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def test_bad_case():
Test pathological wrong case identification.
map = starry.Map(reflected=True)
# These values lead to a (very) wrong flux
theta0 = -0.0409517311212404
b0 = -0.83208413089546
bo0 = 12.073565287605442
ro = 12.155639360414618
# Perturb theta in the vicinity of theta0
delta = np.linspace(0, 1e-6, 100)
theta = np.concatenate((theta0 - delta[::-1], theta0 + delta))
# Compute the flux
b = b0 * np.ones_like(theta)
bo = bo0 * np.ones_like(theta)
sT, *_ = map.ops._sT.func(b, theta, bo, ro, 0.0)
flux = sT[:, 0]
"""Test the stability of the limb darkening calculations near singular points."""
import starry
import numpy as np
import pytest
# We'll run all tests on tenth degree maps
map = starry.Map(10)
map[0, 0] = 1
map[:] = 1
map_multi = starry.Map(10, multi=True)
map_multi[0, 0] = 1
map_multi[:] = 1
def test_b_near_zero(ftol=1e-11, gtol=1e-11):
b = 10.0 ** np.linspace(-18, -6, 100)
b[0] = 0
f = map.flux(xo=b, yo=0.0, ro=0.1)
f_multi = map_multi.flux(xo=b, yo=0.0, ro=0.1)
assert(np.max(np.abs(f - f_multi)) < ftol)
_, g = map.flux(xo=b, yo=0.0, ro=0.1, gradient=True)
_, g_multi = map_multi.flux(xo=b, yo=0.0, ro=0.1, gradient=True)
for key in g.keys():
def test_flux_quad_ld(abs_tol=1e-5, rel_tol=1e-5, eps=1e-7):
with change_flags(compute_test_value="off"):
map = starry.Map(udeg=2)
xo = np.linspace(-1.5, 1.5, 10)
yo = np.ones_like(xo) * 0.3
zo = 1.0 * np.ones_like(xo)
ro = 0.1
u = np.array([-1.0] + list(np.random.randn(2)))
func = lambda *args: map.ops.flux(*args)
(xo, yo, zo, ro, u),
def test_check_kwargs_map(caplog):
"""Test that we capture bad keyword arguments."""
starry.config.quiet = False
map = starry.Map(giraffe=10)
assert len(caplog.records) >= 1
assert any(
"Invalid keyword `giraffe`" in str(rec.message)
for rec in caplog.records
assert np.allclose(map.p, np.array([0, 0, 0,
np.sqrt(3 / (4 * np.pi))]))
map.axis = [0, 0, 1]
assert np.allclose(map.y, np.array([0, 0, 0, norm]))
assert np.allclose(map.p, np.array([0,
np.sqrt(3 / (4 * np.pi)), 0, 0]))
map.axis = [0, 1, 0]
assert np.allclose(map.y, np.array([0, 0, norm, 0]))
assert np.allclose(map.p, np.array([0, 0,
np.sqrt(3 / (4 * np.pi)), 0]))
# A more complex rotation
map = starry.Map(5, multi=multi)
map[:, :] = 1
map.axis = [1, 2, 3]
benchmark = np.array([1., 1.39148148, 0.91140212, 0.48283069,
1.46560344, 0.68477955, 0.30300625, 1.33817773,
-0.70749636, 0.66533701, 1.5250326, 0.09725931,
-0.13909678, 1.06812054, 0.81540106, -1.54823596,
-0.50475248, 1.90009363, 0.68002942, -0.10159448,
-0.48406777, 0.59834505, 1.22007458, -0.27302899,
-1.58323797, -1.37266583, 1.44638769, 1.36239055,
0.22257365, -0.24387785, -0.62003044, 0.03888137,
1.05768142, 0.87317586, -1.46092763, -0.81070502])
assert np.allclose(map.y, benchmark)
# Test rotation caching
map = starry.Map(2, multi=multi)
def test_approximation(plot=False):
Test our polynomial approximation to the Oren-Nayar intensity.
