How to use the slackeventsapi.server.SlackEventAdapterException function in slackeventsapi

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if request.method == 'GET':
                return make_response("These are not the slackbots you're looking for.", 404)

            # Each request comes with request timestamp and request signature
            # emit an error if the timestamp is out of range
            req_timestamp = request.headers.get('X-Slack-Request-Timestamp')
            if abs(time() - int(req_timestamp)) > 60 * 5:
                slack_exception = SlackEventAdapterException('Invalid request timestamp')
                self.emitter.emit('error', slack_exception)
                return make_response("", 403)

            # Verify the request signature using the app's signing secret
            # emit an error if the signature can't be verified
            req_signature = request.headers.get('X-Slack-Signature')
            if not self.verify_signature(req_timestamp, req_signature):
                slack_exception = SlackEventAdapterException('Invalid request signature')
                self.emitter.emit('error', slack_exception)
                return make_response("", 403)

            # Parse the request payload into JSON
            event_data = json.loads('utf-8'))

            # Echo the URL verification challenge code back to Slack
            if "challenge" in event_data:
                return make_response(
                    event_data.get("challenge"), 200, {"content_type": "application/json"}

            # Parse the Event payload and emit the event to the event listener
            if "event" in event_data:
                event_type = event_data["event"]["type"]
                self.emitter.emit(event_type, event_data)
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def event():
            # If a GET request is made, return 404.
            if request.method == 'GET':
                return make_response("These are not the slackbots you're looking for.", 404)

            # Each request comes with request timestamp and request signature
            # emit an error if the timestamp is out of range
            req_timestamp = request.headers.get('X-Slack-Request-Timestamp')
            if abs(time() - int(req_timestamp)) > 60 * 5:
                slack_exception = SlackEventAdapterException('Invalid request timestamp')
                self.emitter.emit('error', slack_exception)
                return make_response("", 403)

            # Verify the request signature using the app's signing secret
            # emit an error if the signature can't be verified
            req_signature = request.headers.get('X-Slack-Signature')
            if not self.verify_signature(req_timestamp, req_signature):
                slack_exception = SlackEventAdapterException('Invalid request signature')
                self.emitter.emit('error', slack_exception)
                return make_response("", 403)

            # Parse the request payload into JSON
            event_data = json.loads('utf-8'))

            # Echo the URL verification challenge code back to Slack
            if "challenge" in event_data:
github slackapi / python-slack-events-api / slackeventsapi / View on Github external
def __init__(self, msg=None):
        if msg is None:
            # default error message
            msg = "An error occurred in the SlackEventsApiAdapter library"
        super(SlackEventAdapterException, self).__init__(msg)


Python Slack Events API adapter for Flask

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