How to use the sigpy.Device function in sigpy

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few sigpy examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github mikgroup / sigpy / sigpy / learn / View on Github external
def _get_params(self):
        self.device = sp.Device(self.device)
        self.dtype = self.y.dtype
        self.data_ndim = self.y.ndim - self.multi_channel - 1
        if self.checkpoint_path is not None:
            self.checkpoint_path = pathlib.Path(self.checkpoint_path)
            self.checkpoint_path.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)

        self.batch_size = min(len(self.y), self.batch_size)
        self.num_batches = len(self.y) // self.batch_size

        self.L_shape = [self.num_filters] + [self.filt_width] * self.data_ndim
        if self.multi_channel:
            self.L_shape = [self.y.shape[1]] + self.L_shape

        if self.mode == 'full':
            self.R_t_shape = [self.batch_size, self.num_filters] + [i - self.filt_width + 1
                                                                    for i in self.y.shape[-self.data_ndim:]]
github mikgroup / sigpy / tests / mri / rf / View on Github external
def check_linop_adjoint(A, dtype=np.float, device=sp.cpu_device):

    device = sp.Device(device)
    x = sp.randn(A.ishape, dtype=dtype, device=device)
    y = sp.randn(A.oshape, dtype=dtype, device=device)

    xp = device.xp
    with device:
        lhs = xp.vdot(A * x, y)
        rhs = xp.vdot(x, A.H * y)

        xp.testing.assert_allclose(lhs, rhs, atol=1e-5, rtol=1e-5)
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def check_linop_adjoint(A, dtype=np.float, device=sp.cpu_device):

    device = sp.Device(device)
    x = sp.randn(A.ishape, dtype=dtype, device=device)
    y = sp.randn(A.oshape, dtype=dtype, device=device)

    xp = device.xp
    with device:
        lhs = xp.vdot(A * x, y)
        rhs = xp.vdot(x, A.H * y)

        xp.testing.assert_allclose(lhs, rhs, atol=1e-5, rtol=1e-5)
github mikgroup / sigpy / sigpy / mri / View on Github external
Martin Uecker, Peng Lai, Mark J. Murphy, Patrick Virtue, Michael Elad,
        John M. Pauly, Shreyas S. Vasanawala, and Michael Lustig
        ESPIRIT - An Eigenvalue Approach to Autocalibrating Parallel MRI:
        Where SENSE meets GRAPPA.
        Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, 71:990-1001 (2014)

    img_ndim = ksp.ndim - 1
    num_coils = len(ksp)
    with sp.get_device(ksp):
        # Get calibration region
        calib_shape = [num_coils] + [calib_width] * img_ndim
        calib = sp.resize(ksp, calib_shape)
        calib = sp.to_device(calib, device)

    device = sp.Device(device)
    xp = device.xp
    with device:
        # Get calibration matrix
        kernel_shape = [num_coils] + [kernel_width] * img_ndim
        kernel_strides = [1] * (img_ndim + 1)
        mat = sp.array_to_blocks(calib, kernel_shape, kernel_strides)
        mat = mat.reshape([-1,])

        # Perform SVD on calibration matrix
        _, S, VH = xp.linalg.svd(mat, full_matrices=False)
        VH = VH[S > thresh * S.max(), :]

        # Get kernels
        num_kernels = len(VH)
        kernels = VH.reshape([num_kernels] + kernel_shape)
        img_shape = ksp.shape[1:]
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        mps (array): sensitivity maps of shape [num_coils] + image shape.
        weights (array): k-space weights.
        coord (array): k-space coordinates of shape [...] + [ndim].
        lamda (float): regularization.

        array: k-space preconditioner of same shape as k-space.

    dtype = mps.dtype

    if weights is not None:
        weights = sp.to_device(weights, device)

    device = sp.Device(device)
    xp = device.xp

    mps_shape = list(mps.shape)
    img_shape = mps_shape[1:]
    img2_shape = [i * 2 for i in img_shape]
    ndim = len(img_shape)

    scale =**1.5 /
    with device:
        if coord is None:
            idx = (slice(None, None, 2), ) * ndim

            ones = xp.zeros(img2_shape, dtype=dtype)
            if weights is None:
                ones[idx] = 1
github mikgroup / sigpy / sigpy / learn / View on Github external
def _get_params(self):
        self.device = sp.Device(self.device)
        self.dtype = self.y.dtype
        self.num_data = len(self.y)
        self.filt_width = self.L.shape[-1]
        self.num_filters = self.L.shape[self.multi_channel]
        self.data_ndim = self.y.ndim - self.multi_channel - 1

        if self.mode == 'full':
            self.R_shape = [self.num_data, self.num_filters] + [i - self.filt_width + 1
                                                                for i in self.y.shape[-self.data_ndim:]]
            self.R_shape = [self.num_data, self.num_filters] + [i + self.filt_width - 1
                                                                for i in self.y.shape[-self.data_ndim:]]
github mikgroup / sigpy / sigpy / mri / View on Github external
def __init__(self, y,
                 mps_ker_width=16, ksp_calib_width=24,
                 lamda=0, device=sp.cpu_device, comm=None,
                 weights=None, coord=None, max_iter=10,
                 max_inner_iter=10, normalize=True, show_pbar=True):
        self.y = y
        self.mps_ker_width = mps_ker_width
        self.ksp_calib_width = ksp_calib_width
        self.lamda = lamda
        self.weights = weights
        self.coord = coord
        self.max_iter = max_iter
        self.max_inner_iter = max_inner_iter
        self.normalize = normalize

        self.device = sp.Device(device)
        self.comm = comm
        self.dtype = y.dtype
        self.num_coils = len(y)
        if comm is not None:
            show_pbar = show_pbar and comm.rank == 0

        super().__init__(self.alg, show_pbar=show_pbar)
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def use_device(self, device):
        self.device = sp.Device(device)