How to use the sgqlc.types.__init__.Scalar function in sgqlc

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# previous versions allowed Python name as dict keys
                    v = value[]
                except KeyError:  # pragma: no cover

            vs = f.type.__to_graphql_input__(v, indent, indent_string)
            args.append('%s: %s' % (f.graphql_name, vs))

        return '{' + ', '.join(args) + '}'

# Built-in types

class Int(Scalar):
    '''Maps GraphQL ``Int`` to Python ``int``.

    >>> Int # or repr()
    scalar Int
    >>> str(Int)
    >>> bytes(Int)
    b'scalar Int'

    converter = int

class Float(Scalar):
    'Maps GraphQL ``Float`` to Python ``float``.'
    converter = float
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scalar Int
    >>> str(Int)
    >>> bytes(Int)
    b'scalar Int'

    converter = int

class Float(Scalar):
    'Maps GraphQL ``Float`` to Python ``float``.'
    converter = float

class String(Scalar):
    'Maps GraphQL ``String`` to Python ``str``.'
    converter = str

class Boolean(Scalar):
    'Maps GraphQL ``Boolean`` to Python ``bool``.'
    converter = bool

class ID(Scalar):
    'Maps GraphQL ``ID`` to Python ``str``.'
    converter = str

class UnknownType(Type):
    'Type found in the response that was not present in schema'
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class Float(Scalar):
    'Maps GraphQL ``Float`` to Python ``float``.'
    converter = float

class String(Scalar):
    'Maps GraphQL ``String`` to Python ``str``.'
    converter = str

class Boolean(Scalar):
    'Maps GraphQL ``Boolean`` to Python ``bool``.'
    converter = bool

class ID(Scalar):
    'Maps GraphQL ``ID`` to Python ``str``.'
    converter = str

class UnknownType(Type):
    'Type found in the response that was not present in schema'
    __auto_register = False  # do not expose this in Schema, just subclasses

map_python_to_graphql = {
    int: Int,
    float: Float,
    str: String,
    bool: Boolean,
    id: ID,
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    converter = int

class Float(Scalar):
    'Maps GraphQL ``Float`` to Python ``float``.'
    converter = float

class String(Scalar):
    'Maps GraphQL ``String`` to Python ``str``.'
    converter = str

class Boolean(Scalar):
    'Maps GraphQL ``Boolean`` to Python ``bool``.'
    converter = bool

class ID(Scalar):
    'Maps GraphQL ``ID`` to Python ``str``.'
    converter = str

class UnknownType(Type):
    'Type found in the response that was not present in schema'
    __auto_register = False  # do not expose this in Schema, just subclasses

map_python_to_graphql = {
    int: Int,
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class Int(Scalar):
    '''Maps GraphQL ``Int`` to Python ``int``.

    >>> Int # or repr()
    scalar Int
    >>> str(Int)
    >>> bytes(Int)
    b'scalar Int'

    converter = int

class Float(Scalar):
    'Maps GraphQL ``Float`` to Python ``float``.'
    converter = float

class String(Scalar):
    'Maps GraphQL ``String`` to Python ``str``.'
    converter = str

class Boolean(Scalar):
    'Maps GraphQL ``Boolean`` to Python ``bool``.'
    converter = bool

class ID(Scalar):
    'Maps GraphQL ``ID`` to Python ``str``.'