How to use the sumolib.xml.parse function in sumolib

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github eclipse / sumo / tools / route / View on Github external
writeHeader(busStops, os.path.basename(__file__), 'additional')
    if options.additional_input:
        num_busstops = 0
        kept_busstops = 0
        num_taz = 0
        kept_taz = 0
        for busStop in parse(options.additional_input, ('busStop', 'trainStop')):
            num_busstops += 1
            edge = busStop.lane[:-2]
            busStopEdges[] = edge
            if options.stops_output and edge in edges:
                kept_busstops += 1
                if busStop.access:
                    busStop.access = [acc for acc in busStop.access if acc.lane[:-2] in edges]
                busStops.write(busStop.toXML('    '))
        for taz in parse(options.additional_input, 'taz'):
            num_taz += 1
            taz_edges = [e for e in taz.edges.split() if e in edges]
            if taz_edges:
                taz.edges = " ".join(taz_edges)
                if options.stops_output:
                    kept_taz += 1
                    busStops.write(taz.toXML('    '))
        if num_busstops > 0 and num_taz > 0:
            print("Kept %s of %s busStops and %s of %s tazs" % (
                kept_busstops, num_busstops, kept_taz, num_taz))
        elif num_busstops > 0:
            print("Kept %s of %s busStops" % (
                kept_busstops, num_busstops))
        elif num_taz > 0:
            print("Kept %s of %s tazs" % (
                kept_taz, num_taz))
github eclipse / sumo / tools / route / View on Github external
if options.trips:
        writer = write_trip
        writer = write_route

    busStopEdges = {}
    if options.stops_output:
        busStops = open(options.stops_output, 'w')
        writeHeader(busStops, os.path.basename(__file__), 'additional')
    if options.additional_input:
        num_busstops = 0
        kept_busstops = 0
        num_taz = 0
        kept_taz = 0
        for busStop in parse(options.additional_input, ('busStop', 'trainStop')):
            num_busstops += 1
            edge = busStop.lane[:-2]
            busStopEdges[] = edge
            if options.stops_output and edge in edges:
                kept_busstops += 1
                if busStop.access:
                    busStop.access = [acc for acc in busStop.access if acc.lane[:-2] in edges]
                busStops.write(busStop.toXML('    '))
        for taz in parse(options.additional_input, 'taz'):
            num_taz += 1
            taz_edges = [e for e in taz.edges.split() if e in edges]
            if taz_edges:
                taz.edges = " ".join(taz_edges)
                if options.stops_output:
                    kept_taz += 1
                    busStops.write(taz.toXML('    '))
github eclipse / sumo / tools / route / View on Github external
def main(options):
    counts = defaultdict(lambda: list())
    for routeFile in options.routeFiles.split(','):
        for person in sumolib.xml.parse(routeFile, 'person'):
            stages = tuple([stageName(options, person, s) for s in person.getChildList()])
            if options.mergeWalks:
                filtered = []
                for s in stages:
                    if len(filtered) == 0 or s != filtered[-1]:
                stages = tuple(filtered)

    numPersons = sum(map(len, counts.values()))
    print("Loaded %s persons" % numPersons)
    maxPadding = max(map(len, [' '.join(k) for k, v in counts.items()]))
    countSize = len(str(max([len(p) for k, p in counts.items()])))
    formatStr = "%" + str(countSize) + "s: %s%s"
    reverseCounts = [(len(p), k) for k, p in counts.items()]
    for count, k in sorted(reverseCounts):
github eclipse / sumo / tools / route / View on Github external
def readPOI(traceFile, net):
    trace = []
    for poi in sumolib.xml.parse(traceFile, "poi"):
        if poi.lon is None:
            trace.append((poi.x, poi.y))
    yield "blub", trace
github eclipse / sumo / tools / detector / View on Github external
def readDetectors(self, detFile):
        self._detReader = detector.DetectorReader(detFile, self._lane2edge)
        for edge, detGroups in self._detReader._edge2DetData.items():
            for group in detGroups:
                if group.isValid:
        sources = set()
        sinks = set()
        for det in sumolib.xml.parse(detFile, ["detectorDefinition", "e1Detector"]):
            if hasattr(det, "type"):
                if det.type == "source":
                    if options.lanebased:
                if det.type == "sink":
                    if options.lanebased:
        return sources, sinks
github eclipse / sumo / tools / detector / View on Github external
def main(options):
    if options.output is None:
        options.outfile = sys.stdout
        options.outfile = open(options.output, 'w')
    if options.flowout:
        with open(options.flowout, 'w') as f:
        options.begin = None
        for interval in parse(options.edgeDataFile, "interval", attr_conversions={"begin": float, "end": float}):
            if options.begin is None:
                options.begin = interval.begin / 60
            options.end = interval.end / 60

    detReader = detector.DetectorReader(options.detfile, LaneMap())
    intervalBeginM = options.begin
    haveDetFlows = True
    while ((options.end is None and haveDetFlows) or
            (options.end is not None and intervalBeginM < options.end)):
        intervalEndM = intervalBeginM + options.interval
        if options.end is not None:
            intervalEndM = min(intervalEndM, options.end)
        if options.flowfile:
            if options.verbose:
                print("Reading flows")
            haveDetFlows = detReader.readFlows(options.flowfile, flow=options.flowcol,
github eclipse / sumo / sumo / tools / turn-defs / View on Github external
def from_stream(input_connections):
    """ Constructs Connections object from connections defined in the given
        stream. The input_connections argument may be a filename or an opened
        file. """"Reading connections from input stream")

    connections = Connections()
    for xml_connection in sumolib.xml.parse(input_connections, "connection"):

    return connections