How to use the snakeviz.pstatsloader.PStatsLoader function in snakeviz

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def prof_to_json(prof_name):
    Convert profiles stats in a `pstats` compatible file to a JSON string.

    prof_name : str
        Path to to a `pstats` compatible profile.

    json_stats : str
        Profile as a JSON string.

    loader = pstatsloader.PStatsLoader(prof_name)

    d = _stats_to_tree_dict(loader.tree.children[0])

    return json.dumps(d, indent=1)
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def stats_rows(filename):
    Build a list of StatsRow objects that will be used to make the
    profile stats table beneath the profile visualization.

    filename : str
        Name of profiling output as made by Python's built-in profilers.

    time_fmt = '{0:>12.6g}'

    loader = pstatsloader.PStatsLoader(filename)

    rows = []

    for r in loader.rows.values():
        if isinstance(r, pstatsloader.PStatRow):
            calls_value = r.recursive
            if r.recursive > r.calls:
                calls_str = '{0}/{1}'.format(r.recursive, r.calls)
                calls_str = str(r.calls)
            tottime = r.local
            tottime_str = time_fmt.format(tottime)
            tottime_percall = r.localPer
            tottime_percall_str = time_fmt.format(tottime_percall)
            cumtime = r.cummulative
            cumtime_str = time_fmt.format(cumtime)
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super( PStatLocation, self ).__init__( directory=directory, filename=filename, name='package', tree=tree )
    def filter_children( self ):
        """Filter our children into regular and local children sets"""
        real_children = []
        for child in self.children:
            if == '':
                self.local_children.append( child )
                real_children.append( child )
        self.children = real_children

if __name__ == "__main__":
    import sys
    p = PStatsLoader( sys.argv[1] )
    assert p.tree