# Simple map
map = starry.Map(reflected=True)
# Approximate and exact intensities
map.roughness = 90
img_approx = map.render(xs=1, ys=2, zs=3)
img_exact = map.render(xs=1, ys=2, zs=3, on94_exact=True)
img_diff = img_exact - img_approx
diff = img_diff.reshape(-1)
mu = np.nanmean(diff)
std = np.nanstd(diff)
maxabs = np.nanmax(np.abs(diff))
if plot:
fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 3, figsize=(14, 2.5))
im = ax[0].imshow(
def test_high_order_ld():
"""Test transit light curve generation for 8th order limb darkening."""
# Input params
u = [0.4, 0.26, 0.3, 0.5, -0.2, 0.5, -0.7, 0.3]
npts = 25
r = 0.1
b = np.linspace(0, 1 + r + 0.1, npts)
# Compute the starry flux
map = Map(len(u))
map[0, 0] = 1
map[:] = u
sF = map.flux(xo=b, yo=0, ro=r)
# Numerical flux
nF = np.zeros_like(b)
for i in range(npts):
nF[i] = NumericalFlux(b[i], r, u)
# Compute the error, check that it's better than 1 ppb
error = np.max((np.abs(nF - sF)))
assert error < 1e-9, "Error in flux exceeds 1 ppb (= %.3e)." % error
def test_spectral_no_grad():
map = starry.Map(ydeg=ydeg, udeg=0, nw=nw)
flux = map.flux(theta=theta, xo=xo, yo=yo, ro=ro, gradient=False)
assert(flux.shape == (npts, nw))
intensity = map(theta=theta, x=xo, y=yo)
assert(intensity.shape == (npts, nw))
import starry
import numpy as np
from scipy.linalg import cho_solve
from scipy.stats import multivariate_normal
import pytest
import itertools
# Parameter combinations we'll test
vals = ["scalar", "vector", "matrix", "cholesky"]
woodbury = [False, True]
solve_inputs = itertools.product(vals, vals)
lnlike_inputs = itertools.product(vals, vals, woodbury)
# Instantiate a dipole map
map = starry.Map(ydeg=1, reflected=True)
amp_true = 0.75
inc_true = 60
y_true = np.array([1, 0.1, 0.2, 0.3])
map.amp = amp_true
map[1, :] = y_true[1:] = inc_true
# Generate a synthetic light curve with just a little noise
theta = np.linspace(0, 360, 100)
phi = 3.5 * theta
xs = np.cos(phi * np.pi / 180)
ys = 0.1 * np.cos(phi * np.pi / 180)
zs = np.sin(phi * np.pi / 180)
kwargs = dict(theta=theta, xs=xs, ys=ys, zs=zs)
flux = map.flux(**kwargs).eval()
sigma = 1e-5
# Standard map
ylm = Map(l)
ylm._r_M = np.inf
ylm._r_quartic = np.inf
ylm._b_J = 0
# Taylor expand `M` (odd nu)
# and approximate occultor limb as parabola (even nu)
ylmtaylor = Map(l)
ylmtaylor._r_M = 0
ylmtaylor._r_quartic = 0
ylmtaylor._b_J = 0
# Multiprecision (~exact)
ylm128 = Map(l)
ylm128.use_mp = True
# Set up
fig, ax = pl.subplots(2, 2, figsize=(12, 5))
fig.suptitle("Degree $l = %d$" % l, fontsize=14)
# Loop over the orders
noise = np.zeros((2 * l + 1, npts)) * np.nan
error = np.zeros((2 * l + 1, npts)) * np.nan
noisetaylor = np.zeros((2 * l + 1, npts)) * np.nan
errortaylor = np.zeros((2 * l + 1, npts)) * np.nan
for j, m in tqdm(enumerate(range(-l, l + 1)), total=2 * l + 1):
# Set this coefficient
parity = (l + m) % 2
ylm[l, m] = 1