How to use the schemathesis.models.Case function in schemathesis

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few schemathesis examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github kiwicom / schemathesis / test / View on Github external
def test_as_strategy(swagger_20):
    endpoint = swagger_20["/v1/users"]["GET"]
    strategy = endpoint.as_strategy()
    assert isinstance(strategy, st.SearchStrategy)
    assert strategy.example() == Case(endpoint)
github kiwicom / schemathesis / test / cli / output / View on Github external
def test_display_errors(swagger_20, capsys, results_set):
    # Given two test results - success and error
    endpoint = models.Endpoint("/api/error", "GET", {}, swagger_20)
    error = models.TestResult(endpoint, seed=123)
    error.add_error(ConnectionError("Connection refused!"), models.Case(endpoint, query={"a": 1}))
    # When the errors are displayed
    out = capsys.readouterr().out.strip()
    # Then section title is displayed
    assert " ERRORS " in out
    # And endpoint with an error is displayed as a subsection
    assert " GET: /api/error " in out
    # And the error itself is displayed
    assert "ConnectionError: Connection refused!" in out
    # And the example is displayed
    assert "Query           : {'a': 1}" in out
    assert "Or add this option to your command line parameters: --hypothesis-seed=123" in out
github kiwicom / schemathesis / test / cli / output / View on Github external
    "attribute, expected", ((models.Case.__attrs_attrs__[3], "Cookies"), (models.Case.__attrs_attrs__[4], "Query"))
def test_make_verbose_name(attribute, expected):
    assert default.make_verbose_name(attribute) == expected
github kiwicom / schemathesis / test / View on Github external
        (Case(ENDPOINT, body={"test": 1}), "requests.get('', json={'test': 1})"),
        (Case(ENDPOINT), "requests.get('')"),
        (Case(ENDPOINT, query={"a": 1}), "requests.get('', params={'a': 1})"),
def test_get_code_to_reproduce(case, expected):
    assert case.get_code_to_reproduce() == expected
github kiwicom / schemathesis / test / View on Github external
        (Case(ENDPOINT, query={"a": 1}), "requests.get('', params={'a': 1})"),
def test_get_code_to_reproduce(case, expected):
    assert case.get_code_to_reproduce() == expected
github kiwicom / schemathesis / test / View on Github external
def test_call(override, base_url, swagger_20):
    endpoint = Endpoint("/api/success", "GET", {}, swagger_20)
    kwargs = {"endpoint": endpoint}
    if override:
        case = Case(**kwargs)
        response =
        case = Case(**kwargs)
        endpoint.base_url = base_url
        response =
    assert response.status_code == 200
    assert response.json() == {"success": True}
    with pytest.warns(None) as records:
        del response
    assert not records