How to use the syft.core.frameworks.torch.utils function in syft

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def on(self, wrapper):
        """Used to add a new _GeneralizedPointerTensor at the top of the chain,
        just before the tensorvar wrapper."""
        # Assign the newly created tensor to the good owner and torch_type
        self.torch_type = wrapper.child.torch_type
        self.owner = wrapper.child.owner

        # Insert self between wrapper and wrapper child
        torch_utils.bind_tensor_nodes(wrapper=self, child_obj=wrapper.child)
        torch_utils.bind_tensor_nodes(wrapper=wrapper, child_obj=self)
        self.child = None

        # In case wrapper is a variable, do the same with data and grad (if necessary)
        if torch_utils.is_variable(wrapper):
                data_pointer_dict = {
                    w: for w, p in self.pointer_tensor_dict.items()
       = _GeneralizedPointerTensor(data_pointer_dict).on(
            except AttributeError:
            if torch_utils.is_variable(wrapper.grad):
                grad_pointer_dict = {
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def __array_ufunc__(self, ufunc, method, *args, **kwargs):
        attr = ufunc.__name__

        cmd, locations, owners = utils.compile_command(
            attr=str(attr), args=args, kwargs=kwargs, has_self=False, self=None

        return self.owner.send_command(
            recipient=self.location, message=cmd, framework="numpy"
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result_dict = {}
        torch_type = None
        var_data_type = None
        for worker_id in syft_commands.keys():

            syft_command = syft_commands[worker_id]
            result_dict[worker_id] = sy._PointerTensor.handle_call(syft_command, owner)

            if torch_type is None:
                torch_type = result_dict[worker_id].torch_type
                if torch_utils.is_variable_name(torch_type):
                    var_data_type = result_dict[worker_id].data.torch_type

        gpt = _GeneralizedPointerTensor(result_dict, torch_type=torch_type, owner=owner)

        if torch_utils.is_variable_name(torch_type):
            gpt.child = torch.guard[torch_type]()
            data_pointer_dict = {w: for w, p in gpt.pointer_tensor_dict.items()}
   = _GeneralizedPointerTensor(
                data_pointer_dict, torch_type=var_data_type, owner=owner
   = torch.guard[var_data_type]()

            grad_pointer_dict = {w: p.grad for w, p in gpt.pointer_tensor_dict.items()}
            gpt.grad = _GeneralizedPointerTensor(
                grad_pointer_dict, torch_type=torch_type, owner=owner
            gpt.grad.child = torch.guard[torch_type]()

            grad_data_pointer_dict = {
                w: for w, p in gpt.pointer_tensor_dict.items()
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"command": command,
            "has_self": has_self,
            "args": args,
            "kwargs": kwargs,
        if has_self:
            raw_command["self"] = self_
        if is_torch_command:
            # Unwrap the torch wrapper
            syft_command, child_type = torch_utils.prepare_child_command(
                raw_command, replace_tensorvar_with_child=True
            # Get the next syft class
            # The actual syft class is the one which redirected (see the  _PlusIsMinus ex.)
            syft_command, child_type = torch_utils.prepare_child_command(
                raw_command, replace_tensorvar_with_child=True

            # torch_utils.assert_has_only_syft_tensors(syft_command)

        # Note: because we have pb of registration of tensors with the right worker,
        # and because having Virtual workers creates even more ambiguity, we specify the worker
        # performing the operation

        result = child_type.handle_call(syft_command, owner=self)

        if is_torch_command:
            # Wrap the result
            if has_self and utils.is_in_place_method(attr):
                # TODO: fix this properly: don't wrap the same way if syft or Variable
                if torch_utils.is_variable(result) or torch_utils.is_tensor(result):
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def __repr__(self):

        if (
            and hasattr(self, "child")
            and not isinstance(self.child, (sy._LocalTensor, sy._PointerTensor))

            if isinstance(self.child, sy._FixedPrecisionTensor):
                return self.child.__repr__()

