How to use the schnetpack.Properties.Z function in schnetpack

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        predicted = {}
        for batch in self.dataloader:
            # build batch for prediction
            batch = {k: for k, v in batch.items()}
            # predict
            result = self.model(batch)
            # store prediction batches to dict
            for p in result.keys():
                value = result[p].cpu().detach().numpy()
                if p in predicted.keys():
                    predicted[p] = [value]
            # store positions, numbers and mask to dict
            for p in [Properties.R, Properties.Z, Properties.atom_mask]:
                value = batch[p].cpu().detach().numpy()
                if p in predicted.keys():
                    predicted[p] = [value]

        max_shapes = {
            prop: max([list(val.shape) for val in values])
            for prop, values in predicted.items()
        for prop, values in predicted.items():
            max_shape = max_shapes[prop]
            predicted[prop] = np.vstack(
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def forward(self, inputs):
        predicts atomwise property
        atomic_numbers = inputs[Properties.Z]
        atom_mask = inputs[Properties.atom_mask]

        # run prediction
        yi = self.out_net(inputs)
        yi = self.standardize(yi)

        if self.atomref is not None:
            y0 = self.atomref(atomic_numbers)
            yi = yi + y0

        y = self.atom_pool(yi, atom_mask)

        # collect results
        result = { y}

        if self.contributions:
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def forward(self, inputs):
        """Compute atomic representations/embeddings.

            inputs (dict of torch.Tensor): SchNetPack dictionary of input tensors.

            torch.Tensor: atom-wise representation.
            list of torch.Tensor: intermediate atom-wise representations, if
            return_intermediate=True was used.

        # get tensors from input dictionary
        atomic_numbers = inputs[Properties.Z]
        positions = inputs[Properties.R]
        cell = inputs[Properties.cell]
        cell_offset = inputs[Properties.cell_offset]
        neighbors = inputs[Properties.neighbors]
        neighbor_mask = inputs[Properties.neighbor_mask]
        atom_mask = inputs[Properties.atom_mask]

        # get atom embeddings for the input atomic numbers
        x = self.embedding(atomic_numbers)

        if False and self.charged_systems and Properties.charge in inputs.keys():
            n_atoms = torch.sum(atom_mask, dim=1, keepdim=True)
            charge = inputs[Properties.charge] / n_atoms  # B
            charge = charge[:, None] * self.charge  # B x F
            x = x + charge
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def forward(self, inputs):
            inputs (dict of torch.Tensor): SchNetPack format dictionary of input tensors.

            torch.Tensor: Output of the gated network.
        # At this point, inputs should be the general schnetpack container
        atomic_numbers = inputs[Properties.Z]
        representation = inputs["representation"]
        gated_network = self.gate(atomic_numbers) *
        return torch.sum(gated_network, -1, keepdim=True)
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def get_properties(self, idx):
        _idx = self._subset_index(idx)
        with connect(self.dbpath) as conn:
            row = conn.get(_idx + 1)
        at = row.toatoms()

        # extract/calculate structure
        properties = {}
        properties[Properties.Z] = torch.LongTensor(at.numbers.astype(
        positions = at.positions.astype(np.float32)
        positions -= at.get_center_of_mass()  # center positions
        properties[Properties.R] = torch.FloatTensor(positions)
        properties[Properties.cell] = torch.FloatTensor(at.cell.astype(np.float32))

        # recover connectivity matrix from compressed format
        con_mat = self.connectivity_compressor.decompress(['con_mat'])
        # save in dictionary
        properties['_con_mat'] = torch.FloatTensor(con_mat.astype(np.float32))

        # extract pre-computed distances (if they exist)
        if 'dists' in
            properties['dists'] =['dists']

        # get atom environment
        nbh_idx, offsets = self.environment_provider.get_environment(at)
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replica_idx (int): Replica of the molecule to extract (e.g. for ring polymer molecular dynamics). If
                               replica_idx is set to None (default), the centroid is returned if multiple replicas are
            atomistic (bool): Whether the property is atomistic (e.g. forces) or defined for the whole molecule
                              (e.g. energies, dipole moments). If set to True, the array is masked according to the
                               number of atoms for the requested molecule to counteract potential zero-padding.

            np.array: N_steps x [ property dimensions... ] array containing the requested property collected during the

        # Special case for atom types
        if property_name == Properties.Z:

        # Check whether property is present
        if property_name not in
            raise HDF5LoaderError(f"Property {property_name} not found in database.")

