How to use smspdu - 5 common examples

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few smspdu examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github facebookarchive / CommunityCellularManager / sms_utilities / sms_utilities / View on Github external
def gen_tpdu(ref, to, fromm, text, empty):
    # See 3GPP TS 23.040 version 11.5.0 Release 11.
    # TP-PID = 40 ==> short message type 0
    # TP-DCS = c3 ==> disable "other message indicator" and discard message
    TPPID = 0x40 if empty else 0
    TPDCS = 0xc3 if empty else 0
    if empty:
        text = ""
    pdu = SMS_DELIVER.create(
        fromm, to, text, tp_pid=TPPID, tp_dcs=TPDCS).toPDU()
    return [pdu]
github facebookarchive / CommunityCellularManager / sms_utilities / sms_utilities / View on Github external
def gen_tpdu(ref, to, text, empty):
    # TP-PID = 40 ==> short message type 0
    # TP-DCS = c3 ==> disable "other message indicator" and discard message
    if empty:
        text = ""
    TPPID = 0x40 if empty else 0
    TPDCS = 0xc3 if empty else 0
    pdu = SMS_SUBMIT.create(None, to, text, tp_pid=TPPID, tp_dcs=TPDCS).toPDU()
    return [pdu]
github facebookarchive / CommunityCellularManager / sms_utilities / sms_utilities / View on Github external
def parse(rp_message):
    rpdu = RPDU.fromPDU(rp_message)
    sms_submit = SMS_SUBMIT.fromPDU(rpdu.user_data, rpdu.rp_originator_address)
    exports = [
        ("vbts_text", sms_submit.user_data),
        ("vbts_tp_user_data", smspdu_charstring_to_hex(sms_submit.tp_ud)),
        ("vbts_tp_data_coding_scheme", sms_submit.tp_dcs),
        ("vbts_tp_protocol_id", sms_submit.tp_pid),
        ("vbts_tp_dest_address", sms_submit.tp_da),
        ("vbts_tp_dest_address_type", sms_submit.tp_toa),
        ("vbts_tp_message_type", sms_submit.tp_mti),
        ("vbts_rp_dest_address", rpdu.rp_destination_address),
        ("vbts_rp_originator_address", rpdu.rp_originator_address),
        ("vbts_rp_originator_address_type", rpdu.rp_originator_address_type),
        ("vbts_rp_message_reference", rpdu.rp_message_reference),
        ("vbts_rp_message_type", rpdu.rp_mti)
    exports = [(x, clean(y)) for (x, y) in exports]
    return exports
github facebookarchive / CommunityCellularManager / client / core / fake_phone / View on Github external
def handle_request(self, message, addr):
        to = message.uri.username
        fromm = sip.parseAddress(message.headers['from'][0])[1].username
        if message.method == 'MESSAGE':
            rpdu = sms_utilities.rpdu.RPDU.fromPDU(message.body)
            sms_deliver = SMS_DELIVER.fromPDU(rpdu.user_data,
            self.sms_h(to, fromm, sms_deliver.user_data)
            r = self.responseFromRequest(200, message)
        elif message.method == 'ACK':
            r = self.responseFromRequest(200, message)
        elif message.method == 'INVITE':
            self.call_h(to, fromm)
            # We don't know how to actually handle calls.
            r = self.responseFromRequest(487, message)
            raise Exception("Received unhandled request")
github facebookarchive / CommunityCellularManager / smspdu / smspdu / View on Github external
def fetch(self):
        s = self.ser.readline()
        self.pdu = SMS_SUBMIT.fromPDU(s)
        return self.pdu


SMS PDU encoding and decoding, including GSM-0338 character set

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