How to use the scandir.Dirent function in scandir

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few scandir examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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"""Like os.listdir(), but yield DirEntry objects instead of returning
            a list of names.
            if isinstance(path, bytes):
                opendir_path = path
                is_bytes = True
                opendir_path = path.encode(file_system_encoding)
                is_bytes = False
            dir_p = opendir(opendir_path)
            if not dir_p:
                raise posix_error(path)
                result = Dirent_p()
                while True:
                    entry = Dirent()
                    if readdir_r(dir_p, entry, result):
                        raise posix_error(path)
                    if not result:
                    name = entry.d_name
                    if name not in (b'.', b'..'):
                        if not is_bytes:
                            name = name.decode(file_system_encoding)
                        yield PosixDirEntry(path, name, entry.d_type, entry.d_ino)
                if closedir(dir_p):
                    raise posix_error(path)
github benhoyt / scandir / View on Github external
                _fields_ = (
                    ('d_ino', ctypes.c_uint32),  # must be uint32, not ulong
                    ('d_reclen', ctypes.c_ushort),
                    ('d_type', ctypes.c_byte),
                    ('d_namlen', ctypes.c_byte),
                    ('d_name', ctypes.c_char * 256),

        DT_UNKNOWN = 0
        DT_DIR = 4
        DT_REG = 8
        DT_LNK = 10

        Dirent_p = ctypes.POINTER(Dirent)
        Dirent_pp = ctypes.POINTER(Dirent_p)

        libc = ctypes.CDLL(ctypes.util.find_library('c'), use_errno=True)
        opendir = libc.opendir
        opendir.argtypes = [ctypes.c_char_p]
        opendir.restype = DIR_p

        readdir_r = libc.readdir_r
        readdir_r.argtypes = [DIR_p, Dirent_p, Dirent_pp]
        readdir_r.restype = ctypes.c_int

        closedir = libc.closedir
        closedir.argtypes = [DIR_p]
        closedir.restype = ctypes.c_int

        file_system_encoding = sys.getfilesystemencoding()
github benhoyt / scandir / View on Github external
            _fields_ = (
                ('d_ino', ctypes.c_uint32),  # must be uint32, not ulong
                ('d_reclen', ctypes.c_ushort),
                ('d_type', ctypes.c_byte),
                ('d_namlen', ctypes.c_byte),
                ('d_name', ctypes.c_char * 256),

    DT_UNKNOWN = 0
    DT_DIR = 4
    DT_REG = 8
    DT_LNK = 10

    Dirent_p = ctypes.POINTER(Dirent)
    Dirent_pp = ctypes.POINTER(Dirent_p)

    libc = ctypes.CDLL(ctypes.util.find_library('c'), use_errno=True)
    opendir = libc.opendir
    opendir.argtypes = [ctypes.c_char_p]
    opendir.restype = DIR_p

    readdir_r = libc.readdir_r
    readdir_r.argtypes = [DIR_p, Dirent_p, Dirent_pp]
    readdir_r.restype = ctypes.c_int

    closedir = libc.closedir
    closedir.argtypes = [DIR_p]
    closedir.restype = ctypes.c_int

    file_system_encoding = sys.getfilesystemencoding()
github benhoyt / scandir / View on Github external
def scandir(path='.'):
        """Like os.listdir(), but yield DirEntry objects instead of returning
        a list of names.
        dir_p = opendir(path.encode(file_system_encoding))
        if not dir_p:
            raise posix_error(path)
            result = Dirent_p()
            while True:
                entry = Dirent()
                if readdir_r(dir_p, entry, result):
                    raise posix_error(path)
                if not result:
                name = entry.d_name.decode(file_system_encoding)
                if name not in ('.', '..'):
                    yield PosixDirEntry(path, name, entry.d_type)
            if closedir(dir_p):
                raise posix_error(path)