        # Mask by number of atoms if property is declared atomistic
        if atomistic:
            n_atoms = self.n_atoms[mol_idx]
            target_property =[property_name][
                :, :, mol_idx, :n_atoms, ...
            target_property =[property_name][:, :, mol_idx, ...]

        # Compute the centroid unless requested otherwise
        if replica_idx is None:
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for prop, val in properties.items():
            shape = val.size()
            s = (k,) + tuple([slice(0, d) for d in shape])
            batch[prop][s] = val

        # add mask
        if not has_neighbor_mask:
            nbh = properties[Properties.neighbors]
            shape = nbh.size()
            s = (k,) + tuple([slice(0, d) for d in shape])
            mask = nbh >= 0
            batch[Properties.neighbor_mask][s] = mask
            batch[Properties.neighbors][s] = nbh * mask.long()

        if not has_atom_mask:
            z = properties[Properties.Z]
            shape = z.size()
            s = (k,) + tuple([slice(0, d) for d in shape])
            batch[Properties.atom_mask][s] = z > 0

        # Check if neighbor pair indices are present
        # Since the structure of both idx_j and idx_k is identical
        # (not the values), only one cutoff mask has to be generated
        if Properties.neighbor_pairs_j in properties:
            nbh_idx_j = properties[Properties.neighbor_pairs_j]
            shape = nbh_idx_j.size()
            s = (k,) + tuple([slice(0, d) for d in shape])
            batch[Properties.neighbor_pairs_mask][s] = nbh_idx_j >= 0

    return batch
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        mol_dict (dict of torch.Tensor): dict containing the atom positions
            ('_positions') ordered by distance to the center of mass of the molecule,
            the atomic numbers ('_atomic_numbers'), the connectivity matrix
            ('_con_mat'), and, optionally, the precomputed distances ('dists')
        seed (int, optional): a seed for the random selection of the focus at each
            step (default: None)

    # set seed
    if seed is not None:
        old_state = torch.get_rng_state()

    # extract positions, atomic numbers, and connectivity matrix
    numbers = mol_dict[Properties.Z]
    n_atoms = len(numbers)
    con_mat = (mol_dict['_con_mat'] > 0).float()

    current = [-1]  # in the first step, none of the atoms is focused
    order = [0]  # the new ordering always starts with the first atom (closest to com)
    pred_types = [numbers[0]]  # the first predicted type is that of the first atom

    # start from first atom and traverse molecular graph (choosing the focus randomly)
    con_mat[:, 0] = 0  # mark first atom as placed by removing its bonds
    avail = torch.zeros(n_atoms).float()  # list with atoms available as focus
    avail[0] = 1.  # first atom is available
    i = 1
    while torch.sum(con_mat > 0) or (torch.sum(avail) > 0):
        # take random current focus
        cur_i = torch.multinomial(avail, 1)[0]
        current += [cur_i]
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mol_idx (int): Index of the molecule to extract, by default uses the first molecule (mol_idx=0)
            replica_idx (int): Replica of the molecule to extract (e.g. for ring polymer molecular dynamics). If
                               replica_idx is set to None (default), the centroid is returned if multiple replicas are
            atomistic (bool): Whether the property is atomistic (e.g. forces) or defined for the whole molecule
                              (e.g. energies, dipole moments). If set to True, the array is masked according to the
                               number of atoms for the requested molecule to counteract potential zero-padding.

            np.array: N_steps x property dimensions array containing the requested property collected during the simulation.

        # Special case for atom types
        if property_name == Properties.Z:

        # Check whether property is present
        if property_name not in
            raise HDF5LoaderError(f"Property {property_name} not found in database.")

        # Mask by number of atoms if property is declared atomistic
        if atomistic:
            n_atoms = self.n_atoms[mol_idx]
            target_property =[property_name][
                :, :, mol_idx, :n_atoms, ...
            target_property =[property_name][:, :, mol_idx, ...]

        # Compute the centroid unless requested otherwise
        if replica_idx is None:
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def evaluate(self, device):
        predicted = self._get_predicted(device)
        positions = predicted.pop(Properties.R)
        atomic_numbers = predicted.pop(Properties.Z)
        atom_masks = predicted.pop(Properties.atom_mask).astype(bool)
        with connect(self.out_file) as conn:
            for i, mask in enumerate(atom_masks):
                z = atomic_numbers[i, mask]
                r = positions[i, mask]
                ats = Atoms(numbers=z, positions=r)
                data = {
                    prop: self._unpad(mask, values[i])
                    for prop, values in predicted.items()
                conn.write(ats, data=data)