How to use the signxml.methods.enveloped function in signxml

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few signxml examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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def assinar(self, xml, retorna_string=False):
        # busca tag que tem id(reference_uri), logo nao importa se tem namespace
        reference = xml.find(".//*[@Id]").attrib['Id']

        # retira acentos
        xml_str = remover_acentos(etree.tostring(xml, encoding="unicode", pretty_print=False))
        xml = etree.fromstring(xml_str)

        signer = XMLSigner(
            method=signxml.methods.enveloped, signature_algorithm="rsa-sha1",

        ns = {None: signer.namespaces['ds']}
        signer.namespaces = ns

        ref_uri = ('#%s' % reference) if reference else None
        signed_root = signer.sign(
            xml, key=self.key, cert=self.cert, reference_uri=ref_uri)

        ns = {'ns': NAMESPACE_SIG}
        # coloca o certificado na tag X509Data/X509Certificate
        tagX509Data = signed_root.find('.//ns:X509Data', namespaces=ns)
        etree.SubElement(tagX509Data, 'X509Certificate').text = self.cert
        if retorna_string:
            return etree.tostring(signed_root, encoding="unicode", pretty_print=False)


Python XML Signature and XAdES library

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