            x_ = type(self)()
            return "[Head of chain]\n" + x_.native___repr__()

        if (
            and hasattr(self, "child")
            and not isinstance(self.child, (sy._LocalTensor, sy._PointerTensor))
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    def handle_call(cls, syft_command, owner):

        syft_commands = torch_utils.split_to_pointer_commands(syft_command)

        result_dict = {}
        torch_type = None
        var_data_type = None
        for worker_id in syft_commands.keys():

            syft_command = syft_commands[worker_id]
            result_dict[worker_id] = sy._PointerTensor.handle_call(syft_command, owner)

            if torch_type is None:
                torch_type = result_dict[worker_id].torch_type
                if torch_utils.is_variable_name(torch_type):
                    var_data_type = result_dict[worker_id].data.torch_type

        gpt = _GeneralizedPointerTensor(result_dict, torch_type=torch_type, owner=owner)
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def forward_method_to_child(self, *args, **kwargs):

                child_args = torch_utils.get_child_in_args(*args, **kwargs)
                if attr == "zero_":
                    response = getattr(self.child, "native_" + attr)()
                    response = getattr(self.child, "native_" + attr)(
                        *child_args, **kwargs

                syft_node = type(self)(

                # Insert the new node just before the wrapper
                # syft_node.child = response.child
                response.child.parent = syft_node
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# this series of if/else statements uses the message_wrapper['type']
        # value to determine where to route the incoming message.

        # if the message contains an object being sent to us
        if message_wrapper["type"] == "obj":

            object = message

            # if object is a numpy array
            if isinstance(message, np.ndarray):
                """do nothing."""

            # if object is a Torch object - pre-process it for registration

            # register the object, saving it in self._objects and ensuring that
            # object.owner is set correctly

            # we do not send a response back
            # TODO: send a "successful" or "not successful" response?
            return {}, False

        # if the message contains Receiving a request for an object
        # to be sent to another worker. For example "x.get()" would execute here.
        # if x is a pointer to an object hosted on this worker.
        elif message_wrapper["type"] == "req_obj":

            # Because it was pointed at, it's the first syft_object of the chain,
            # so its parent is the tensorvar
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def handle_call(cls, syft_command, owner):
        """Execute a forwarded command on the native tensor with native

        Receive a syft command and an owner, and converts it into
        command with native torch args. Excute native operations and
        converts it back into syft response using _LocalTensors.
        tensor_command, torch_type = torch_utils.prepare_child_command(
            syft_command, replace_tensorvar_with_child=True
        # torch_utils.assert_has_only_torch_tensorvars(tensor_command)

        attr = tensor_command["command"]
        args = tensor_command["args"]
        kwargs = tensor_command["kwargs"]
        has_self = tensor_command["has_self"]

        if has_self:
            self = tensor_command["self"]
            native_attr = torch._command_guard(
                attr, "tensorvar_methods", get_native=True
            command = getattr(self, native_attr)
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            if is_head:
                var_data = torch.guard[var_data_type].deser(
                    var_data_type, var_data_tensor, worker, acquire
                var_data = torch.guard[var_data_type]()
        except AttributeError:
            var_data = torch.guard["FloatTensor"]()

        # If not already existing object, build the torch wrapper
        variable = sy.Variable(var_data, requires_grad=msg_obj["requires_grad"])

        # Deser the var.grad
        if "grad" in msg_obj:
            var_grad_type, var_grad_tensor = torch_utils.extract_type_and_obj(
            if is_head:
                var_grad = torch.guard[var_grad_type].deser(
                    var_grad_type, var_grad_tensor, worker, acquire, is_head
                var_grad = torch.guard[var_grad_type]()

        # And connect it the the child syft_tensor
        torch_utils.bind_tensor_nodes(variable, var_syft_obj)

        # Last, ensures that the structure follows our standard
        torch_utils.fix_chain_structure(variable,, variable.grad)