourse_set.all().count()
if cnum > num:
num = 0
num = num - contract.tacourse_set.all().count()
old_status = contract.get_status_display()
if contract.status not in ['NEW', 'OPN']:
# after editing, revert to open
contract.status = 'OPN'
editing = True
# creating new contract
contract = TAContract()
unit = "*"
startsem = "*"
campuspref = ''
for cp in CampusPreference.objects.filter(app=app):
if cp.pref == 'PRF':
campuspref += cp.campus[0].upper()
elif cp.pref == 'WIL':
campuspref += cp.campus[0].lower()
# Get all TAContracts that match this posting and application, then the matching TACourses
# so we can find out if a course/courses have been assigned to this TA
assigned_courses = ''
assigned_bus = ''
ta_contracts = TAContract.objects.filter(posting=posting, application=app).exclude(status__in=['CAN', 'REJ'])
if len(ta_contracts) > 0:
ta_courses = TACourse.objects.filter(contract__in=ta_contracts)
if len(ta_courses) > 0:
assigned_courses = ', '.join([ for tacourse in ta_courses])
assigned_bus = sum([t.total_bu for t in ta_courses])
row = [rank, app.person.sortname(), app.category, app.get_current_program_display(), system_program, status, unit, startsem,
app.base_units, campuspref, assigned_courses, assigned_bus]
for off in offerings:
crs = off.course
if app in course_prefs and crs in course_prefs[app]:
pref = course_prefs[app][crs]
def _contact_people(posting, statuses):
The set of people to be contacted with the given statuses in the given posting.
contracts = TAContract.objects.filter(posting=posting, status__in=statuses).select_related('application__person')
people = set((c.application.person for c in contracts))
if '_APPLIC' in statuses:
# they want applicants
apps = TAApplication.objects.filter(posting=posting, late=False).select_related('person')
people |= set((app.person for app in apps))
if '_LATEAPP' in statuses:
# they want applicants
apps = TAApplication.objects.filter(posting=posting, late=True).select_related('person')
people |= set((app.person for app in apps))
return people
def accept_contract(request, post_slug, userid, preview=False):
if not preview and request.user.username != userid:
return ForbiddenResponse(request, 'You cannot access this page')
posting = get_object_or_404(TAPosting, slug=post_slug)
person = get_object_or_404(Person, userid=request.user.username)
contract = TAContract.objects.filter(posting=posting, application__person__userid=userid)
# If you have at least one contract for this posting, return the first one that matches.
if contract.count() > 0:
contract = contract[0]
application = TAApplication.objects.get(person__userid=userid, posting=posting)
# Otherwise, someone is probably trying to guess/make up a URL, or the contract has been deleted since they
# got the URL.
return ForbiddenResponse(request)
courses = TACourse.objects.filter(contract=contract)
total = contract.total_bu()
bu = contract.bu()
#this could be refactored used in multiple places
pp = posting.payperiods()
pdead = posting.config['deadline']
#Save ranks and BU's
if request.method == "POST":
formset = AssignBUFormSet(request.POST)
if formset.is_valid():
descr_error = False
for i in range(len(applicants)):
#update rank
applicant = applicants[i]
applicant.rank = formset[i]['rank'].value()
if not applicant.assigned_course:
#create new TACourse if bu field is nonempty
if formset[i]['bu'].value() != '' and formset[i]['bu'].value() != '0':
#create new TAContract if there isn't one
contracts = TAContract.objects.filter(application=applicants[i], posting=posting)
if contracts.count() > 0: #count is 1
# if we've added to the contract, we've invalidated it.
contract = contracts[0]
contract.status = "NEW"
contract = TAContract(created_by=request.user.username)
contract.first_assign(applicants[i], posting)
bu = formset[i]['bu'].value()
tacourse = TACourse(course=offering, contract=contract, bu=bu)
tacourse.description = tacourse.default_description()
except ValueError:
# handle the case where no appropriate default CourseDescription object can be found
descr_error = True
formset[i]._errors['bu'] = formset[i].error_class(["Can't find a contract description to assign to the contract."])