How to use the smartmin.views.SmartUpdateView function in smartmin

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few smartmin examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github nyaruka / smartmin / test_runner / blog / View on Github external

            return items

    class Author(SmartListView):
        fields = ('title', 'tags', 'created_on', 'created_by')
        default_order = ('created_by__username', 'order')

    class Update(SmartUpdateView):
        success_message = "Your blog post has been updated."

    class Create(SmartCreateView):
        submit_button_name = "Create New Post"

    class Exclude(SmartUpdateView):
        exclude = ('tags',)

    class Exclude2(SmartUpdateView):
        form_class = ExcludeForm
        exclude = ('tags',)

    class Readonly(SmartUpdateView):
        readonly = ('tags',)

    class Readonly2(SmartUpdateView):
        form_class = ExcludeForm
        readonly = ('tags',)

    class Messages(SmartListView):
        def pre_process(self, request, *args, **kwargs):
            messages.error(request, "Error Messages")
github nyaruka / smartmin / test_runner / blog / View on Github external
success_message = "Your blog post has been updated."

    class Create(SmartCreateView):
        submit_button_name = "Create New Post"

    class Exclude(SmartUpdateView):
        exclude = ('tags',)

    class Exclude2(SmartUpdateView):
        form_class = ExcludeForm
        exclude = ('tags',)

    class Readonly(SmartUpdateView):
        readonly = ('tags',)

    class Readonly2(SmartUpdateView):
        form_class = ExcludeForm
        readonly = ('tags',)

    class Messages(SmartListView):
        def pre_process(self, request, *args, **kwargs):
            messages.error(request, "Error Messages")
            messages.success(request, "Success Messages")
  , "Info Messages")
            messages.warning(request, "Warning Messages")
            messages.debug(request, "Debug Messages")

    class ByUuid(SmartReadView):
        slug_url_kwarg = 'uuid'

    class Refresh(SmartReadView):
        permission = None
github nyaruka / smartmin / test_runner / blog / View on Github external
default_order = ('created_by__username', 'order')

    class Update(SmartUpdateView):
        success_message = "Your blog post has been updated."

    class Create(SmartCreateView):
        submit_button_name = "Create New Post"

    class Exclude(SmartUpdateView):
        exclude = ('tags',)

    class Exclude2(SmartUpdateView):
        form_class = ExcludeForm
        exclude = ('tags',)

    class Readonly(SmartUpdateView):
        readonly = ('tags',)

    class Readonly2(SmartUpdateView):
        form_class = ExcludeForm
        readonly = ('tags',)

    class Messages(SmartListView):
        def pre_process(self, request, *args, **kwargs):
            messages.error(request, "Error Messages")
            messages.success(request, "Success Messages")
  , "Info Messages")
            messages.warning(request, "Warning Messages")
            messages.debug(request, "Debug Messages")

    class ByUuid(SmartReadView):
        slug_url_kwarg = 'uuid'
github rapidpro / casepro / casepro / cases / View on Github external
form_class = PartnerCreateForm

        def save(self, obj):
            data = self.form.cleaned_data
            org = self.request.user.get_org()
            restricted = data["is_restricted"]
            labels = data["labels"] if restricted else []

            self.object = Partner.create(
                org, data["name"], data["description"], None, restricted, labels, data["logo"]

        def get_success_url(self):
            return reverse("cases.partner_read", args=[])

    class Update(OrgObjPermsMixin, PartnerFormMixin, SmartUpdateView):
        form_class = PartnerUpdateForm
        success_url = "id@cases.partner_read"

        def has_permission(self, request, *args, **kwargs):
            return request.user.can_manage(self.get_object())

    class Read(OrgObjPermsMixin, SmartReadView):
        def get_queryset(self):
            return Partner.get_all(

        def get_context_data(self, **kwargs):
            context = super(PartnerCRUDL.Read, self).get_context_data(**kwargs)

            fields = Field.get_all(, visible=True).order_by("label")

            # angular app requires context data in JSON format
github rapidpro / casepro / casepro / cases / View on Github external
def post(self, request, *args, **kwargs):
            case = self.get_object()
            user = request.user
            user_labels = Label.get_all(, user)

            label_ids = request.json["labels"]
            specified_labels = list(user_labels.filter(pk__in=label_ids))

