How to use the spikeinterface.sorters.run_klusta function in spikeinterface

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few spikeinterface examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

import spikeinterface.extractors as se
import spikeinterface.sorters as sorters
import spikeinterface.comparison as sc

# First, let's create a toy example:

recording, sorting = se.example_datasets.toy_example(num_channels=4, duration=10, seed=0)

# Then run two spike sorters and compare their ouput.

sorting_KL = sorters.run_klusta(recording)
sorting_MS4 = sorters.run_mountainsort4(recording)

# The :code:`compare_two_sorters` function allows us to compare the spike
# sorting output. It returns a :code:`SortingComparison` object, with methods
# to inspect the comparison output easily. The comparison matches the
# units by comparing the agreement between unit spike trains.

# Let’s see how to inspect and access this matching.

cmp_KL_MS4 = sc.compare_two_sorters(sorting1=sorting_KL, sorting2=sorting_MS4, 
                                               sorting1_name='klusta', sorting2_name='ms4')

# In order to check which units were matched, the :code:`get_mapped_sorting`
# methods can be used. If units are not matched they are listed as -1.
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# Lets do the same for klusta

sorting_KL = sorters.run_klusta(recording)
cmp_gt_KL = sc.compare_sorter_to_ground_truth(sorting_true, sorting_KL, exhaustive_gt=True)


perf = cmp_gt_KL.get_performance()


# Lets use seaborn swarm plot

fig2, ax2 = plt.subplots()
perf2 = pd.melt(perf, var_name='measurement')
ax2 = sns.swarmplot(data=perf2, x='measurement', y='value', ax=ax2)
ax2.set_xticklabels(labels=ax2.get_xticklabels(), rotation=45)
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sorting_MS4 = ss.run_mountainsort4(recording=recording_cmr, detect_threshold=6)

# Alternatively we can pass full dictionary containing the parameters:

ms4_params = ss.get_default_params('mountainsort4')
ms4_params['detect_threshold'] = 4
ms4_params['curation'] = False

# parameters set by params dictionary
sorting_MS4_2 = ss.run_mountainsort4(recording=recording, **ms4_params)

# Let's run Klusta as well, with default parameters:

sorting_KL = ss.run_klusta(recording=recording_cmr)

# The :code:`sorting_MS4` and :code:`sorting_MS4` are :code:`SortingExtractor` objects. We can print the units found using:

print('Units found by Mountainsort4:', sorting_MS4.get_unit_ids())
print('Units found by Klusta:', sorting_KL.get_unit_ids())

# Once we have paired :code:`RecordingExtractor` and :code:`SortingExtractor` objects we can post-process, validate, and curate the
# results. With the :code:`toolkit.postprocessing` submodule, one can, for example, get waveforms, templates, maximum
# channels, PCA scores, or export the data to Phy. `Phy `_ is a GUI for manual curation of the spike sorting output.
# To export to phy you can run:

st.postprocessing.export_to_phy(recording, sorting_KL, output_folder='phy')
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import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

import spikeinterface.extractors as se
import spikeinterface.sorters as sorters
import spikeinterface.comparison as sc
import spikeinterface.widgets as sw

# First, let's create a toy example:

recording, sorting = se.example_datasets.toy_example(num_channels=4, duration=20, seed=0)

# Then run 3 spike sorters and compare their ouput.

sorting_KL = sorters.run_klusta(recording)
sorting_MS4 = sorters.run_mountainsort4(recording)
sorting_TDC = sorters.run_tridesclous(recording)

# Compare multiple spike sorter outputs
# -------------------------------------------

mcmp = sc.compare_multiple_sorters(sorting_list=[sorting_KL, sorting_MS4, sorting_TDC],
                                   name_list=['KL', 'MS4', 'TDC'], verbose=True)

# The multiple sorters comparison internally computes pairwise comparison,
# that can be accessed as follows:

print(mcmp.comparisons[0].sorting1, mcmp.comparisons[0].sorting2)
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import spikeinterface.extractors as se
import spikeinterface.widgets as sw

# First, let's create a toy example with the `extractors` module:

recording, sorting_true = se.example_datasets.toy_example(duration=10, num_channels=4, seed=0)

# Let's run some spike sorting:

import spikeinterface.sorters as ss

sorting_MS4 = ss.run_mountainsort4(recording)
sorting_KL = ss.run_klusta(recording)

# Widgets using SortingComparison
# ---------------------------------
# We can compare the spike sorting output to the ground-truth sorting :code:`sorting_true` using the
# :code:`comparison` module. :code:`comp_MS4` and :code:`comp_KL` are :code:`SortingComparison` objects

import spikeinterface.comparison as sc

comp_MS4 = sc.compare_sorter_to_ground_truth(sorting_true, sorting_MS4)
comp_KL = sc.compare_sorter_to_ground_truth(sorting_true, sorting_KL)

# plot_confusion_matrix()
# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~