How to use the rospkg.get_ros_paths function in rospkg

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few rospkg examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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def from_package(pkg, env=None):
        Initialize WtfContext from package name.

        @param pkg: package name
        @type  pkg: str
        @raise WtfException: if context state cannot be initialized
        if env is None:
            env = os.environ

        ctx = WtfContext()
        ctx.rospack = rospkg.RosPack(rospkg.get_ros_paths(env))
        ctx.rosstack = rospkg.RosStack(rospkg.get_ros_paths(env))
        _load_pkg(ctx, pkg)
        stack = ctx.rospack.stack_of(pkg)
        if stack:
            _load_stack(ctx, stack)
        _load_env(ctx, env)
        return ctx
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        @type  roslaunch_file: str
        if env is None:
            env = os.environ

        # can't go any further if launch file doesn't validate
        l, c = roslaunch.XmlLoader(), roslaunch.ROSLaunchConfig()
        for f in roslaunch_files:
                l.load(f, c, verbose=False) 
            except roslaunch.RLException as e:
                raise WtfException("Unable to load roslaunch file [%s]: %s"%(f, str(e)))

        ctx = WtfContext()
        ctx.rospack = rospkg.RosPack(rospkg.get_ros_paths(env))
        ctx.rosstack = rospkg.RosStack(rospkg.get_ros_paths(env))

        ctx.launch_files = roslaunch_files
        _load_roslaunch(ctx, roslaunch_files)
        # ctx.pkg and ctx.stack initialized by _load_roslaunch
        _load_pkg(ctx, ctx.pkg)
        if ctx.stack:
            _load_stack(ctx, ctx.stack)        
        _load_env(ctx, env)
        return ctx
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def expand_to_packages(names, env=None):
    Expand names into a list of packages. Names can either be of packages or stacks.

    @param names: names of stacks or packages
    @type  names: [str]
    @return: ([packages], [not_found]). expand_packages() returns two
    lists. The first is of packages names. The second is a list of
    names for which no matching stack or package was found. Lists may have duplicates.
    @rtype: ([str], [str])
    if env is None:
        env = os.environ
    ros_paths = rospkg.get_ros_paths(env)
    rospack = rospkg.RosPack(ros_paths)
    rosstack = rospkg.RosStack(ros_paths)
    return rospkg.expand_to_packages(names, rospack, rosstack)
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def create_local_process_args(node, machine, env=None):
    Subroutine for creating node arguments.

    :param env: override os.environ.  Warning, this does not override
      substitution args in node configuration (for now), ``dict``
    :returns: arguments for node process, ``[str]``
    :raises: :exc:`NodeParamsException` If args cannot be constructed for Node
      as specified (e.g. the node type does not exist)
    global _rospack
    if not
        raise ValueError("node name must be defined")
    # create rospack instance if no cached value is available or for custom environments
    if not _rospack or env is not None:
        rospack = rospkg.RosPack(rospkg.get_ros_paths(env=env))
        # cache rospack instance for default environment
        if env is None:
            _rospack = rospack
        rospack = _rospack
    # - Construct rosrun command
    remap_args = ["%s:=%s"%(src,dst) for src, dst in node.remap_args]
    resolve_dict = {}

    #resolve args evaluates substitution commands
    #shlex parses a command string into a list of args
    # - for the local process args, we *do* resolve the anon tag so that the user can execute
    # - the node name and args must be resolved together in case the args refer to the anon node name
    (node_name) = substitution_args.resolve_args((, context=resolve_dict, resolve_anon=True) = node_name
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def _init_rosstack(env=None):
    global _rosstack, _ros_paths
    if env is None:
        env = os.environ
    ros_paths = rospkg.get_ros_paths(env)
    if ros_paths != _ros_paths:
        _ros_paths = ros_paths
        _rosstack = rospkg.RosStack(ros_paths)
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def from_stack(stack, env=None):
        Initialize WtfContext from stack.
        @param stack: stack name
        @type  stack: str
        @raise WtfException: if context state cannot be initialized
        if env is None:
            env = os.environ

        ctx = WtfContext()
        ctx.rospack = rospkg.RosPack(rospkg.get_ros_paths(env))
        ctx.rosstack = rospkg.RosStack(rospkg.get_ros_paths(env))

        _load_stack(ctx, stack)
            ctx.pkgs = ctx.rosstack.packages_of(stack)
        except rospkg.ResourceNotFound:
            # this should be handled elsewhere
            ctx.pkgs = []
        _load_env(ctx, env)
        return ctx
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def from_package(pkg, env=None):
        Initialize WtfContext from package name.

        @param pkg: package name
        @type  pkg: str
        @raise WtfException: if context state cannot be initialized
        if env is None:
            env = os.environ

        ctx = WtfContext()
        ctx.rospack = rospkg.RosPack(rospkg.get_ros_paths(env))
        ctx.rosstack = rospkg.RosStack(rospkg.get_ros_paths(env))
        _load_pkg(ctx, pkg)
        stack = ctx.rospack.stack_of(pkg)
        if stack:
            _load_stack(ctx, stack)
        _load_env(ctx, env)
        return ctx