            # user can't remove labels that they can't see
            unseen_labels = [l for l in case.labels.all() if l not in user_labels]

            case.update_labels(user, specified_labels + unseen_labels)
            return HttpResponse(status=204)

    class UpdateSummary(OrgObjPermsMixin, SmartUpdateView):
        JSON endpoint for updating a case summary

        permission = "cases.case_update"

        def post(self, request, *args, **kwargs):
            case = self.get_object()
            summary = request.json["summary"]
            case.update_summary(request.user, summary)
            return HttpResponse(status=204)

    class Reply(OrgObjPermsMixin, SmartUpdateView):
        JSON endpoint for replying in a case
github rapidpro / casepro / casepro / msgs / View on Github external
return initial

        def save(self, obj):
            data = self.form.cleaned_data
            org =
            name = data["name"]
            description = data["description"]
            tests = self.construct_tests()
            is_synced = data["is_synced"]

            self.object = Label.create(org, name, description, tests, is_synced)

        def get_success_url(self):
            return reverse("msgs.label_read", args=[])

    class Update(RuleFormMixin, OrgObjPermsMixin, SmartUpdateView):
        form_class = LabelForm
        success_url = "id@msgs.label_read"

        def get_form_kwargs(self):
            kwargs = super(LabelCRUDL.Update, self).get_form_kwargs()
            kwargs["org"] =
            kwargs["is_create"] = False
            return kwargs

        def post_save(self, obj):
            obj = super(LabelCRUDL.Update, self).post_save(obj)

            tests = self.construct_tests()

            return obj
github rapidpro / casepro / casepro / cases / View on Github external
class Close(OrgObjPermsMixin, SmartUpdateView):
        JSON endpoint for closing a case

        permission = "cases.case_update"

        def post(self, request, *args, **kwargs):
            case = self.get_object()
            note = request.json.get("note")
            case.close(request.user, note)

            return HttpResponse(status=204)

    class Reopen(OrgObjPermsMixin, SmartUpdateView):
        JSON endpoint for re-opening a case

        permission = "cases.case_update"

        def post(self, request, *args, **kwargs):
            case = self.get_object()
            note = request.json.get("note")

            case.reopen(request.user, note)
            return HttpResponse(status=204)

    class Label(OrgObjPermsMixin, SmartUpdateView):
        JSON endpoint for labelling a case
github nyaruka / smartmin / smartmin / users / View on Github external
            Make sure our groups are up to date
            if 'groups' in self.form.cleaned_data:
                for group in self.form.cleaned_data['groups']:

            # if a new password was set, reset our failed logins
            if 'new_password' in self.form.cleaned_data and self.form.cleaned_data['new_password']:
                PasswordHistory.objects.create(user=obj, password=obj.password)

            return obj

    class Profile(SmartUpdateView):
        form_class = UserProfileForm
        success_message = "User profile saved successfully."
        fields = ('username', 'old_password', 'new_password', 'confirm_new_password',
                  'first_name', 'last_name', 'email')
        field_config = {
            'username': dict(readonly=True, label=_("Username")),
            'old_password': dict(label=_("Password"), help=_("Your password")),
            'new_password': dict(label=_("New Password"), help=_("If you want to set a new password, enter it here")),
            'confirm_new_password': dict(label=_("Confirm New Password"), help=_("Confirm your new password")),

        def post_save(self, obj):
            obj = super(UserCRUDL.Profile, self).post_save(obj)
            if 'new_password' in self.form.cleaned_data and self.form.cleaned_data['new_password']:
                PasswordHistory.objects.create(user=obj, password=obj.password)
github rapidpro / casepro / casepro / msgs / View on Github external
return FAQ.get_all(

        def get_context_data(self, **kwargs):
            context = super(FaqCRUDL.Read, self).get_context_data(**kwargs)
            edit_button_url = reverse("msgs.faq_update", args=[])
            context["context_data_json"] = {"faq": self.object.as_json()}
            context["edit_button_url"] = edit_button_url
            context["can_delete"] = True

            labels = []
            for label in self.object.labels.all():
            context["labels"] = ", ".join(labels)
            return context

    class Update(OrgPermsMixin, SmartUpdateView):
        form_class = FaqForm

        def get_form_kwargs(self):
            kwargs = super(FaqCRUDL.Update, self).get_form_kwargs()
            # Get the data for post requests that didn't come through a form
            if self.request.method == "POST" and not self.request.POST and hasattr(self.request, "json"):
                kwargs["data"] = self.request.json
            kwargs["org"] =
            return kwargs

        def derive_initial(self):
            initial = super(FaqCRUDL.Update, self).derive_initial()
            initial["labels"] = self.object.labels.all()
            return initial

        def derive_fields(self):
github nyaruka / smartmin / smartmin / users / View on Github external
def has_permission(self, request, *args, **kwargs):
            return request.user.is_authenticated

        def get_object(self, queryset=None):
            return self.request.user

        def post_save(self, obj):
            obj = super(UserCRUDL.Newpassword, self).post_save(obj)
            PasswordHistory.objects.create(user=obj, password=obj.password)
            return obj

        def get_success_url(self):
            return settings.LOGIN_REDIRECT_URL

    class Mimic(SmartUpdateView):
        fields = ('id',)

        def derive_success_message(self):
            return _("You are now logged in as %s") % self.object.username

        def pre_process(self, request, *args, **kwargs):
            user = self.get_object()


            # After logging in it is important to change the user stored in the session
            # otherwise the user will remain the same
            request.session[auth.SESSION_KEY] =
            request.session[auth.HASH_SESSION_KEY] = user.get_session_auth_hash()

            return HttpResponseRedirect(settings.LOGIN_REDIRECT_URL)