How to use the srsly.msgpack_loads function in srsly

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few srsly examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github explosion / spaCy / spacy / tokens / View on Github external
def from_bytes(self, bytes_data):
        """Deserialize the DocBin's annotations from a bytestring.

        bytes_data (bytes): The data to load from.
        RETURNS (DocBin): The loaded DocBin.

        msg = srsly.msgpack_loads(zlib.decompress(bytes_data))
        self.attrs = msg["attrs"]
        self.strings = set(msg["strings"])
        lengths = numpy.frombuffer(msg["lengths"], dtype="int32")
        flat_spaces = numpy.frombuffer(msg["spaces"], dtype=bool)
        flat_tokens = numpy.frombuffer(msg["tokens"], dtype="uint64")
        shape = (flat_tokens.size // len(self.attrs), len(self.attrs))
        flat_tokens = flat_tokens.reshape(shape)
        flat_spaces = flat_spaces.reshape((flat_spaces.size, 1))
        self.tokens = NumpyOps().unflatten(flat_tokens, lengths)
        self.spaces = NumpyOps().unflatten(flat_spaces, lengths)
        self.cats = msg["cats"]
        if self.store_user_data and "user_data" in msg:
            self.user_data = list(msg["user_data"])
        for tokens in self.tokens:
            assert len(tokens.shape) == 2, tokens.shape  # this should never happen
        return self
github explosion / spaCy / spacy / View on Github external
def from_bytes(bytes_data, setters, exclude):
    msg = srsly.msgpack_loads(bytes_data)
    for key, setter in setters.items():
        # Split to support file names like meta.json
        if key.split(".")[0] not in exclude and key in msg:
    return msg
github explosion / spaCy / spacy / View on Github external
def from_bytes(self, bytes_data):
        """Load a table from a bytestring.

        bytes_data (bytes): The data to load.
        RETURNS (Table): The loaded table.

        loaded = srsly.msgpack_loads(bytes_data)
        data = loaded.get("dict", {}) = loaded["name"]
        self.bloom = BloomFilter().from_bytes(loaded["bloom"])
        return self
github explosion / spaCy / spacy / View on Github external
def from_bytes(self, bytes_data, **kwargs):
        """Load the lookups from a bytestring.

        bytes_data (bytes): The data to load.
        RETURNS (Lookups): The loaded Lookups.

        self._tables = OrderedDict()
        for key, value in srsly.msgpack_loads(bytes_data).items():
            self._tables[key] = Table(key)
        return self
github explosion / spacy-transformers / spacy_transformers / View on Github external
def from_bytes(self, bytes_data, exclude=tuple(), **kwargs):
        msg = srsly.msgpack_loads(bytes_data)
        for field in self.serialization_fields:
            setattr(self, field, msg[field])
        return self
github explosion / thinc / thinc / layers / View on Github external
def from_bytes(self, bytes_data: bytes) -> Model:
        """Deserialize the model from a bytes representation. Models are usually
        serialized using msgpack, so you should be able to call msgpack.loads()
        on the data and get back a dictionary with the contents.

        Serialization should round-trip identically, i.e. the same bytes should
        result from loading and serializing a model.
        data = srsly.msgpack_loads(bytes_data)
        weights = data[b"weights"]
        queue = [self]
        i = 0
        for layer in queue:
            # Hack to support saving/loading PyTorch models. TODO: Improve
            if hasattr(layer, "_model") and not isinstance(layer._model, Model):
                i += 1
            elif hasattr(layer, "_mem"):
                for attr, value in weights[i][b"attrs"].items():
                    layer.set_attr(attr, value)
                for dim, value in weights[i][b"dims"].items():
                    if isinstance(dim, bytes):
                        dim = dim.decode("utf8")
                    setattr(layer, dim, value)
                for param in weights[i][b"params"]:
github explosion / thinc / thinc / neural / _classes / View on Github external
def from_bytes(self, bytes_data):
        data = srsly.msgpack_loads(bytes_data)
        weights = data[b"weights"]
        queue = [self]
        i = 0
        for layer in queue:
            # Hack to support saving/loading PyTorch models. TODO: Improve
            if hasattr(layer, "_model") and not isinstance(layer._model, Model):
                i += 1
            elif hasattr(layer, "_mem"):
                if b"seed" in weights[i]:
                    layer.seed = weights[i][b"seed"]
                for dim, value in weights[i][b"dims"].items():
                    if isinstance(dim, bytes):
                        dim = dim.decode("utf8")
                    setattr(layer, dim, value)
                for param in weights[i][b"params"]:
github explosion / spacy-transformers / spacy_pytorch_transformers / View on Github external
def from_bytes(self, bytes_data, exclude=tuple(), **kwargs):
        msg = srsly.msgpack_loads(bytes_data)
        for field in self.serialization_fields:
            setattr(self, field, msg[field])
        return self